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[#] Sat Aug 24 2024 00:05:59 UTC from Nurb432

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Buy low sell high. 

Thu Aug 22 2024 20:25:55 EDT from zelgomer
I get to hear everything first! Could you start floating stock tips my way?


[#] Mon Sep 02 2024 21:45:03 UTC from Nurb432

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Took dogs to the park today. ( the one with a trail along side the river )

Why cant people just mind their own business? "hi, hello, nice dog, etc" Please just walk past and leave us alone..  I don't wear a sign "i'm lonely lets talk" or something.  One of my dogs is afraid of strangers. And i don't like people.. 


I have a shirt with the 'shy' dog wearing a mask and the caption "ewwwwww people" which ironically gets more attention than not..   

[#] Wed Sep 04 2024 12:08:47 UTC from Nurb432

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Sorry for the YT link ( she wont post on other sites, yet ) but a town over in the UK somewhere, that has tons of horses just wandering around.

[#] Fri Sep 06 2024 11:50:39 UTC from darknetuser

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Why cant people just mind their own business? "hi, hello, nice
dog, etc" Please just walk past and leave us alone..  I don't
wear a sign "i'm lonely lets talk" or something.  One of my
dogs is afraid of strangers. And i don't like people.. 

Pretty much the only social interaction that does not make throw my bowels up in disgust - outside of business interactions - is when people wants to pet my animals or talk about them.

Take a group of kids who come to a nearby village every summer. I hate kids and I fantasize with drowning them in horse pee everytime I see one. However, when this group of kids come visit the horses and you see how happy the horses get with all the attention, they get a pass for that day.

[#] Fri Sep 06 2024 11:58:18 UTC from darknetuser

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2024-09-04 08:08 from Nurb432
Sorry for the YT link ( she wont post on other sites, yet ) but
a town over in the UK somewhere, that has tons of horses just
wandering around.

That place looks great.

Also, friendly reminder INvidious instances can be used to check the videos without going through YT.

I like a reflection they make in the video, that if you visit a country and check only the big cities, you aren't really visiting that country. If I were to host a visitor from abroad I would take her to lots of countriside places with lots of things to see and do before I showed her the emblematic urban areas.

[#] Fri Sep 06 2024 12:28:41 UTC from Nurb432

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Ya i figured anyone that wanted to could just edit the link or something.  Remember i still use regular YT as i have everything blocked, and tracking turned off. Having subscriptions is convenient.

Sometime i will have to look into how INvidious does their links so i can edit before i post. 

Fri Sep 06 2024 07:58:18 EDT from darknetuser

Also, friendly reminder INvidious instances can be used to check the videos without going through YT.


[#] Sun Sep 29 2024 19:49:40 UTC from Nurb432

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I have mentioned it before i live in a development ( bleh ).   Side effect is sometimes people go outside, walk down the street, or to their cars in their driveways/etc.

When the windows are open, my GSD, normally ignores stuff, kids running around, even dogs barking in a back yard. Yet she can hear a dog 3 houses away walking in the street or their driveway, starts grumbling.. 

[#] Sun Oct 13 2024 16:38:21 UTC from Nurb432

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yay first real nice day in a while. Overcast, 65..  Planned on taking both dogs to the river.  And trying to con my sister to bring her husky.

Sooo i spent all night sick and in bed most of the day.


go me :(



At least tomorrow is a holiday. Tho cooler. 

[#] Thu Oct 31 2024 21:55:50 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: Tiny Coconut learns

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Tiny Coconut learnt two things today:

1)Pizza exists and it is awesome
2)Trying to take a piece of pizza from Grumpy Coconut is a bad idea.

[#] Sun Nov 03 2024 23:20:50 UTC from Nurb432

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Poor Peanut. 



[#] Mon Nov 04 2024 00:46:31 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: Poor peanut

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2024-11-03 23:20 from Nurb432
Poor Peanut. 

Well, she has to learn. The main difference between my mother and I when it comes to teaching stuff to dogs is that I let experience do the job much more often. My mother would not let Tiny Coconut be in the same room where Grumpy Coconut is having a nap. With me Tiny Coconut has learnt Grumpy Coconut is ok company as long as you don't piss him off.

In fact my mother ends up increasing the weight of the problem because she does disruptive shit. Alright, we all know Grumpy Coconut is grumpy, so when Tiny Coconut is going to be in a room with us my mother pushes Grumpy Coconut out of the room so Tiny Coconut does not bother him. Obviously that has made Grumpy Coconut even more grumpy.

These past two days I have managed to operate without my mother and you can tell Grumpy's mood has improved a lot just because I am not shoving him out of the room every time I let the puppy in.

[#] Mon Nov 04 2024 00:52:27 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Poor peanut

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I was meaning Peanut, the pet squirrel that the US federal government just murdered. 

Mon Nov 04 2024 00:46:31 UTC from darknetuser Subject: Poor peanut
2024-11-03 23:20 from Nurb432
Poor Peanut. 

Well, she has to learn.


[#] Mon Nov 04 2024 01:17:44 UTC from zelgomer

Subject: Re: Poor peanut

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2024-11-04 00:52 from Nurb432 <>
Subject: Re: Poor peanut
I was meaning Peanut, the pet squirrel that the US federal government
just murdered. 

s/US federal/NY state/

[#] Mon Nov 04 2024 12:16:16 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Poor peanut

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The story i read said Feds.  

But regardless, its uncalled for an those people should be euthanized too.

Mon Nov 04 2024 01:17:44 UTC from zelgomer Subject: Re: Poor peanut
2024-11-04 00:52 from Nurb432 <>
Subject: Re: Poor peanut
I was meaning Peanut, the pet squirrel that the US federal government
just murdered. 

s/US federal/NY state/


[#] Wed Nov 06 2024 08:58:43 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: Re: Poor peanut

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2024-11-04 00:52 from Nurb432
Subject: Re: Poor peanut
I was meaning Peanut, the pet squirrel that the US federal
government just murdered. 

I am reading they killed their raccoon too. Motherfuckers.

This case reminds me of those guys who were friends with a deer, published it on Facesbook, and caused the cops to show up and shoot the deer. There is a trend there. If you want to share animal stories, do through the darknet.

[#] Wed Nov 06 2024 12:25:44 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Poor peanut

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[#] Thu Nov 07 2024 21:47:43 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: Re: Poor peanut

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2024-11-06 12:25 from Nurb432
Subject: Re: Poor peanut

Also, fun image I ran into while browsing random stuff. First scene: a group of Hollywood regulars are telling a random Joe to support Kamala and save America, and the random Joe is thiking "Who the heck is this people?"

Second scene is the cops putting Peanut in a jail, while the Joe is seen picking up a MAGA hat and a pitchfork and yelling "NOW this is a blood offense, bastards!"

[#] Sun Nov 10 2024 18:26:07 UTC from Nurb432

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Well that was new.

Loose dog in the park.   Followed by at least 5 cars, a "work" truck, then K9 police, then animal control.  Chaos.

[#] Wed Nov 13 2024 23:32:21 UTC from SouthernComputerGeek

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All that over one loose dog? Sounds like overkill to me.

Sun Nov 10 2024 18:26:07 UTC from Nurb432

Well that was new.

Loose dog in the park.   Followed by at least 5 cars, a "work" truck, then K9 police, then animal control.  Chaos.


[#] Thu Dec 26 2024 16:50:20 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: Little Coconut and her ball

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Well, as you may already know, we have a big puppy that we call Little Coconut (despite being a 180 Ib Rottweiler) who has a liking for pink rubber bones. She has a tendency to bring them all together so you often enter a room and find it littered by pink rubber bones. It is interesting because she is the only dog who likes them, and the others don't really care - with the exception of Tiny Coconut, who only wants to play with the bones if she sees Little Coconut playing with them herself.

So the other day I realized she had stopped gathering the bones and I wondered why. I found the reason: she has discovered rubber balls and realized she likes them better.

Now she has 4 balls and does not want to let any of the other dogs close to them lol.