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[#] Tue Sep 08 2020 23:00:29 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Can't say I disagree with any of the above mentioned.

[#] Wed Sep 09 2020 16:10:45 UTC from zooer

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Mon Sep 07 2020 06:21:53 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

The DNC's actual plan is called "Operation Red Mirage". It consists of President Trump winning in a landslide, only to have his victory overturned by tens of thousands of fraudulent mail-in ballots. With the White House and both houses of Congress safely stolen, party apparatchiks will rule by fiat.

Okay, so now I know what isn't going to happen...

[#] Sat Sep 12 2020 18:22:25 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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9-11-2001: We Forgot.

[#] Sat Sep 12 2020 18:22:53 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Also, it's a tragedy that Hillary Clinton has not been executed for the four murders she committed on 9-11-2012.

[#] Sun Sep 13 2020 21:08:03 UTC from darknetuser

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The revolution is underway... things are only going to get worse, if

Trump gets reelected there will be full burn cities to the ground


There are no winners in elections, except for the politicians

It is my understanding this can only end in bloodshed.

The Left's terror troops are already organizing themselves to strike if Biden loses.

Given the doubts being casted about the whole election process this year, I expect lots of paramilitary groups not to believe the elections where clean if Trump loses.

Since the democrats started this fire by fostering extremist organizations in their States I can't say I would cry if some Doomsday Militia of Death starts blowing up BLM terrorists.

This sort of crap has no place in a civilized country, but when the administration fails to protect the people, people goes crazy and does crazy things. Regular, normal next-door people in my country has been known to be pressed into beating ethnic gans out of their neighbourhoods with pitchforks and golf clubs. If left sponsored terrorism continues in the US at national elvel I expect this sort of backslash at national level.

[#] Sun Sep 13 2020 22:01:53 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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And it'll be glorious.

[#] Mon Sep 14 2020 17:19:58 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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The Left's terror troops are already organizing themselves to strike

if Biden loses.

An op-ed that appeared in democrat-media complex rag "The Atlantic" suggests exactly that. They claim that democrats will riot if they lose, therefore Republicans should simply let Joe Biden win.

It is amazing how brain-damaged the left is, to think that *they* are on the side of democracy.

[#] Mon Sep 14 2020 17:58:59 UTC from zooer

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A race riot is coming, the left has been planning it for decades.  The pot is simmering, there needs to be an excuse for the heat to be turned up.

[#] Mon Sep 14 2020 21:02:33 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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And then what?

[#] Tue Sep 15 2020 02:33:50 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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In this version, Sylvester McMonkey McBean and his friends rule the nation as socialist dictators, while both the star-bellied and non-star-bellied sneeches end up destitute, sitting in their drafty government apartments while eating cold oatmeal and watching TV coverage of the Chinese landing on the moon.

[#] Wed Sep 16 2020 18:23:48 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I just got a spam text message on my phone telling me to vote for Brock Pierce for president. What the actual fuck? His qualification for president is that he once played a movie character that appeared in a white house scene as a child?

[#] Thu Sep 17 2020 01:14:40 UTC from zooer

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What was Trump's qualification?

[#] Thu Sep 17 2020 20:33:52 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Not being Hillary was his very best qualification. Decades of experience managing a large organization and large amounts of money was clearly a good qualification for managing the largest organization in the world. And I think he's proven his worth by now. Finally, Donald Trump has never sent me unsolicited spam text messages.

I am a Trump superfan and would continue supporting him even if he murdered my entire family.

[#] Fri Sep 18 2020 09:34:35 UTC from zooer

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It scares me that people would be adore any politician, your comment scares me even more.

[#] Fri Sep 18 2020 22:03:06 UTC from darknetuser

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Just curious. Has the Libertarian party in the US adopted any official stance regarding BLM, riots and the like?

[#] Sat Sep 19 2020 00:25:56 UTC from zooer

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Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dies At 87

[#] Sat Sep 19 2020 01:14:14 UTC from zooer

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She should have retired when Obama was president.  

It is going to get interesting...

[#] Sat Sep 19 2020 09:29:10 UTC from zooer

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Fri Sep 18 2020 06:03:06 PM EDT from darknetuser
Just curious. Has the Libertarian party in the US adopted any official stance regarding BLM, riots and the like?

I don't believe they have taken an official stance.

Another Libertarian source is

[#] Sun Sep 20 2020 15:56:07 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dies At 87

In the words of far-left communist Richard M. Stallman: "I'm not glad [she's] dead, but I'm glad [she's] gone."

Let's get that seat filled! Can you believe the violent threats coming from the left over this? It's gotten to the point where not just the hollywood wackos, not just the KKK/BLM/Antifa rioters, but the DEMOCRAT PARTY ITSELF, have become a violent insurrection against the elected government.

There's also another path: if the Hitlercrats manage to block President Awesome's supreme court nomination until after the election, it's going to be one hell of a motivation for conservatives to get out the vote.

It is my hope that President Awesome has the opportunity to absolutely pack the Supreme Court during a second term, and that the end result is that Roe v. Wade is overturned.

[#] Sun Sep 20 2020 16:00:17 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Just curious. Has the Libertarian party in the US adopted any official

stance regarding BLM, riots and the like?

The Libertarian Party will take whatever stance their masters in the Democrat Party tell them to.

Also ... is "Reason" mag an organ of the LP or are they actual libertarians?

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