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[#] Mon Aug 18 2014 07:41:25 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Pretty much *everyone* has claimed responsibility for that. I think if the people who did it wanted to be known they would have put a web address on the bottom of the flag or something.

[#] Mon Aug 18 2014 08:51:18 EDT from fleeb

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Westboro Baptist plan to picket Robin Williams' funeral.

Honestly, this organization needs to be removed from this earth. The people can live, if only to endure their own personal suffering, but the organization needs to go.

[#] Mon Aug 18 2014 09:46:10 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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srsly? What the hell is wrong with them? Why don't they just go rioting and looting like civilized people?

[#] Mon Aug 18 2014 13:00:49 EDT from triLcat

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Mon Aug 18 2014 08:51:18 EDT from fleeb

Westboro Baptist plan to picket Robin Williams' funeral.

Honestly, this organization needs to be removed from this earth. The people can live, if only to endure their own personal suffering, but the organization needs to go.

The people should be forced to wear rainbow-colored clothing at all times when out in public.



[#] Mon Aug 18 2014 13:22:37 EDT from fleeb

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Meh, I could see how that would play out. They'd take it as their personal duty to reclaim the meaning of the rainbow as God's promise to man that he wouldn't flood us into extinction.

[#] Thu Sep 04 2014 17:16:13 EDT from fleeb

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Joan Rivers died. She was 81 years old.

[#] Thu Sep 04 2014 18:35:47 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Can Barbara Walters die too please?

[#] Thu Sep 04 2014 18:59:55 EDT from fleeb

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[#] Fri Sep 05 2014 20:43:40 EDT from zooer

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sigh.... wish people would die. le sigh

[#] Sat Sep 06 2014 11:48:06 EDT from fleeb

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Well, a handy nova from the sun would take care of all of this.

[#] Sat Sep 06 2014 15:30:36 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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The mortality rate is still 100%

[#] Sat Sep 06 2014 17:38:38 EDT from zooer

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Well, a handy nova from the sun would take care of all of this.

That would be super, I'd like that.

[#] Sat Sep 06 2014 20:17:05 EDT from fleeb

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Gilbert Gottfried decided to correct some people's misconceptions regarding Joan River's vagina during this roast in her honor:

(WARNING: Not Safe For Work. But then, it's Gilbert Gottfried. I'm repeating myself).

[#] Sat Sep 06 2014 22:01:07 EDT from zooer

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Detroit's fire department has alert system made of soda cans and doorbells. Yes, to alarm the firemen at the
fire house. A fax machine and a soda can filled with rocks and bolts.

[#] Mon Sep 08 2014 09:09:07 EDT from the_mgt

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They are still using Windows XP too.

Honestly, that looks like the fire departments of some backass 3rd world country.

[#] Mon Sep 08 2014 09:45:55 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Detroit *is* a backass 3rd world country.

[#] Wed Oct 22 2014 14:21:02 EDT from fleeb

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WTF is going on with Canada?

Shots fired in Parliament?

[#] Wed Oct 22 2014 14:31:51 EDT from LoanShark

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Blame Canada.

[#] Wed Oct 22 2014 16:08:18 EDT from fleeb

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They're not even a real country anyway.

[#] Wed Oct 22 2014 22:00:26 EDT from ax25

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Do you mean:

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.  - Frank Zappa

Beer - check.
Airline - check.
Football team - eh?

Nukes? - I think they say publicly, that they don't have them.


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