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[#] Tue Dec 17 2013 04:43:00 EST from the_mgt

Subject: Wanted: Open Source Cloud

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Three of my clients have been asking me for a while now, if it was possible to "give some people access to the local nas", via their dsl.

I think that is beyond stupid for several reasons, so I try to propose a dedicated server with some open source cloud software, hence I am asking for your advice.

  • The clients all know each other, they have their offices in the same building, they already share printers and meeting rooms.
  • All of them need to share stuff for inhouse employees who work on building sites, etc.
  • All of them need to share lots of 50-100mb pdfs with sub contractors. (They are architects and need to share building plans)
  • Some of them need to share stuff with partner companies.
  • Most of the files are project related.

The software should be easy to use and one of their more tech savvy employees should be able to operate it, set permissions, create project based shares, etc. It should be a bit like dropbox, some things should be accessible without authorization, some things should be locked by passwords.

Any thoughts or hints?

[#] Tue Dec 17 2013 13:23:16 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Wanted: Open Source Cloud

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As you are probably expecting the next 100 answers to be "OwnCloud" please identify why that's not a solution?

[#] Tue Dec 17 2013 13:50:25 EST from the_mgt

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Just wanted to know if there were any alternatives to check out, wether I should have a look into OpenNebula or OpenStack or some such thing.

Or if anyone could tell me about hosted solutions. OwnCloud is high up on the list, since there are apps for every major mobile OS.

[#] Wed Dec 18 2013 10:13:31 EST from fleeb

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At my previous job, we used Google extensively.

They provide storage, email, a very nice way to collaberate on writing documents that can be turned into PDFs, and so on. You can choose to share what you want from the storage.

But it isn't open-source. Well, their APIs are open source, but their technology itself isn't. If you can't get to the internet, you can't use them. But if you're talking about cloud solutions, you're already going to need constant access to the internet, so that shouldn't be a problem.

[#] Mon Jan 20 2014 07:01:37 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Stuck on a moronic phone call and looking for something to keep me awake, I just perused the entirety of this blog:

A lovely and scenic tour of establishments in buildings that used to be Pizza Huts. The iconic roof humps and trapezoidal windows truly are magnificent accomplishments of architecture.

[#] Tue Jan 21 2014 02:23:05 EST from the_mgt

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Ugh, my stomach does not agree with that kind of architecture. Luckily, we have enough "real deal" italians all over the country so we are spared by the Hut.

[#] Tue Jan 21 2014 10:49:51 EST from zooer

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I saw that site, it reminded me of how several Red Barn restaurants were changed into Adult World.

[#] Tue Feb 11 2014 07:38:24 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Combine the two and have an adult pizza shop!

[#] Tue Feb 11 2014 10:01:32 EST from wizard of aahz

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Would an adult pizza shop be a pizza place where they served stuff other than plain and pepperoni?

[#] Tue Feb 11 2014 11:15:54 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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They specialize in hot sausage, of course.

[#] Tue Feb 11 2014 11:48:48 EST from Ladyhawke

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And apparently, lots and lots of cheese....

[#] Tue Feb 11 2014 19:26:23 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Do you really give a flying fuck?

If so, you're putting this in someone's gift basket:

(I want a fleet of these.)

[#] Sun Feb 16 2014 23:50:02 EST from ax25

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My wife says that I can't buy a fleet of them.  Bummer, it would have been both fun and stupid at the same time.

[#] Tue Feb 18 2014 14:35:15 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Heh. I typed "<grin>" after a snarky comment on a Disqus thread, and Disqus decided to show me how smart it thinks it is by "closing my tag for me" and adding "</grin>" at the end.

[#] Tue Feb 18 2014 16:45:45 EST from the_mgt

Subject: On the web no one can eat icecream...

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I think I asked here about an open source cloud solution for business use and somebody told me it was obvious to use owncloud.

Well a friend of mine had some consultants test it for his company, the result was devasting:

They have about 20gb of files and 16k files or something along those numbers. Now owncloud is written in a way that it checks each and every file's hash with the sync server for changes. So in his scenario, a computer had to be continually online for 48h to check if any of those files was actually changed.

And this is not a bug, it is the way it works, they were told by upstream.

Today, these numbers of files and gb are not really uncommon, I guess. Think about movie and audio collections...

My clients do not have to sync barely 6gb in 1k files, but I am currently trying Seafile. Looks nice, relatively easy to install and seems to work so far.

[#] Thu Feb 20 2014 16:21:51 EST from dothebart

Subject: Re: On the web no one can eat icecream...

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oh, python ;-)

[#] Fri Feb 21 2014 00:08:31 EST from ax25

Subject: Re: On the web no one can eat icecream...

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Thu Feb 20 2014 04:21:51 PM EST from dothebart Subject: Re: On the web no one can eat icecream...

oh, python ;-)

Nope, php.  But thanks for playing.

[#] Fri Feb 21 2014 07:28:00 EST from the_mgt

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There is some Django involved

[#] Fri Feb 21 2014 12:16:05 EST from ax25

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Ah, did not notice the topic moved on from Owncloud.  Miss-parse on my part, sorry.

[#] Sat Feb 22 2014 04:13:50 EST from dothebart

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new tv comercial of german supermarket. super geil!

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