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[#] Mon Oct 14 2013 00:54:15 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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A modest proposal.

Having been bullied often as a child, and occasionally as an adult, I feel that not enough is being done to address this long standing issue. Schools pay lip service to it, but there are really no effective anti-bullying programs in place. "This is a bully free school" is about as empty a statement as "this is a gun free zone"

It is a fact: children who are bullies grow up to be adults who are bullies.

Therefore I would like to propose that we implement the death penalty for bullies. Any child caught bullying another child shall be summarily executed.
These children are scum and when they grow up they will continue to be scum (BELIEVE ME, I FUCKING KNOW, OKAY?).

The preferred method of execution shall be to tie the bully to the school flagpole and then allow his/her recent victims to beat him/her to a bloody pulp with their choice of wooden or aluminum baseball bats.

This proposal is hereby declared The Best Idea Anyone Has Ever Heard and is not up for debate.

[#] Mon Oct 14 2013 02:15:35 UTC from zooer

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ummmmm. Yes... your violence against another human sounds so much better than the other violence against
a human.

[#] Mon Oct 14 2013 02:58:36 UTC from Sig

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I had a problem with a bully when I was around 14-15. I was the token slow fat kid in PE; he was the football team quarterback. When we actually played flag football in class, he had great fun
throwing passes at my head. He actually briefly knocked me unconscious once.

Many years later, after I had finished school and gotten married, I encountered him again and he was as nice as could be: courteous, helpful, friendly, and thoughtful. Really, he was one of the best
waiters I've ever had.

[#] Mon Oct 14 2013 11:26:13 UTC from fleeb

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Yeah, I wasn't bullied much at all in school for some reason (I certainly would have made a good target), but I did notice that kids who were really nasty to other kids in school didn't seem to gain much success as adults.

Most of the time, the bully has problems at home that need to be addressed. Those same problems keep the bully from having much success as an adult... hobbled, as it were, before the gate opens.

Not that I think bullies deserve sympathy, but I suspect if some of them were removed from their homes, they might actually do better for themselves and others.

[#] Thu Oct 17 2013 13:16:47 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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ummmmm. Yes... your violence against another human sounds so much better
than the other violence against
a human.

By being bullies they have voluntarily surrendered any entitlement to being treated as human beings. Yes, we can go ahead and blame their upbringing and/or home situation, but identifying the cause of the problem does not solve the problem. Unless a bully can be made into a non-bully, the only way to get the bully to stop bullying is to remove the bully from the universe.

Yes, I'm carrying around a lot of anger management issues. It's because of bullies. So there.

[#] Thu Oct 17 2013 15:12:40 UTC from zooer

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Stop being such a bully.

[#] Fri Oct 18 2013 12:38:26 UTC from fleeb

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This entire BBS is his pulpit.


[#] Sat Oct 19 2013 14:01:48 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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If I didn't have a family to take care of I'd consider a new career as an anti-bully vigilante.

[#] Sat Oct 19 2013 21:16:15 UTC from triLcat

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I was bullied a lot in smaller schools. In larger schools, I was able to find a niche and hide out with a few friends. I found that if I had 2 friends, I stopped being a target for bullies, or maybe I stopped caring enough to let them get to me... hmmmn. I only experienced violence one year. I think various people attacked me 4 times in 6th grade, and I have a scar from one of those... 


[#] Sat Oct 19 2013 22:04:29 UTC from ax25

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This topic makes me want to avoid going down certain hallways :-)

[#] Sun Oct 20 2013 00:04:05 UTC from fleeb

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It gets better (as the video says) when you become and adult and have to deal with the real world.

And yet, in some ways, it gets worse. The bullies don't use physical violence anymore. They use money.

[#] Sun Oct 20 2013 01:21:24 UTC from triLcat

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I guess I'm glad I didn't go to a public high school. 
In my high school, you could get away with name-calling, but that was pretty much it.
I can't think of anyone who was bullied very much. 
There was one kid who got showered once (in his clothes) and pinned down a couple of times freshman year, but I never saw anyone draw blood or throw a real punch or anything like that...
It was more like the thing that dogs do where they force the puppy to lie down to show their authority...

[#] Sun Oct 20 2013 15:13:13 UTC from Sig

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One of the objections you hear to home schooling frequently is the whole "how will your kid be socialized?" issue.

My wife and I attended the same public schools. I'm not sure public school socialization is something to be sought after.

[#] Sun Oct 20 2013 15:36:23 UTC from zooer

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Oct 19 2013 10:01am from IGnatius T Foobar @uncnsrd
If I didn't have a family to take care of I'd consider a new career as
an anti-bully vigilante.

Yes, the equalizer TV show.

[#] Mon Oct 21 2013 16:02:56 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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At this point "socialized" does seem to mean "being indoctrinated to socialism"

Also, at this point the IGlet is officially taller than me. This is a Good Thing.

[#] Tue Nov 19 2013 14:42:26 UTC from the_mgt

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Sun Oct 20 2013 11:13:13 EDT from Sig @ Uncensored
One of the objections you hear to home schooling frequently is the whole "how will your kid be socialized?" issue.

My wife and I attended the same public schools. I'm not sure public school socialization is something to be sought after.

They say the same about Kindergarten here, I have my doubts too.

I also think there are kids that can be identified as being assholes from their early days. But education systems are too underfounded in order to weed them out give them the proper education to overcome their deficits.

I also found that counter-violence against bullies was the one thing that turned them away, at least when they were single-serving.

[#] Wed Nov 20 2013 18:55:50 UTC from Shazam

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What would you do when you found out your kid was the class bully?

[#] Wed Nov 20 2013 18:57:18 UTC from Shazam

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Actually, what if I'm a bully? Remind me not to come anywhere near your school OR its flagpole. Come to think of it, I'll just stay here in Rockland County, you do your vigilante thing out in Westchester and we'll call it a day.

[#] Wed Nov 20 2013 23:48:57 UTC from the_mgt

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Wed Nov 20 2013 13:55:50 EST from Shazam @ Uncensored
What would you do when you found out your kid was the class bully?

See above, counter-violence...

No, seriously, I have no clue, depends on the situation.

[#] Thu Nov 21 2013 17:30:39 UTC from Shazam

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The thing is, you may not even KNOW because your kid is (hopefully!!) not bullying you. At home he may not be bullying his brothers and sisters. He doesn't cry to you that he is being bullied and he has friends at school, all of whom are polite to you in your interactions with them. Only if/when a teacher tells you they have a problem with your son or another parent calls you, would you find out.
Why would your kid come home and say "Hey, great day at school today, we totally took this sad looking classmate and tossed him in the lunchroom garbage can."
You ONLY hear about this sort of incident when your boy comes home crying that he was tossed in the garbage. The tossee doesn't report it back to his parents.
So. If you think your kid has no social problems, you might have a problem.

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