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[#] Wed Jan 20 2021 03:06:57 UTC from nonservator

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My mother, the atheist, says she is praying for me.

Absolute proof that politics is religion.

[#] Wed Jan 20 2021 03:17:54 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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By the way, I have been on absolute fire today in walking right up to the tank and standing there defiantly staring down the oppressors inside it. 

If anyone is going to disappear 1st, I'm the dumb, outspoken one. It'll be me. 

I am not suicidal. I am not depressed. I love my life. I like this BBS, I like my BBS. 

If I disappear, the rest of you should be bugging out. Don't wait. 


[#] Wed Jan 20 2021 13:52:11 UTC from Nurb432

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Since human nature does not really change over time, history does tend to repeat itself. Tho one could say its more of a spiral instead of a true circle, as each cycle is more and more destructive/oppressive than the previous.  

[#] Wed Jan 20 2021 15:38:26 UTC from zooer

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Fri Jan 08 2021 06:59:47 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Mark my words: President Trump (PBUH) will leave the White House in handcuffs. 


 Picture of Trump leaving the WH in cuffs.



[#] Wed Jan 20 2021 17:15:41 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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"I felt a great disturbance in the Force ... as if 75 million voices cried out in terror and were silenced."

[#] Wed Jan 20 2021 18:20:35 UTC from zooer

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Yet here you are posting a message.

[#] Wed Jan 20 2021 18:31:30 UTC from Nurb432

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Well, technically he WAS escorted out by the military. Just not quite as the democrats wanted.

Escorted to the military helicopter, and then jet.. and flown by military personnel..


[#] Wed Jan 20 2021 18:33:45 UTC from Nurb432

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"hatebook" with a mascot of ghost rider in full flameout. 

[#] Wed Jan 20 2021 20:01:18 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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The Democrats right now...


[#] Wed Jan 20 2021 20:40:15 UTC from nonservator

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I felt so much better after sending my mom that long letter, unearthing over a decade of silent frustrations on my part. Until I realized just how much worse I've made her feel. It's like her heart has been permanently broken and nothing I can say will ever make a difference. That she now loves me in spite of who I am, out of mere genetic obligation. That I've ruined what's left of her life and caused her more pain than I did with all the bullshit I pulled in my first eighteen years of life. Because then, you know, I didn't know any better - now I'm CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSING wrong/bad values. And even if I'm not crazy, stupid or evil, then clearly I'm listening to and trusting people who are.

I wanted to reassure her and find some common ground. Now my little island has been swept away by a hurricane. And I'm lost at sea, drowning.

And for my part, I feel equal despair. Because it's one thing if she just flat out believes the events I describe didn't take place. But if she acknowledges that they did happen, and sees nothing wrong with them - the physical assaults, the financial deplatforming, the outright unpersoning of more and more people with ever less "extreme" views - I want to grab her, and shake her, and scream: How in the hell is any of this at all compatible and in keeping with the supposed liberal values of an open and democratic society which you claim to uphold? How is double standards for racial identity politics not moving backwards into full on tribalist war? And when the fuck did she turn into such a libertarian advocating for freedom of association so all us right thinkers can shun the wrong thinkers altogether out of society?

In less than a span of weeks we went from saying Alex Jones shouldn't be able to communicate with more than a handful of people, or be able to use banks or credit cards, to saying that Jordan Peterson should go right on the chopping block along with him. Those who claim to hate the rich and fight for the working class are cheering as the capitalists of Silicon Valley enact a totalitarian nightmare before our eyes, with the full and enthusiastic cooperation of thousands of other powerful corporations.

But I'm the crazy one.


[#] Wed Jan 20 2021 21:00:25 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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It's more than a little weird that The 1% have made The 1% fabulously more wealthy and powerful, by training The 99% to hate The 1%. How the hell does that even work? This isn't the end of 1984, it's the end of Animal Farm.

[#] Wed Jan 20 2021 21:03:07 UTC from Nurb432

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Donno how old you are, so dont take this the wrong way.. But im old and I have been there, and i have found that 'those letters' in the long run never really help. Its too bad you had to learn that lesson with your mother.

Perhaps in time it will improve. 

Wed Jan 20 2021 15:40:15 EST from nonservator

I felt so much better after sending my mom that long letter, unearthing over a decade of silent frustrations on my part. Until I realized just how much worse I've made her feel. It's like her heart has been permanently broken and nothing I can say will ever make a difference. That she now loves me in spite of who I am, out of mere genetic obligation. That I've ruined what's left of her life and caused her more pain than I did with all the bullshit I pulled in my first eighteen years of life. Because then, you know, I didn't know any better - now I'm CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSING wrong/bad values. And even if I'm not crazy, stupid or evil, then clearly I'm listening to and trusting people who are.

I wanted to reassure her and find some common ground. Now my little island has been swept away by a hurricane. And I'm lost at sea, drowning.

And for my part, I feel equal despair. Because it's one thing if she just flat out believes the events I describe didn't take place. But if she acknowledges that they did happen, and sees nothing wrong with them - the physical assaults, the financial deplatforming, the outright unpersoning of more and more people with ever less "extreme" views - I want to grab her, and shake her, and scream: How in the hell is any of this at all compatible and in keeping with the supposed liberal values of an open and democratic society which you claim to uphold? How is double standards for racial identity politics not moving backwards into full on tribalist war? And when the fuck did she turn into such a libertarian advocating for freedom of association so all us right thinkers can shun the wrong thinkers altogether out of society?

In less than a span of weeks we went from saying Alex Jones shouldn't be able to communicate with more than a handful of people, or be able to use banks or credit cards, to saying that Jordan Peterson should go right on the chopping block along with him. Those who claim to hate the rich and fight for the working class are cheering as the capitalists of Silicon Valley enact a totalitarian nightmare before our eyes, with the full and enthusiastic cooperation of thousands of other powerful corporations.

But I'm the crazy one.



[#] Thu Jan 21 2021 01:17:05 UTC from Nurb432

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It only works for so long.

The government will take ti all, or they will be the bunch of mindless jerks who will be first against the wall when the revolution comes.


Wed Jan 20 2021 16:00:25 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
It's more than a little weird that The 1% have made The 1% fabulously more wealthy and powerful, by training The 99% to hate The 1%. How the hell does that even work? This isn't the end of 1984, it's the end of Animal Farm.


[#] Thu Jan 21 2021 01:35:17 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Styxhexenhammer666 referred to the Trump years as an "indian summer". I think that's a fantastic description. The globalist coup has been going on for decades. I believe it began when President Reagan allowed George Bush Clinton Obama Bush to slip into office with him. After the Bush family failed in its attempt to assassinate Reagan (Hinckley was, without question, an employee of the Bushes) they simply used GHWB's connections to begin installing the swamp. This process only accelerated when he became the president.

They weren't expecting Trump and miscalculated. That's why they had to program their sheep to have a four year tantrum.

So after four years of the left calling us racists, nazis, traitors, after they've launched an endless campaign to ruin us, destroy us, exterminate us...
in the words of Carpe Donktum, "I am gonna take a hard pass on that whole unity thing. Go fuck yourself Joe."

[#] Thu Jan 21 2021 01:57:57 UTC from zooer

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It started long before that.  Reagan grew the size of government, spent like crazy, took away state's rights and reduced freedoms. Reagan was a big union man, he was leaving a lunchtime meeting with the AFL–CIO when Hinckly shot him.
Trump, Reagan both used the "Wooohooo AMERICA" tactic to get "conservatives" to fall for statist actions. 

[#] Thu Jan 21 2021 03:21:00 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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The economy was decimated after Carter, and one can argue Nixon and the Vietnam war. The country had lost faith in itself. Reagan restored those things, with very Trump-like policies. We were poor, eating Government cheese and living on welfare when Reagan took office - by the end of it, everyone in my family had jobs, cars, economic recovery - supply side economics had worked. 

I saw it. I hated Reagan and bought into the Leftist dogma against him in the 80s. By the 90s, I wanted him back. 

I think Ig is right. Reagan and Trump are the only two non-Swamp politicians we've had in 50 years of politics, and they both had administrations that saw record economic growth and the restoration of pride in America. Since Reagan, other than Trump - it has been Bush/Clinton dynasty trade offs for 40 years of consecutive decline in American importance and influence. 

Watch what happens now. 


Wed Jan 20 2021 20:57:57 EST from zooer

It started long before that.  Reagan grew the size of government, spent like crazy, took away state's rights and reduced freedoms. Reagan was a big union man, he was leaving a lunchtime meeting with the AFL–CIO when Hinckly shot him.
Trump, Reagan both used the "Wooohooo AMERICA" tactic to get "conservatives" to fall for statist actions. 


[#] Thu Jan 21 2021 14:33:16 UTC from Nurb432

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I think for most us here, we saw 2 of the greatest presidents this country has ever seen.  Reagan and Trump.  Neither were perfect, and i know i disagreed on a few things they both did, but they honestly cared about the country and did what they thought was best for it, not for them.  In most cases they were right, and the country ( hell the world ) improved due to their actions. 

Those that are too young to remember Reagan, that is a shame. Was a good example of what a leader should be.

The way it looks, unless we do a reboot of this thing, there wont be any more greats.


( and  i have never heard of the Hinkley theory.. )

[#] Thu Jan 21 2021 14:35:30 UTC from Nurb432

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Yep, the only reason we didn't have Hillary. 

I said from day one of him winning that they wont make that mistake twice, and they will do *anything* to get back and retain power, even if it meant literally burning down the country.  And they clearly they did.  ( even the burn part.. )

Wed Jan 20 2021 20:35:17 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
They weren't expecting Trump and miscalculated. That's why they had to program their sheep to have a four year tantrum.


[#] Thu Jan 21 2021 14:47:33 UTC from zooer

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Wed Jan 20 2021 10:21:00 PM EST from ParanoidDelusions

The country had lost faith in itself. Reagan restored those things, 

The 1980 Olympic Hockey team did more to turn the American spirit around.

[#] Thu Jan 21 2021 15:33:51 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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The Olympic Hockey team did nothing to ensure that I never had to eat a Government Cheese sandwich on day-old bakery bread again. 

Reagan gets the credit for that one. 


Thu Jan 21 2021 09:47:33 EST from zooer


Wed Jan 20 2021 10:21:00 PM EST from ParanoidDelusions

The country had lost faith in itself. Reagan restored those things, 

The 1980 Olympic Hockey team did more to turn the American spirit around.


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