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[#] Wed Dec 23 2015 21:15:27 UTC from LoanShark

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Donnie, you're out of your element.

[#] Mon Jan 04 2016 22:17:39 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Those scumbags at CBS just had all of the Star Trek episodes scrubbed from YouTube, now that they offer it via "paid" YouTube.  I hope those pigopolists don't really think I'm going to pay $2 per episode.

Meanwhile, there are a bunch of episodes of something called "Star Trek Continues" which is a kickstarted, fan-produced re-creation of the original series with the original characters, but with new scripts and new actors.  CBS apparently is ok with this because it is distributed free of charge.  They've done an incredible job of reproducing the 1960's style scenery, costumes, and special effects.  The writing and acting, while naturally not up to par with the original, is still surprisingly good considering it's the television equivalent of fanfic.

[#] Tue Jan 05 2016 03:21:21 UTC from zooer

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I am not a big fan of the show but I know it well enough so I checked the link.  I see that Grant Imahara plays Lt. Hikaru Sulu, Grant Imahara is more famously known as the guy who screams "FIVE! FOUR! THREE! TWO! ONE!" in numerous Myth Buster shows.

[#] Tue Jan 05 2016 03:24:46 UTC from vince-q <>

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I realize it would involve money but you, IG, could always get the Original Series (complete) on BluRay. That would, in the end, give you the ultimate freedom to view the shows. You can even save money and get the same set on DVD. Personally, I'd go with the DVD set. There's only so much "they" can do to improve the sound and video, and on a series that old... even less.

[#] Tue Jan 05 2016 14:33:48 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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That's more likely what I'd do, just get the whole series rather than shell out $2 per episode.

[#] Mon Jan 18 2016 19:51:22 UTC from zooer

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Bad Lip Reading, Star Wars style

"RETURN OF THE JEDI: A Bad Lip Reading"

[#] Thu Feb 11 2016 01:52:35 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Those are really good!!

[#] Thu Feb 11 2016 03:22:00 UTC from zooer

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The rep/dem debate videos are very funny.

[#] Thu Feb 25 2016 14:25:11 UTC from zooer

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Mon Jan 04 2016 05:17:39 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar

Those scumbags at CBS just had all of the Star Trek episodes scrubbed from YouTube, now that they offer it via "paid" YouTube.  I hope those pigopolists don't really think I'm going to pay $2 per episode.


I am sure you knew about this already but there is a lawsuit.

[#] Thu Mar 03 2016 17:31:28 UTC from vince-q

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I am sure you knew about this already but there is a lawsuit.


...there's always a lawsuit...

[#] Sun Mar 13 2016 08:53:25 UTC from LoanShark

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Sorry, I've been busy in meatspace. Was this what we were talking about?

[ Empire Strikes Back Uncut, a fan mashup endorsed by Lucasfilm ]

[#] Mon Mar 28 2016 14:08:05 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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No, but that looks interesting too.

I was talking about "Star Trek Continues" -- which appears to be a high-end fan version of Star Trek, blessed by the pigopolists who own the rights to the original show.

[#] Thu Apr 21 2016 23:59:03 UTC from zooer

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[#] Mon May 23 2016 20:35:00 UTC from dothebart

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WTF? the image encoded inline in base64?

[#] Mon May 23 2016 22:25:40 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Yes, it's the hottest trend now.  No image hosting required.

[#] Wed Aug 31 2016 02:47:42 UTC from zooer

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Just a quick drive to Ticonderoga and you can spend your afternoon pretending you are on the USS Enterprise


[#] Wed Oct 05 2016 21:16:13 UTC from athos-mn

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He did some really good fan films of original Trek, then stopped mid-episode. Some people are blaming Paramount, but he did it before the whole fan film thing blew up. 

[#] Mon Dec 19 2016 03:24:20 UTC from LoanShark

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Well I saw Rogue One. That's about all I can say... in the end, it doesn't matter much that this film was "dark." This is a film that does not have much to say, and spends >120min saying it.

Tyranny is bad, mm-kay, and sometimes rebels do bad things. The other 115 minutes are mindless action and the retroactive patching of a certain well-known plot hole.

Some bad camera work, to boot. Maybe they were trying to throw the viewer into the action and produce the feel that some of the scenes were hastily shot by an embedded war journalist? Regardless, I found it jarring. MTV used to do that on The Real World, right? Star Wars is not reality TV.

But it was entertaining enough...

[#] Mon Dec 19 2016 16:06:44 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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My son saw it yesterday (he's 11). Gave it a 4 out of 10. Said the plot was confusing and the quality of the effects wasn't as good as last movie.

[#] Mon Dec 19 2016 18:12:37 UTC from LoanShark

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plot was confusing and the quality of the effects wasn't as good as
last movie.

Well, resurrection is kind of impressive though.

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