TOS was different, for sure. And it was a product of its times. It was too risky for Roddenberry to make Sulu (the character, not the actor) openly gay, for instance.
The biggest fault of TOS, in my opinion, is its treatment of women. Every time a woman walked on set (often a female ensign serving coffee) they play cheezy music that just screms "OMG a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN just WALKED ON SET!"
That business aged badly.
TOS was different, for sure. And it was a product of its times. It was
too risky for Roddenberry to make Sulu (the character, not the actor)
openly gay, for instance.
Takei is intolerable not because he is gay, but because he is a MONUMENTAL ASSHOLE. I would pay good money to watch a Star Trek episode where Takei gets blown away by a Type 3 disruptor (or its equivalent) in real life.
TOS clearly had left leaning values (for example, it was pretty obvious that they had UBI) but they had a way of simply painting a possible future instead of overplaying it the way they all do now.
Fri May 06 2022 07:44:40 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
TOS clearly had left leaning values (for example, it was pretty obvious that they had UBI) but they had a way of simply painting a possible future instead of overplaying it the way they all do now.
Takei is intolerable not because he is gay, but because he is a
MONUMENTAL ASSHOLE. I would pay good money to watch a Star Trek
episode where Takei gets blown away by a Type 3 disruptor (or its
equivalent) in real life.
He's a celebrity on the left, so people take his word as gospel almost.
I had one disagreement which got me blocked by one of his sycophants on Twitter. A Takei meme was going around where he basically said that the unvaccinated should no longer "receive priority medical care."
So there are a lot of ethical problems with this. First of all, he misunderstands what "priority" means in this context; even during a Covid surge, Covid patients DO NOT receive "priority" medical care. Triage doesn't work that way; everyone is prioritized based on criteria like what kind of care they NEED and what are their chances of survival. It's not like we're just saying "covid patients get priority."
More generally, ethically -- we don't, can't, and shouldn't open the door to denying care to people based on their poor preventive choices, and we especially don't deny medical care to people who have political beliefs we disagree with.
So as I see it, there are times when the far left / far right need to restrain themselves from their worst impulses. And this was Takei's worst impulse.
Anyway, I had this mutual follower on Twitter who was just kind of a left-wing meme factory. She RT'd that meme, and I simply responded with "luckily, George Takei is in no place to define our medical ethics.
I caught an instance block for that, from someone who had been "a mutual" for a year or more. Which tells me that this sycophant wasn't really interested in following *me* in the first place; she was a meme-retweeter looking for retweets. Insincere.
restrain themselves from their worst impulses. And this was Takei's
worst impulse.
Takei's worst impulse is assuming that anything in his entire life has merit other than him having played Hikaru Sulu.
This is of course the classic Hollywood problem; most of them use their fame to push social issues about which they are absolutely clueless.
Yes i know its reality, and people age ( dealing with that this week with my mother, who is ill again ). But was looking at some of the older TNG stuff this weekend, its amazing how young some of the cast was, and now they look look old.. "what happened to them" Oh ya, its been nearly 30 years.
Strange watching people you grew up with age ( both in video, music, friends, family )
And yes. i avoid mirrors when i can.
early 90s, such a simpler time.
Started Picard season 3.
Kind of a lackluster generic plotline involving WMDs and terrorism. Yawn.
Maybe it'll get better as the season moves on.
I think still far better than 1 and 2. Not that its super great but its 'decent' and has a TNG feel instead of the weirdness from the other 2. ( at least EP1, not watched EP2 yet )
And i never made it thru season 2.. couldn't do it. season 1 was to me "well, this is odd, but watchable"
Wed Feb 22 2023 10:40:33 AM EST from LoanShark
Started Picard season 3.
Kind of a lackluster generic plotline involving WMDs and terrorism. Yawn.
Maybe it'll get better as the season moves on.
I was far more pleased with episode 2. Amanda Plummer (Honey Bunny from Pulp Fiction) was brilliant.
Doh,i forgot to watch that. Ill do that tomorrow i think.
Tue Feb 28 2023 12:55:24 PM EST from LoanShark
I was far more pleased with episode 2. Amanda Plummer (Honey Bunny from Pulp Fiction) was brilliant.
So I guess we can watch some of this stuff now. I'm looking forward to rewatching TOS, but the new stuff sounds watchable too.
SOME of the new stuff.. not most of it. A lot of it will want to make you toss things at your TV.
And none of it is great, the best you can hope for is watchable.
Sun Apr 16 2023 08:23:03 PM EDT from IGnatius T FoobarI just found out that we have Paramount Rewards Plus Program (or whatever they call it). My wife got it as an add-on to her Shamazon Prime account.
So I guess we can watch some of this stuff now. I'm looking forward to rewatching TOS, but the new stuff sounds watchable too.
Picard finale tonight.
I hope they find a believable way to end this, but I remain doubtful. It's probably going to be one big Deus Ex Machina.
im still 4 behind.
Fri Apr 21 2023 09:24:42 AM EDT from LoanShark
Well, not a bad wrapup. Better than I expected, at least. I guess you would call it fan-service.
2023-04-21 19:35 from papa
I would be perfectly happy with a set of TOS DVDs. ;)
I think TOS is in Postman's