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[#] Tue Dec 28 2021 12:55:37 EST from LoanShark

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[#] Tue Dec 28 2021 12:56:20 EST from LoanShark

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Fucking hell. I did not do well in English classes in HS either. BUT I SUCCEEDED A HELL OF A LOT BETTER THAN ANY OF MY TEACHERS EVER DID.

[#] Wed Jan 05 2022 11:06:29 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Yeah. Really small mindset from that one. My daughter is now in 11th grade and getting similarly pissy attitudes from her English teacher (a different one).

I don't know if it's like this everywhere, but here in affluent northern Westchester the high schools focus way too hard on how many of their students move on to overpriced private colleges. There must be some weird metric associated with it. So they basically blow off the kids that want to go to community college or vocational training or whatever. *Everyone* needs to score high on the SAT, *everyone* needs to be on the Four Year Liberal Arts Degree track, and they don't even give a hint that vo-tech is available to anyone who wants it.

[#] Wed Jan 05 2022 13:42:00 EST from LoanShark

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my HS was a little more sane. Vocational programs were front and center because of partnership with the local employer (a defense contractor) who definitely wanted to hire machinists and that sort of thing

[#] Wed Jan 05 2022 18:07:37 EST from Nurb432

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I hated HS. A bunch of dumbasses. All i wanted was to be away from them.  I didnt even want to keep in touch with more than 3 people. They all sucked and i hated them.

Almost got out a year early, until i found that somehow i missed a required level1 freshman class and they refused to count anything higher until i took it.  Bastards.  Ended up giving them a middle finger ( literally, i flipped the VP the bird as i left his office  ) and going to night school. i refused to take an entire class load with those morons for one stupid class. 

Most of the people at night school were stupid too, but in a different non ass-holeish, way as they were just trying to learn enough so they could get a job and eat..  i gave them a break, Several good people there, just on the wrong side of the 8-ball.

[#] Thu Jan 06 2022 11:02:41 EST from Nurb432

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Oh and i didnt go to graduation either.  I had my choice of going to my 'real' school or the 'night school' location.  Screw the first one, and the 2nd, well i only knew the night crowd not the rest of the ( most likely dumb-asses too ) masses.   

If they had one just for the night crew, i might have gone to that. They were good people. Some were there just for a GED and were 'adult age', so i'm sure they didnt go either, not wanting to be with a bunch of stupid children. 


[#] Thu Jan 06 2022 15:43:14 EST from LoanShark

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yeah, kinda like my HS experience, I flunked a few classes I didn't want to work at, and the night school version was a much easier way to get the credits (definitely wasn't a college-track course, but it got me my diploma)

[#] Thu Jan 06 2022 17:26:00 EST from Nurb432

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I actually skipped the first 2 years, in effect. year 3 i buckled down to get the hell out. . year 4, well that was night school. First couple of years I would go to class during break, " we having a test today "  "no, ok, see ya tomorrow" and go hang out with the dean and do errands for him.      Now that i'm older, i can see he was trying to keep me out of trouble, he knew i was just bored to tears and not a 'bad kid'. 

Ironically did the same in grade school, id get bored, wander off and hang out with the principle.  We would go on field trips and stuff.  

Come to think of it, middle school i got a pass too.. spent a couple of my classes in the chemistry lab, setting things up for the instructor. 

None of that would fly today, world has changed so much.

Thu Jan 06 2022 03:43:14 PM EST from LoanShark

yeah, kinda like my HS experience, I flunked a few classes I didn't want to work at, and the night school version was a much easier way to get the credits (definitely wasn't a college-track course, but it got me my diploma)


[#] Fri Jan 07 2022 20:30:03 EST from LoanShark

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None of that would fly today, world has changed so much.

None of my principals would have allowed that when I was a kid (a long time ago...)

[#] Sat Jan 08 2022 08:45:14 EST from Nurb432

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For what its worth, grade school was early 70s.   ( HS, early 80s ) Even if yours wouldn't, it is a far different world today than it is now.

[#] Mon Jan 10 2022 06:33:02 EST from darknetuser

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2022-01-05 13:42 from LoanShark

my HS was a little more sane. Vocational programs were front and
center because of partnership with the local employer (a defense
contractor) who definitely wanted to hire machinists and that sort of


My HS was very intensive regarding Science, Math and Technology. Very intensive.

Some of their engineering subjects where more hardcore than their University equivalents. Theny also had a lot of industrial machinery to teach people how things worked in real life.

[#] Mon Jan 10 2022 06:38:22 EST from darknetuser

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2022-01-05 18:07 from Nurb432
I hated HS. A bunch of dumbasses. All i wanted was to be away from
them.  I didnt even want to keep in touch with more than 3 people.
They all sucked and i hated them.

It was pretty much the same thing here. The technical and scientifical programs in my high school were fucking awesome, but the people just sucked. A bunch of them are already dead from overdose or in jail. A fun fact is that some of the ones who came from broken families and home abuse actually did quite well while the lazy ones who were always causing trouble in class ended up very badly.

Also, the humanities and arts programs were kind of meh. Foreign languages kind of worked (I mean, I am using English here, right?). National Language was an orgy of trying to promote books as "classics" because the author had been of a particular political sign. History was propaganda, of the color of the teacher who was teaching it that given year.

[#] Mon Jan 10 2022 07:38:44 EST from Nurb432

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That would have been nice. Ours here catered to the 'majority'.  Which was not me.  (  i do understand why they did, but for us "outside" the norm, it didnt work out ).  I moved to another state after grade-school, and it was more traditional here. Everyone just went to random classes all day.  If you exceeded, you were bored. If you fell behind, they had remedial classes, even a school to go to if needed.  Only real option for people like me was a private school, but my family was middle class, so not really an option. ( and most here were religious based, so not something we would do ).   They did have a trade school sort of option too, but that was ( incorrectly ) looked down upon as where only dumbasses went.  And since it was mechanical stuff ( like HVAC, auto repair.. ) and not engineering, i wasn't interested anyway. In hindsight it would have been a good idea for me.

When i was in grade school they did have a 'level' system where if you were exceeding where you were at, they had advanced sections you could move to. And vice versa, struggle and there were sections to go to. Entire grade would go to the same 'subject' at the same time, and broken up in to 'levels' ( the pods ). Perhaps 10 pods or so, but it would vary depending on need.  The problem was i exceeded their high end pod, and had no place to go. So i was bored.  Tho i did work the system often, " i want to hangout with so and so next week, so ill perform to the level that she is in this week, and get moved Monday "




Mon Jan 10 2022 06:33:02 AM EST from darknetuser
2022-01-05 13:42 from LoanShark

my HS was a little more sane. Vocational programs were front and
center because of partnership with the local employer (a defense
contractor) who definitely wanted to hire machinists and that sort of


My HS was very intensive regarding Science, Math and Technology. Very intensive.

Some of their engineering subjects where more hardcore than their University equivalents. Theny also had a lot of industrial machinery to teach people how things worked in real life.


[#] Mon Jan 10 2022 07:40:12 EST from Nurb432

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We were middle class area, so while you did have a few 'bad apples' most people were about the same.  

College was mostly a book promotion deal for me.

Mon Jan 10 2022 06:38:22 AM EST from darknetuser
2022-01-05 18:07 from Nurb432
I hated HS. A bunch of dumbasses. All i wanted was to be away from
them.  I didnt even want to keep in touch with more than 3 people.
They all sucked and i hated them.

It was pretty much the same thing here. The technical and scientifical programs in my high school were fucking awesome, but the people just sucked. A bunch of them are already dead from overdose or in jail. A fun fact is that some of the ones who came from broken families and home abuse actually did quite well while the lazy ones who were always causing trouble in class ended up very badly.

Also, the humanities and arts programs were kind of meh. Foreign languages kind of worked (I mean, I am using English here, right?). National Language was an orgy of trying to promote books as "classics" because the author had been of a particular political sign. History was propaganda, of the color of the teacher who was teaching it that given year.


[#] Wed Feb 02 2022 11:00:57 EST from shazam

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I haven’t logged in, or caught up with anyone for a while. In the end, three weeks before the wedding, Adina called it off. 

She decided she wasn‘t ready to get married and she’s adjusting to being home still. It’s hard but we think she made the right decision. She learned something about the guy (his temper) and decided she doesn’t want to live like that forever. I told her no one’s perfect but it’s her call and after the initial shock of it all she said she wasn’t ready to be married now anyway. 

So she’s home. 

Ig, Iglet sounds like he’s doing great! 

[#] Wed Feb 02 2022 11:03:30 EST from shazam

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how old is Marilyn now?

[#] Mon Feb 07 2022 17:17:35 EST from LoanShark

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2022-02-02 11:00 from shazam
I haven’t logged in, or caught up with anyone for a while. In the
end, three weeks before the wedding, Adina called it off. 

dearly beloved, we are gathered here to witness the bride... going right past the altar, heading down the ramp, and out the door

[#] Sun Feb 27 2022 11:27:05 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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It's way easier to make that decision before the wedding. A pain in the butt to undo all the plans, but way less costly in the long run. Every young lady deserves a husband who is going to treat her right.

[#] Mon Feb 28 2022 07:29:15 EST from darknetuser

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2022-02-27 11:27 from IGnatius T Foobar
It's way easier to make that decision before the wedding. A pain in
the butt to undo all the plans, but way less costly in the long run.

Every young lady deserves a husband who is going to treat her right.

Not really, there are young ladies who deserve to be dressed Nuns and be placed in a sexless religious enclosure forever.

[#] Fri Mar 04 2022 16:19:11 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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My definition of "lady" is not broad. (haha, no pun intended but I'll take the credit anyway)

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