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[#] Sun Apr 07 2024 14:16:01 UTC from Nurb432

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This morning, check the camera at the food bowl to see if he was around last night.


( image follows )

Open photo

( food bowl was pulled out and spilled earlier, its sitting there behind the raccoon )

[#] Tue Apr 09 2024 15:22:37 UTC from msgrhys

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Heh, I'm surprised that didn't happen to you sooner. Possums and raccoons (especially raccoons) will rob you blind.

[#] Tue Apr 09 2024 15:24:27 UTC from Nurb432

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Oh, they have been, but first time i have seen them together. 

[#] Tue Apr 09 2024 15:27:22 UTC from msgrhys

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This reminds me of a bumper sticker I once saw. It had a picture of a possum and said "True patriots brake for America's only native marsupial."

[#] Tue Apr 09 2024 15:39:55 UTC from Nurb432

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I even brake for bugs.. or at least try to avoid them.   ( like in spring when we get roads full of those little fuzzy rollypollys )

[#] Fri Apr 19 2024 03:13:39 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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This reminds me of a bumper sticker I once saw. It had a picture of a
possum and said "True patriots brake for America's only native


[#] Sat May 04 2024 13:09:07 UTC from Nurb432

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Well that was freaking scary.

Heard mewing out my window.  Look out to see the 'feral' walking around my peach tree. No big deal, was going to go out and visit.  THEN i saw a huge black long hair cat walking up the other side. ( not threatening just walking ) and it looks 100% like one of mine.....  Panic.. run around the house looking for a screen that fell out or door left open and trying to find my cat..

But no.. mine is in the dog kennel safely sleeping ( i dont know why, but he likes it in there. both cats do, and prefer to drink the water in there ... ).   so we have a new cat in the area.  

He has been known to jump the back fence of 6'... so hes not allowed outside. 




(  kennel as we still have the issue of one dog being aggressive if there is no 'gate' .. so one has to sleep in there at night.  That way one is not in another room at night and both can sleep in the same room with me.   but shes still super friendly as long as there is some sort of barrier. i wish i understood )

[#] Sun May 05 2024 00:21:06 UTC from Nurb432

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So seen these 2 cats several times together today.   Went out a bit ago and both came over for dinner while i was standing there... They were hiding in my bushes. The one i know, that is normal to hide in the bushes, but never seen this black cat before today, now it acts like it lives here.  5 mins ago it was stretched out on my front step. 


Checked with the owner of the one i know, and its not hers..( long story, but i finally got her phone number a couple of weeks ago . dont know her name tho..  ) 

[#] Sun May 05 2024 00:51:46 UTC from zelgomer

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story, but i finally got her phone number a couple of weeks ago .
dont know her name tho..  ) 

You smooth dog!

[#] Sun May 05 2024 14:24:24 UTC from Nurb432

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Longer version is i caught her in her driveway.   i ran ( literally ) over with a small bag of food and 2 cans .. stuck my number to one of the cans.   She never answers her door the little bit of time she is at home once or twice a week so i got lucky.

Its also how i found out his real name, seems the other neighbor had it wrong. I came up to her car " this is for so and so, bla bla we care and if you ever need any help with him here is my number" and she looked at me like i was nuts at first.  Then is said "you know, your cat" and she was ok and lit up with a thank you, later she texted me and used his name, "ah, that explains why you were so confused when i came over..   lol. "  

Sat May 04 2024 20:51:46 EDT from zelgomer
story, but i finally got her phone number a couple of weeks ago .
dont know her name tho..  ) 

You smooth dog!


[#] Thu May 23 2024 02:53:24 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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My daughter's cat is FIV positive.


[#] Thu May 23 2024 11:51:16 UTC from Nurb432

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Not good.  I lost 2 cats that way.   Got a stray at work. I was working the dock that morning and he came up and sat on the lift.. mewing at me all day. He was clearly homeless so took him home that evening. Took him in to get shots. They didnt bother to test him first and just gave him the shot.  Months later, by the time we found out he had given it to my other cat.  

Keep him separated from any others you have, especially the litter box.   I hear there are some treatments now to help. not fix, but to make his life better.

Wed May 22 2024 22:53:24 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar


My daughter's cat is FIV positive.



[#] Fri May 24 2024 16:36:31 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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That's not what I've read; in fact, all of the veterinary medicine sites call out specifically that FIV is not typically transmitted through the litter box. They say that the vast majority of transmissions occur through being bitten by an infected cat. Our cats don't fight with each other so I think they're ok there. Unfortunately keeping either one of them completely indoors is a non-starter. They'd both go crazy and destroy the whole house and then find a way out anyway.

[#] Fri May 24 2024 16:44:45 UTC from Nurb432

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There was no cat biting here. they got along surprisingly well for an 'invader' suddenly appearing in an established home.  But its just what i was told by the vet when i asked why. 

I suppose a mosquito bite transmission is possible.

Fri May 24 2024 12:36:31 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
That's not what I've read; in fact, all of the veterinary medicine sites call out specifically that FIV is not typically transmitted through the litter box. They say that the vast majority of transmissions occur through being bitten by an infected cat. Our cats don't fight with each other so I think they're ok there. Unfortunately keeping either one of them completely indoors is a non-starter. They'd both go crazy and destroy the whole house and then find a way out anyway.


[#] Fri May 24 2024 16:51:21 UTC from Nurb432

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Well, now we have a new cat issue here.

While im still not thrilled about the other situation, he does have a home, and his owner IS availble at times.   Ill just keep an eye out, and keep feeding him and giving him attention. He had got some cuts last week from yet another fight, told the owner, he's now being kept inside to heal... So there is that. I'm glad i finally got her number.


But we have another that comes around every once in a while, i assumed it had a home. Rumor is no, its been abandoned about a year ago.   Its always had something on its neck, but assumed the owners knew.   Yesterday, he came up to feed, limping, cant use his front right leg at all, and his neck is in pieces.   We now have the entire area looking out to try to capture him somehow. If anyone can get him, i will take him in, and to the vet. And keep him in afterwards, if we can get him before he dies.



( and yes i know, i need to rip out that front step, this last winter pretty much destroyed it )

[#] Mon Jun 17 2024 12:10:30 UTC from Nurb432

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Not seen him since that picture was taken. I don't think he made it.    :(           I went and bought a live trap the next day. 


I really hope someone took him in and just didn't tell anyone.



[#] Tue Jul 02 2024 18:58:56 UTC from Nurb432

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i know its their nature, but really wish my cats would not go out and try to kill birds.  Its not like they need the food. 

Just now found my cat in the garage holding one down. Not sure if its going to live or not.  May have a broken leg. Stuck it in a cage, has water now and is in the house where its cool.   we will see.

[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 23:51:39 UTC from Nurb432

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If you are bored, and making AI images of cats with a local uncensored model, be sure you clearly state CAT.. or you may not get what you expect.  LoL

[#] Sat Jul 13 2024 20:41:34 UTC from Nurb432

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Grey cat was seen last night at midnight. Really thought he was long gone.  Trap goes back out tonight.   

Chances are slim, but if i can catch him, he will be headed to the vet. and will have a safe home to be in for the rest of his life. 

[#] Sun Jul 21 2024 17:20:53 UTC from Nurb432

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Added another camera, trap is ready.  Not seen again.   I have no clue where hides.  He needs rescued, badly.   Not that i want yet another cat at this point in my life, but he needs to be off the streets and safe. 

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