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[#] Wed Jun 03 2015 23:52:11 UTC from Sig

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That IS nice. I picked up some decent distance stations from Ocean Shores, WA, when I was there recently, using just a portable whip on 20m, but I was unhearable. And then getting rained on. Someday I'll put something up at my house. =)

[#] Thu Jun 04 2015 02:59:47 UTC from vince-q <>

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Thank you!

1280 miles is not spectaculer.
Unless, of course, it is 50Mhz or higher.

Even on six meters, it is not spectacular when compared to E-layer or F-layer propagation. What makes this one special is the possibility of it being a fairly regular path. The beacon is "dead on" in the magic direction here on the mountain, and I'm strongly suspecting what, back east, we used to call "extended groundwave."

On the HF bands the Mountain shows a different, but equally important advantabe.

Absolutely no noise at all until you hit 80m, and even there, not what I used to have back in NJ. Roughly S2 to S3 on 80m, and on the higher frequency bands (40m to 10m), NONE at all. If the S meter moves, it's a stattion, period.


[#] Thu Jun 04 2015 14:15:37 UTC from Sig

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That is REALLY nice.

[#] Fri Jun 05 2015 13:49:43 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I thought the habitable part of California was called "Nevada"

[#] Sat Jun 06 2015 06:02:21 UTC from vince-q

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Nevada (home of the HarryReid curmudgeon) is what we in northern California use as an example of "yes, it could be much worse" when folks around here start complaining about the left-lib-commie-idiots in Sacramento.

Oh, and everything north of Sacramento is about as conservative as can be - and yes, we know the difference between conservative and RINO.

[#] Sat Jun 06 2015 14:55:06 UTC from zooer

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A conservative is a RINO in training.

[#] Tue Jul 21 2015 21:28:42 UTC from Animal

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DMR, anyone?
XPR7550 on its way to me... :O

[#] Thu Jul 23 2015 06:07:44 UTC from vince-q <>

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2015-07-21 14:28 from Animal @uncnsrd (Uncensored)
DMR, anyone?
XPR7550 on its way to me... :O

Sorry - no DMR capability here.
Really (at least for now) concentrating on 6 meters. Large array in the works. 4 element yagis w/ trigonal reflectors. Two will be up and running in about 8 weeks. This will be a "one over the other" stack at about 12' between the antennas, on a rotating mast w/ rotor at the bottom. Eventually another pair, then an H-frame, on the same mast for a total of 16 elements not counting the trigonals (with them the total comes to 24 elements). Most of the pattern compression will be in the H-plane, with total estimated gain of 18 dBd. Front-to-back ratio will be measured once the system is complete, but if my experiences with this type of antenna back East in the 1980s is any indication, the F/B ratio will be very very good.

The goal? To be able to work San Diego from my CM99 grid location 24/7 without a band opening.

We shall see....


[#] Wed Sep 16 2015 05:21:12 UTC from vince-q

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This is a networking test - please ignore.

[#] Fri Sep 18 2015 18:39:40 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Ignore what?

[#] Mon Oct 05 2015 03:05:59 UTC from ax25

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Ignore the post from 6M (at least that is what I interpret).

[#] Tue Nov 03 2015 04:59:07 UTC from ax25

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Not quite an accomplishment, but I remember downloading some programs for my Tandy 102 via packet radio (1200 baud on 2m) via a series of node hops (I think it was at least 5 or 6 hops at the time) from west central Minnesota to about the S.E. corner of Minnesota to BBS located there.  The only thing that made it interesting is I did it in a boat on a lake outside of town, just because I could.  The gear was cumbersome, but manageable at that point (round about 1989 or so).  I think I downloaded a couple of songs to play via the pizo speaker and some grid square locater software.

Stupid, yet quite fun at the time.

Not quite the fun of 10m packet pile-ups on chat nodes of the peak of the sun spot cycle of the late 80's, but fun for the feeling of having done something "different" in a stupid sort of way.

This does not fit the room (QSO) as it does not involve another party at the other end (other than a sysop that cared to set things up), so I will leave it at that.

[#] Fri Mar 25 2016 15:11:07 UTC from vince-q

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I am thinking of activating the ax.25 modules at my node (Cascade Lodge) and installing a 2 mtr TNC/Radio combo and letting the local hams on the Citadel system. No networking privs at first, so you won't see any traffic here until all the obvious bugs are tweeked out. And even then, only to this room.

Gotta get the 6m antennas up first, though...

[#] Tue Mar 29 2016 18:31:47 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Why only to this room? I'd say let 'em loose. The more the merrier. That kind of thing.

[#] Thu Mar 31 2016 13:15:40 UTC from vince-q

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Well, let me be gentle here.
Netting between uncensored and dogpound2 lately is, precarious.
Works for a day, fails for several days thereafter.

So - at first - netting will be this room only until I am confident that the hams in my area will handle it responsibly.

Ultimately ham access will be to the entire bbs (normal network user).

So, IG, just what IS going on between here and dogpound2 ??


[#] Fri Apr 01 2016 13:44:31 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Dunno ... maybe it just needs to be restarted.

[#] Sun Apr 03 2016 05:53:17 UTC from ax25

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Experimentation is part of the hobby.  It does expand the boundaries a bit and makes the unknown possible after a few attempts.

[#] Sun Apr 03 2016 19:34:30 UTC from vince-q

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But until I see a stable networking environment (dogpound2 <-> uncensored) I'm not even going to begin thinking about it.

[#] Tue Apr 05 2016 15:45:22 UTC from vince-q

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Networking uncensored <--> dogpound2 is (once again) not working.

PLEASE fix this.

[#] Sat Apr 09 2016 18:25:40 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Fixed. :)

If I do that pub/sub rework of the networker I was talking about in the other room, I might need some help from you guys to make sure I do it in a radio-friendly sort of way.

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