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[#] Mon Dec 08 2014 06:20:33 UTC from ax25

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Will have to do that if I get the chance, but I will "do the needful" in the appropriate room to make sure someone is home.  Also I prefer to not come unannounced so as not get killed by laser toting killer robots that are guarding the snow blower(s).

[#] Mon Dec 08 2014 18:20:25 UTC from vince-q <>

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What's a "snow blower"????? <evil grin>

[#] Mon Dec 08 2014 22:36:42 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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A prostitute provided at no charge by the CIA as an incentive to keep further leaks of confidential information from happening?

[#] Wed Dec 10 2014 05:36:37 UTC from vince-q <>

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Well, the bands cannot always be hot.
Nothing at all 'interesting' today.
Must be the weather.... ;)


[#] Wed Dec 10 2014 05:40:09 UTC from vince-q

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Sure is quiet around here.
Reminds me of 20 meters earlier today. ;)

[#] Thu Dec 11 2014 07:14:59 UTC from ax25

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ba, dum, pum...?

[#] Thu Dec 11 2014 16:07:56 UTC from vince-q

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Rain here right now.
Strong winds as well.

In fact, the last time I saw wind like this was back in NJ during any one of many hurricanes.

Antennas, so far, holding just fine.

And, hopefully, it will stay that way.


[#] Tue Dec 16 2014 20:26:37 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Great, but what's the current status of SkyK2NE, in geostationary orbit over the mountain?

[#] Tue Dec 16 2014 23:07:51 UTC from dothebart

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hm, that actually would be a great idea for a qube-sat!

[#] Thu Dec 18 2014 06:39:47 UTC from vince-q <>

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Dec 16 2014 12:26pm from IGnatius T Foobar @uncnsrd (Uncensored)
Great, but what's the current status of SkyK2NE, in geostationary orbit

over the mountain?

Actually, we are too busy planning for K2NE/Lunar for the moon base in 2017 just in time for the January VHF Sweepstakes!! ;)

[#] Mon Dec 22 2014 20:47:25 UTC from vince-q

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This is a network test message.

[#] Sat Dec 20 2014 15:18:25 UTC from vince-q <>

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When I was in NJ, working the Canary Islands on 20m or 15m was never a big deal.

Out here it's about 6,000 miles, so it was just a bit exciting to work EA8OM in the Canary Islands... on 40 meters. Through a pile-up even.

I love my Mountain!!


[#] Thu Dec 25 2014 15:19:52 UTC from vince-q <>

Subject: Straight Key Night

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Remember - there's something brewing for New Year's Eve...

Yes, it's almost Straight Key Night!!

If you need the specifics (times, etc.) go to where you'll find everything you need to know.

It's a bit of a contest, but more of a gathering. A time to remember when things were simpler and code speeds were limited by what you could do with that old straight key.

No paddles; no "bugs" or keyers.

Just that simple wrist-breaking straight key.

It will remind you why it's called "pounding the brass!"

Join in. It's fun!!

[#] Mon Dec 29 2014 04:11:39 UTC from vince-q

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We will be active here on the Mountain on Monday morning 29 Dec around 8AM PST (1600 Z) on 10m/20m depending on band conditions.

Look for us on USB (28.400 Mhz and/or 14.210 Mhz, all "+/-").


[#] Mon Dec 29 2014 06:14:19 UTC from ax25

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Little bit late for me to get things together vince-q, but I will rummage through the bins to see if I can find the mike for my 10m rig going forward for a future possible qso meet on air.

[#] Mon Dec 29 2014 07:02:00 UTC from vince-q <>

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Dec 28 2014 10:14pm from ax25 @uncnsrd (Uncensored)
Little bit late for me to get things together vince-q, but I will
rummage through the bins to see if I can find the mike for my 10m rig
going forward for a future possible qso meet on air.

Depending on band conditions, and (of course) your location, it should be a snap. We've gotten S9+ reports from some of the oddest places (Japan, Israel, Maine, and Brazil all within 15 minutes!).

Heck, 10m is *almost* as much fun as six meters!

Just let me know. Monday and Tuesday mornings (Pacific time) are best.

--Vince (K2NE)

[#] Wed Dec 31 2014 15:22:28 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Straight Key Night

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No paddles; no "bugs" or keyers.

I know what a keyer is, but what's a paddle?

[#] Thu Jan 01 2015 05:25:20 UTC from vince-q <>

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I hate to say "google it" but a picture says it all.

[#] Thu Jan 01 2015 18:52:43 UTC from Sig

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My FT-817ND package came with a nice little magmount paddle. I thought about re-eBaying it, but I figure there's a remote chance I will someday learn Morse.

[#] Thu Jan 08 2015 07:19:11 UTC from vince-q <>

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That's all I can say about what happened here on the Mountain around noon today - on six meters.


HAWAII !!!!!!!!!!

Two of them:
WH6XM on sideband. Very nice contact. And then...
KH6HI on CW. Again, very nice contact.

The only thing puzzling me is whether it was F2 (remember, big solar flare thing in progress), or tropo-ducting.

I'm strongly leaning toward F2, but that ducting thing is still a possibility.

But... ANY day you work Hawaii on six meters is a good day!


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