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[#] Tue Jun 23 2015 03:02:13 EDT from dothebart

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it seems it worked out:

[#] Tue Jun 23 2015 13:53:53 EDT from LoanShark

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database software is at its best when it's old and boring.

[#] Wed Jun 24 2015 20:34:05 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Well yes... sometimes you really do just need a dumping ground for records.

[#] Mon Jun 29 2015 14:02:16 EDT from LoanShark

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and then sometimes you need something super-scalable and lean. I am still not a big fan of NoSQL, I like my indexes automatically maintained and my data normalized, thank you. But there is something to be said for the auto-sharding of AWS DynanoDB if you know you are going to need something that really screams.

(And the SimpleDB pricing model can not be beat, but it may not be around for much longer, and the programming model is still not as good as SQL)

[#] Wed Jul 01 2015 01:27:26 EDT from ax25

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If your want lean storage for data, RDBMS might not be the winner (assuming that is the only criteria).

[#] Fri Jul 03 2015 08:14:41 EDT from dothebart

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while libcitadel as base and many parts of citadel already embrace object oriented designs,tihs is an interesting read:

[#] Mon Aug 24 2015 07:36:51 EDT from dothebart

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anno 2015: Microsoft Visual Studio implements snprint()


[#] Mon Aug 24 2015 09:10:22 EDT from fleeb

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They had it in 2013, as _snprintf, requiring <stdio.h>. They also have wide versions of the function.

[#] Mon Aug 24 2015 11:15:03 EDT from dothebart

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_snprintf wouldn't terminate the string on error. So I guess that doesn't count.

afairk they had that for quiet a while.

[#] Tue Aug 25 2015 10:02:29 EDT from fleeb

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Ah... I wondered if the underscore might have been the offense.

[#] Wed Aug 26 2015 09:03:36 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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anno 2015: strncpy() still doesn't guarantee null termination, on *any* platform

[#] Wed Aug 26 2015 10:49:48 EDT from dothebart

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thats why one should use memcpy. strncpy() isn't buffer overrun safe anyways.

[#] Wed Aug 26 2015 14:23:16 EDT from fleeb

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Heh... memcpy with UTF-16 characters...

[#] Wed Aug 26 2015 14:33:49 EDT from LoanShark

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anno 2015: strncpy() still doesn't guarantee null termination, on *any*


It doesn't guarantee bounds-safety if you pass the wrong size parameter, either. I suppose you're supposed to use it after calloc() or memset() and pass size-1...

[#] Wed Aug 26 2015 14:35:04 EDT from LoanShark

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(I do think it's a dumb design. And as I recall, Citadel has a safestrncpy...)

[#] Wed Aug 26 2015 19:43:30 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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It does have safestrncpy() in its utility library. It also has an elastic string data type. Neither is particularly pleasant to work with. Time to rewrite the whole thing in Python.

[#] Mon Aug 31 2015 23:01:09 EDT from ax25

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A Python re-write of any of it would be interesting.  Prolly not gonna happen, but it would be fun for me.

[#] Tue Sep 01 2015 10:29:47 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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If the project were being started today it would be in a higher level language, very likely Python. But it isn't. From time to time we discuss extension languages, though.

[#] Tue Sep 08 2015 22:23:02 EDT from ax25

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I guess I have never tried calling any of the Citadel libraries with ctypes yet.  I should probably give that a try.  I don't think I will muck about on my live system however :-)  Easy / Queasy install to the rescue.

[#] Fri Sep 11 2015 04:29:24 EDT from dothebart

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@ax25 I guess there is not much in there realy usefull for python. The client api doesn't use libcitadels abstractions, which, if, then would probably be a good thing to use in python or swig.


Another nice thing I've just found: A system for doing markdown documentations & presentations with latex backends written in...


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