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[#] Sun Nov 01 2020 15:10:48 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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If that isn't cringeworthy enough, Lady Gaga's video telling you to vote for Joe & Hoe is even worse.

Should be simple enough: the rich and famous are pushing political candidates who will favor the rich and famous. Think about that if you aren't part of the 1%.

[#] Mon Nov 02 2020 13:15:16 EST from zooer

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Why does Joe Biden's campaign logo use three red lines for the "E" in Biden's last name?

Three Red Banners (Chinese: 三面红旗) was an ideological slogan in the late 1950s which called on the Chinese people to build a socialist state. The "Three Red Banners" also called the "Three Red Flags," consisted of the General Line for socialist construction, the Great Leap Forward and the people's communes.[1][2][3]
After the first Five-Year Plan, the People's Republic of China continued its socialist construction by introducing "Three Red Banners Movement".,Forward%20and%20the%20people's%20communes.

[#] Mon Nov 02 2020 17:59:46 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Not surprising, since Biden is the official candidate of the Chinese Communist Party.

[#] Mon Nov 02 2020 18:06:35 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Final thought on Election Day Eve

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Here's a final thought as we head into Election Day tomorrow. This message will have no effect since many have already voted, and no one is going to be swayed by some random dude on the Internet spewing common sense. But I'll post it anyway.

The rich and famous, the celebrities, the CEOs of big media corporations, the silicon valley elite, the powerful public sector unions ... they are "The One Percent". And they are all backing the same candidate: one who has promised to make the wealthy elite even more wealthy and elite.

The 99% should be voting for the candidate who has a proven track record of representing the 99% ... and that is, of course, President Donald J. Trump (PBUH).

[#] Mon Nov 02 2020 22:17:52 EST from zooer

Subject: Re: Final thought on Election Day Eve

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I read a blurb that if Trump wins antifa is going to riot and loot, if Biden wins antifa is going to dress up as Trump supports to riot and loot.

[#] Wed Nov 04 2020 09:31:40 EST from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Just waiting for the lawsuits to start flying today.

[#] Wed Nov 04 2020 10:55:11 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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What a mess. Personally I am mentally preparing for the worst, because if the election results come down to who can be the best at being scumbags, the dems have it in the bag.

[#] Fri Nov 06 2020 00:17:16 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Donald Trump won the largest non-white vote share for a Republican presidential candidate in 60 years.

Joe Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.

It should be obvious at this point that the demoKKKrats have committed MASSIVE fraud, just like I said they would.

[#] Fri Nov 06 2020 11:21:53 EST from Nurb432

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Yep.  And should scare the hell out of all of us. Like him or not, he won fair and square and they are working to destroy the system.


Fri Nov 06 2020 00:17:16 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Donald Trump won the largest non-white vote share for a Republican presidential candidate in 60 years.

Joe Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.

It should be obvious at this point that the demoKKKrats have committed MASSIVE fraud, just like I said they would.


[#] Fri Nov 06 2020 15:02:04 EST from zooer

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My 180° rule.  In 2000 the democrats felt that every vote needed to be counted for democracy and that recounts were part of the processes.

Now, they just want to win.

[#] Sat Nov 07 2020 13:17:56 EST from zooer

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Well, I am glad that is over.... (rolls eyes)

[#] Sat Nov 07 2020 15:36:20 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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"So this is how liberty dies ... with thunderous applause."

[#] Sat Nov 07 2020 20:12:10 EST from zooer

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If Trump won, AOC would have won in 2024.  

Of course, she could become Harris VP if Biden doesn't last a full term.

[#] Sun Nov 08 2020 00:10:43 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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AOC is already claiming that anyone who claims that there was fraud in the election is racist.  It's rare to hear a sentence come out of that little twit that doesn't include her calling someone a racist.  I'd really like to smash those donkey teeth out of her mouth with the back of a shovel.

It doesn't matter if Dementia Joe remains in office or if his affirmative action VP takes the seat.  Those two are simply there to be puppets.  They don't have their own policies, they don't have their own vision, they don't have anything.  They are puppets of the big government "swamp" and everyone knows it.  They will do as they are told.  Decisions will be made by people deep inside the swamp.  Some of them are names you know (Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, Clinton, Soros) and some of them are names you will never know.

Come on, man: nobody, and I mean *nobody*, voted "for" Joe and Hoe.  They voted "against" Trump, because the establishment couldn't stand having a President who was not part of the establishment.  Every complaint they have ever made about him was made up.  And their media (legacy and digital) dutifully brainwashed almost half the country into believing those lies, while their massive cheating effort (told ya so) brought it over the edge.

[#] Mon Nov 09 2020 23:31:27 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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every room. I am as suspicious as many will undoubtedly be over the

timing of this vaccine announcement, and I might head over to the
politics room after this to have a few words about it, but I think a

lot of people are going to be turned off if the whole board turns into

And here it is. Here is where I vent my spleen.

The timing of this announcement isn't even a little bit subtle.

Now it is 100% clear. The virus has completed its prime objective (removing President Trump from office) and now it's time for the ChiComs and DemComs who created it, to ramp it down. But not before Big Pharma can make a few zillion dollars on it.

This is the globalist agenda laid bare. They don't care how many people they have to kill in order to achieve it. The people must not have power.

[#] Mon Nov 09 2020 23:47:06 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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And as usual, the Russians running botnets are not nearly as frightening in what they may be up to as the political Left in the US and what one might suspect *them* of conspiring to do next. 

I was also thinking that the problem with you not doing Twitter and Facebook, Ig - is that you miss things - like - Alexandria Ocasio Cortez recently suggested that the Left should start keeping a list of very vocal advocates of Donald Trump. I'm not sure if you know who Bret Weinstein is - he is the Far Left College professor who got run out of Evergreen College by a bunch of activists who wanted to hold him hostage because his white privilege as a professor was symptomatic of the oppression of the White Patriarchy. That was a few years ago. He is still a Lefty, but he has woken a bit to exactly what kind of monster his ideology has let loose on society. He has realized that the rhetoric has been taken too far and it has gone from just purging problematic Right Wing Straight White Males that they're not going to be content until they've dismantled Western Society and removed every last vestige of anything related to white culture from it. 

Anyhow - Bret suggested to AOC that this was maybe a bad look. She didn't care. 

If you've seen or read Harry Potter - Dumbledoor's Army met in a secret room called "The Room of Requirement" (I'm not a huge Harry Potter geek... I had to just go and look at this up...) 

It do find it ironic that the Millennials that grew up loving this franchise seem blind to how prescient it was to the themes we are seeing unfolding across the globe today, or that *they're* the bad guys. 


[#] Tue Nov 10 2020 00:07:23 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Sun Nov 08 2020 00:10:43 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

AOC is already claiming that anyone who claims that there was fraud in the election is racist.  It's rare to hear a sentence come out of that little twit that doesn't include her calling someone a racist.  I'd really like to smash those donkey teeth out of her mouth with the back of a shovel.

It doesn't matter if Dementia Joe remains in office or if his affirmative action VP takes the seat.  Those two are simply there to be puppets.  They don't have their own policies, they don't have their own vision, they don't have anything.  They are puppets of the big government "swamp" and everyone knows it.  They will do as they are told.  Decisions will be made by people deep inside the swamp.  Some of them are names you know (Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, Clinton, Soros) and some of them are names you will never know.

Come on, man: nobody, and I mean *nobody*, voted "for" Joe and Hoe.  They voted "against" Trump, because the establishment couldn't stand having a President who was not part of the establishment.  Every complaint they have ever made about him was made up.  And their media (legacy and digital) dutifully brainwashed almost half the country into believing those lies, while their massive cheating effort (told ya so) brought it over the edge.

This is the kind of thing I'm suggesting we should be very careful about, Ig, because they may already be here - watching. And this is the kind of thing that they're pushing red flag laws for. A flippant suggestion of a *fantasy* of assault on her can be their ticket to shut this down and take you into a little room and scare you so bad you look like Jello Biafra after the FBI raided their Oakland warehouse and confiscated all their Frankenchrist posters at the end of the 80s. (If you're unfamiliar, look up Dead Kennedys Frankenchrist FBI raid)... 

I agree with all the rest. What we've had since Reagan left office was 40 years of Bush/Clinton dynasties where the actual policies that matter, H1B visas, offshoring, energy dependence and war in the Middle East, global free trade, environmental pacts - have remained the same regardless of who was in office. Every election it was a Bush or a Clinton, or one of their closest circles. Romney and McCain consistently broke rank with the Republicans over Trump to join the Democrats - and Bush Sr. announced he was going to vote for Hillary before Trump had one vote cast for him. Every election was a Bush or Clinton, or one of Clinton's circle or one of Bush's circle. We're right back to that. Obama was a Clinton, and Biden is Obama 2.0, now with less melanin. Harris isn't an AOC socialist. She was youngish, brown, and female - so they started setting her UP as a radical Leftist way back when she first got elected, having her be seen as part of Ilhan Omar and AOCs circle - because they knew they were never going to let Bernie have a chance - but they could kill 3 birds with 1 stone with her. They get the Brown Vote, the get the Female Vote, and they get the Bernie Socialist vote. But the minute she steps into office, she'll be Obama 2.1 - She'll disappoint the Left by being too moderate *just* like Obama did. 

At least we know what to expect. 


[#] Tue Nov 10 2020 00:56:22 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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I knew about AOC's List. Remarks that stupid are posted in all sorts of places, not just Facebook and Twitter.

I won't go on Facebook because I'll speak my mind and get myself in trouble.
After I left, I tried a couple of fake accounts, but the effort wasn't worth the lulz. Twitter requires a cell phone number for verification, and my number is already banned for life, so it's not even an option.

[#] Tue Nov 10 2020 01:52:01 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Tue Nov 10 2020 00:56:22 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

I knew about AOC's List. Remarks that stupid are posted in all sorts of places, not just Facebook and Twitter.

I won't go on Facebook because I'll speak my mind and get myself in trouble.
After I left, I tried a couple of fake accounts, but the effort wasn't worth the lulz. Twitter requires a cell phone number for verification, and my number is already banned for life, so it's not even an option.

Lucky you. On Twitter not being an option. I speak my mind and get myself in trouble quite a bit. I think it is good for their traffic. I don't want to give them that gift anymore. If people want to continue to enjoy or be irritated by me, they know where they can find me, even though Facebook won't let me post links to the site. 



[#] Tue Nov 10 2020 19:24:28 EST from zooer

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Mon Nov 09 2020 11:47:06 PM EST from ParanoidDelusions

It do find it ironic that the Millennials that grew up loving this franchise seem blind to how prescient it was to the themes we are seeing unfolding across the globe today, or that *they're* the bad guys. 

Read Nineteen Eighty-Four and Brave New World.  Don't say that you read them a long time ago, read them again.


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