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[#] Thu Oct 23 2014 12:23:58 UTC from fleeb

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That's a great perspective, but I was concerned about their flapping heads and beady eyes.

[#] Wed Nov 05 2014 16:43:22 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I hear they are mammals just like us.

[#] Thu Nov 06 2014 02:55:06 UTC from fleeb

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Since when?

[#] Fri Nov 07 2014 16:14:07 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Since the United Nations formed a working group to expand the definition.

[#] Sat Jan 03 2015 16:02:02 UTC from zooer

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What are some of the predictions for 2015 by uncensored users?

I was going to make a bunch of joke predictions but I wanted to know what anyone else thought.

[#] Sat Jan 03 2015 16:12:40 UTC from Sig

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Vladimir Vladimirovich will eat at least one more former Soviet republic.
Possibly several if energy prices continue to tank.

[#] Sat Jan 03 2015 16:13:26 UTC from Sig

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2-factor authentication for websites will go mainstream.

[#] Sat Jan 03 2015 18:01:51 UTC from vince-q

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Here are some....

1. the Dow will correct by August 2015 to 14,500-15,000. This is not a "crash" but a normal/healthy 20% (+/-) correction. "The Market" will blame the crash in crude oil, but in reality it is a normal thing for markets to do.

2. the "bottom" in West Texas Intermediate (WTI) near-in futures will be hit in mid-summer at $25/barrel. WTI will trade in a $25-$35 "channel" through the end of 2016. Who knows *what* will happen after the presidential election year....

3. after a long and bitter struggle, Radio Shack will declare Chapter 7 bankruptcy. They will not "go away" but will be bought by a big box store to serve as their surplus/outlet. This might be Best Buy, or Frys, or something similar.

4. Hillary Clinton will announce that she is not going to seek the Presidency, claiming the desire to be a grandmother, etc. etc. which, of course, is only a foil for the truth (Benghazi, Whitewater, Vince Foster, etc.).

5. In spite of his currently perceived popularity, Jeb Bush will quickly fall from grace as the "annointed candidate" for the Repubs in 2016. By the end of 2015 it will be obvious that his candidacy has no "sticking power" and he will quickly fade to be replaced by.... Chris Christie. His VP on the ticket will be Marco Rubio (but we'll leave the rest for next year's prognostications...).

...and the rest is left for your imaginations....

[#] Sat Jan 03 2015 19:14:37 UTC from Sig

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I think a Bush v. Clinton presidential race would make me cry. May it never be so.

[#] Sat Jan 03 2015 20:20:10 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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What are some of the predictions for 2015 by uncensored users?

I predict that on December 31 2015, I will have a New Years Eve party.

Windows 10 will ship this year. It will be touted as "the most reliable and stable version of Windows ever" and, like always, it will be an unusable piece of garbage.

Politically, nothing good will happen. A few bills to put us back onto the Constitution will come out of Congress, but B. Hussein Obama will veto them (or just let them sit on his desk) and continue to legislate with executive orders. The GOP-controlled Congress won't fight this because they're a bunch of spineless RINOs.

Android will continue its entrenchment into all things mobile. There will even be some feelers put in to it being used in other places, such as desktops.
Apple fanbois will continue denying that the iPhone has less than 100% market share.

This will be the year that racial tensions get even worse, falling into full-out race riots in some places. As was the case in 2014, the people being blamed and the people actually responsible will be completely separate groups.

Iran will complete its first nuclear weapon and attempt to launch it on Israel.
The United Nations will issue an official statement containing only the words "Allahu Akbar"

[#] Sun Jan 04 2015 02:22:31 UTC from zooer

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I think a Bush v. Clinton presidential race would make me cry. May it
never be so.

I cry every election.

[#] Mon Jan 05 2015 12:50:34 UTC from zooer

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Yes I do know about Aldi and I hear they finally started taking credit cards, I did know they were related to
Trader Joe's. I thought I liked Trader Joe's but I don't... but I don't like Aldi's either.

The article was funny, "And even if you are lucky enough to be in one of the 32 states where Aldi is" Lucky?
Isn't that over 60% chance?

[#] Tue Jan 06 2015 12:14:30 UTC from dothebart

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Aldi was by far out the last to have barcode scanners.

Reason: they're to slow.

Aldi used to have a very limited range of goods (I think << 500), and the typists simply were faster typing the prices from their memory. They were usually faster than you putting it back into the trolley.

When aldi switched to barcodes, the labels weren't at the thumb size that everybody knows in one tiny corner of the box. they filled 1/3rd of the surface of the products, so the scanners were actually faster than the typists.

Once that was done, the number of items they sold grew.

[#] Thu Jan 08 2015 14:56:26 UTC from TaMeR

Subject: Rise For Freedom

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I have started something and need some respectable, serious opinions; hence I am asking here.
The website is under construction; work in progress.
No need to be gentle tell me what you think.

Rise For Freedom

Dennis T Kaplan (AKA TaMeR)

Citadel Sync:

Citadel Go Library:

Citadel PHP:

[#] Thu Jan 08 2015 16:37:07 UTC from zooer

Subject: Re: Rise For Freedom

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I have started something and need some respectable, serious opinions;

Respect and seriousness? You have come to the right place.

[#] Thu Jan 08 2015 18:44:32 UTC from TaMeR

Subject: Re: Rise For Freedom

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Thu Jan 08 2015 11:37:07 EST from zooer Subject: Re: Rise For Freedom
I have started something and need some respectable, serious opinions;
Respect and seriousness? You have come to the right place.

It takes intelligence to be funny, I know you can do it. Just give it a try.


[#] Mon Jan 12 2015 14:14:33 UTC from fleeb

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Am I missing something, using the Text client, that TaMeR may have posted in his request? 'Cause I am not sure where he wants me to browse.

[#] Mon Jan 12 2015 19:43:20 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Agreed on that, where's the link?

[#] Thu Jan 29 2015 21:07:17 UTC from fleeb

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print] has this headline: LeBron out against Blazers for sprained wrist.

I'm taking this to mean that LeBron is unable to play basketball due to a limp wrist.

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