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[#] Sun Nov 22 2020 16:34:48 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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I'm not keeping my hopes up because I just can't handle being disappointed again. If he manages to take back the election that was stolen by the BushClintons I will certainly celebrate. I won't write him off completely though, because as many have pointed out -- we've never seen him not win.

[#] Sun Nov 22 2020 17:59:23 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Sun Nov 22 2020 16:34:48 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
I'm not keeping my hopes up because I just can't handle being disappointed again. If he manages to take back the election that was stolen by the BushClintons I will certainly celebrate. I won't write him off completely though, because as many have pointed out -- we've never seen him not win.

I agree. I am resisting getting encouraged, because I don't want to face being disappointed twice. Also, I can't see a scenario where he wins in this one. If he wins, the nation will split in two. If he wins, there will have to be trials for treason and there have to be convictions, and those convicted must serve as examples on what happens if you attempt something like this. 

There is no peaceful outcome to the election being reversed in Trump's favor - and in either case, half the country is going to see the next President as illegitimately elected. 

[#] Sun Nov 22 2020 22:22:20 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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The nation is already split in two. Barack Obama did that.

[#] Sun Nov 22 2020 23:32:11 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Sun Nov 22 2020 22:22:20 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
The nation is already split in two. Barack Obama did that.

I agree - but it hasn't come to actual, nation-wide blood letting yet. It hasn't caused the breakdown of civil society for the majority of people in the majority of places. 

If there is a reversal on the projection that Trump is going to lose - that will inevitably come, though. 


[#] Mon Nov 23 2020 19:00:40 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Trump is not "going to lose". He already won with 291 electoral votes.

What is undetermined at this time is whether the demo-KKK-rats will maintain their steal. It is looking increasingly likely. If they do, it doesn't mean they won. It means they stole it.

This is what demo-KKK-rats do. They lie, they cheat, and they steal. They are bad people. They are wicked, horrible, America-hating communists.

[#] Mon Nov 23 2020 19:03:59 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Side note: look for the Hunter Biden Laptop story to suddenly become "non fake news" next year. If Joe doesn't leave office willingly he will be impeached by his own people so that KKK Amala can be expeditiously installed.

[#] Mon Nov 23 2020 19:52:37 EST from zooer

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Wasn't Kamala part of the Hunter story?  I figure they will get rid of Kamila, replace her with Hillary, Joe will step down on his own.   (/remove aluminum foil)



[#] Mon Nov 23 2020 22:01:02 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Mon Nov 23 2020 19:00:40 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

Trump is not "going to lose". He already won with 291 electoral votes.

What is undetermined at this time is whether the demo-KKK-rats will maintain their steal. It is looking increasingly likely. If they do, it doesn't mean they won. It means they stole it.

This is what demo-KKK-rats do. They lie, they cheat, and they steal. They are bad people. They are wicked, horrible, America-hating communists.

As a conservative - I feel like if we knew they were going to cheat, and we didn't prepare to beat them at that game - we still lost. 

If you know your opponent isn't going to be fair, you've got to come up with a strategy to defeat that... because losing is losing. Maybe not morally, but in the real world, it doesn't *actually* make a difference. 


[#] Tue Nov 24 2020 09:17:32 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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The strategy is obvious. At the moment the headwind against it is insurmountable.
Make every vote, and every voter, accountable. It isn't that we don't have the technology -- after all, if Facebook and Google can profile you, so can the government. They measure computing capacity in *acres*.

One vote per person, one person per vote. Once you cast your vote you are locked out of the system, both electronically and physically (purple thumb dye for the latter). Government-issued identification required to vote. Identification provided for free for those who can't afford it because they're not white (I think that's ridiculous, but it's basically the argument the left makes when they say minorities are disenfranchised by voter ID requirements).
Automatic exclusion of voters who have not proven their existence through some other transaction such as paying taxes, being enrolled in a school, or maintaining a driver license.

We have the technology. We've had it for decades. It isn't even complicated.
Anyone who doesn't want this kind of accountability for the voting system, is basically someone who WANTS fraud.

That only goes so far, though. Although the margin of fraud was massive this year, it is still dwarfed by the left-owned institutions who have brainwashed half the nation into believing in the existence of Bad Orange Man.

[#] Tue Nov 24 2020 09:35:34 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Tue Nov 24 2020 09:17:32 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
The strategy is obvious. At the moment the headwind against it is insurmountable.
Make every vote, and every voter, accountable. It isn't that we don't have the technology -- after all, if Facebook and Google can profile you, so can the government. They measure computing capacity in *acres*.

One vote per person, one person per vote. Once you cast your vote you are locked out of the system, both electronically and physically (purple thumb dye for the latter). Government-issued identification required to vote. Identification provided for free for those who can't afford it because they're not white (I think that's ridiculous, but it's basically the argument the left makes when they say minorities are disenfranchised by voter ID requirements).
Automatic exclusion of voters who have not proven their existence through some other transaction such as paying taxes, being enrolled in a school, or maintaining a driver license.

We have the technology. We've had it for decades. It isn't even complicated.
Anyone who doesn't want this kind of accountability for the voting system, is basically someone who WANTS fraud.

That only goes so far, though. Although the margin of fraud was massive this year, it is still dwarfed by the left-owned institutions who have brainwashed half the nation into believing in the existence of Bad Orange Man.

I don't disagree... 

But we didn't convince enough people of this - so we lost. And we'll continue to lose unless we start marketing this so that people buy it in bigger numbers than they but the competitor's product. 

To me, it is just basic market capitalism. If your other side is using unfair trade practices, their dominant position - the market actually naturally, eventually corrects for this. All the Bells were so dominant we were never going to break their stranglehold - but it actually created an opportunity for innovation - and we got cell phones - who became so dominant we were never going to break their stranglehold, but it created an opportunity for innovation, and we got instant messaging and VoIP and other methods of internet communication. 

The free market sees obstacles as damage and routes around it, given enough time. No one talks about the threat of the WinTel duopoly anymore - because Apple came from behind with a music player, and with Google and Facebook, disturbed that status quo with innovation. 

The Republicans talk a mean conservative game - but they don't always practice it. Innovate and figure out how to sell the public better. This is where we fail constantly. We're doing better - but clearly, not good enough. 

[#] Tue Nov 24 2020 14:07:24 EST from zooer

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In New York's 22 district House race the republican candidate in this heavy conservative area was ahead by 28,000 vote on election day.  By the time they finished counting all the absentee ballots the lead was reduced to ~200 votes.  Yeah.

And now.... dead people have voted!

[#] Tue Nov 24 2020 14:11:41 EST from zooer

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New York is encouraging people to turn in their neighbors for having more than the recommended number of people.

This is nothing new, 12 years ago while I was living in Florida the state was experiencing a drought.  The state set up a phone number for people to call to report on neighbors for using water.  The news encouraged people to call.

[#] Tue Nov 24 2020 19:19:31 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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The Republicans talk a mean conservative game - but they don't always
practice it. Innovate and figure out how to sell the public better.

Bush Republicans are happy to simply be part of the inside circle of graft and corruption, in exchange for which they dutifully fall down and die whenever someone calls them racists. That was the unspoken but obvious party position, as echoed and obeyed by the RINO Fox News.

And as I've said countless times, that is the reason the left and faux-right went so apoplectic over President Trump. He fought for us, for the people, and wouldn't back down.

We need hundreds of Donald Trumps. We need conservatives who fight instead of backing down like BushClintons.

And if it means republicans need to fight dirty, then so be it. It is a well known strategy of communists, democrats, and other employees of Satan to take advantage of our virtues. *They* can fight dirty, but we can't. The only way to defeat that kind of enemy is to respond with equal and opposite force.

This is, uncoincidentally, the reason many organizations -- including churches! -- have fallen to the Lavender Mafia.

We can't be nice. When they bring a knife, we bring a fucking Tsar Bomba.

[#] Tue Nov 24 2020 22:57:06 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Tue Nov 24 2020 19:19:31 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
The Republicans talk a mean conservative game - but they don't always
practice it. Innovate and figure out how to sell the public better.

Bush Republicans are happy to simply be part of the inside circle of graft and corruption, in exchange for which they dutifully fall down and die whenever someone calls them racists. That was the unspoken but obvious party position, as echoed and obeyed by the RINO Fox News.

And as I've said countless times, that is the reason the left and faux-right went so apoplectic over President Trump. He fought for us, for the people, and wouldn't back down.

We need hundreds of Donald Trumps. We need conservatives who fight instead of backing down like BushClintons.

And if it means republicans need to fight dirty, then so be it. It is a well known strategy of communists, democrats, and other employees of Satan to take advantage of our virtues. *They* can fight dirty, but we can't. The only way to defeat that kind of enemy is to respond with equal and opposite force.

This is, uncoincidentally, the reason many organizations -- including churches! -- have fallen to the Lavender Mafia.

We can't be nice. When they bring a knife, we bring a fucking Tsar Bomba.

I do not disagree with you at all in this analysis. That has been my implicit point the entire time. If we lost, it is because we didn't play as dirty as they did, and we should have played dirtier. 

I'm just more diplomatic in phrasing this observation than you are. ;) 


[#] Wed Nov 25 2020 20:54:42 EST from zooer

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So, if "they" cheated, how come they didn't cheat and let Hillary win in 2016?


I am not saying I don't believe shenanigans didn't happen, why didn't they happen in 2016.

I do believe Hillary isn't well liked within her own party.

[#] Wed Nov 25 2020 23:25:33 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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That one is easy. Even the demoKKKrats themselves believed that the coronation of Hitlery was inevitable. They thought that Mr. Trump was a joke of a candidate that the people wouldn't possibly take seriously. They believed these things so they didn't cheat *enough*. That was certainly a mistake they wouldn't make again.

If demoKKKrats had to run on their actual policy positions, they wouldn't win elections at all.

[#] Wed Nov 25 2020 23:43:11 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Wed Nov 25 2020 20:54:42 EST from zooer

So, if "they" cheated, how come they didn't cheat and let Hillary win in 2016?


I am not saying I don't believe shenanigans didn't happen, why didn't they happen in 2016.

I do believe Hillary isn't well liked within her own party.

They didn't think they needed to?


[#] Fri Nov 27 2020 16:54:49 EST from zooer

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The words and wisdom of Al Bundy on voting.

[#] Sun Nov 29 2020 10:30:32 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Actually, my calendar reminded me, despite me not knowing or caring, that the day AFTER Thanksgiving is "National Native Indigenous American Appreciation Day."  

I had the same notification.  Many Native Americans are calling it National Day of Grieving or Native American Grieving day.
I noticed that the first day of February is listed as "The First Day of National Black History Month", and the first day of March is listed as "First Day of Woman's History Month"  That is annoying because in the month view the only thing you see is "First Day".  It is a waste of calendar space.  I get "President's D" and "Valentine", that is simple and gets the point across, but "first day" is meaningless."

(/topic drift)

Here is the thing from my perspective. 

You might as well call it, "National Happy Here is the Pox" day. 

Having it precisely the day after Thanksgiving actually amplifies this effect. 

"Today is the day Native Americans get to reflect on how things might have been different if they had invented the wheel and written language before Europeans arrived... but they didn't so... dwell on that..." 

I mean - it is like they think that a day like this will reinforce liberal guilt or *punish* the folks who tend to think more pragmatically about the dynamics of human conquest and displacement. 

It doesn't. It just makes me roll my eyes and go, "Ahh, a national day of virtue signaling our guilt, with no intention of doing anything more to actually address whatever it is we're supposed to feel guilty about." 

And instead of giving the desired response, instead of making me go, "Oh, we're so terrible..." 

It makes me go, "Glad we showed up with firearms to a bow and arrow battle." Especially when they push it in my face in a calendaring program on my PC. 

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