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[#] Tue Apr 10 2018 19:51:51 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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In other news, this is the week when Mark Zuckerberg will go to Washington DC, and spend a day listening to Congresshitlers making it clear to him that Facebook will be required to massively increase its spending on campaign contributions.

[#] Wed Apr 11 2018 16:10:03 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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So it seems that Lyin' Ryan will not be seeking re-election this year. This means, of course, that his masters have ordered him to help sabotage the mid term elections so that the demoKKKratHitlers can retake the House and begin impeaching the Greatest President Ever on (ahem) trumped-up charges.

[#] Wed Apr 11 2018 20:04:47 UTC from zooer

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Wed Apr 11 2018 12:10:03 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored
begin impeaching the Greatest President Ever 

How would that be possible?  Coolidge has been dead since 1933.

[#] Tue Apr 17 2018 18:29:50 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Barbara Bush, akso known as Baaaaarbara Boooooooosh, is dying. I can't say I'll miss her. She's essentially the grandmama of globalism in America, the matriarch of the socialist communist 100%-aligned-with-the-demoKKKrat-party Bush family.

R. Lee Ermey died over the weekend. He didn't wise up to reality until after he made the mistake of voting for Barack Saddam Hussein Osama Hitler Hitler Hitler Obama. Then later he started speaking out against socialism, and that immediately ended his career because he got blacklisted by ultra-communist America-hating Hollywood.

Everyone in politics needs to be more like President Trump, the ultra-hero of the people, the greatest President of our era.

[#] Mon Apr 23 2018 21:09:34 UTC from zooer

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Governor Andrew Cuomo introduced on Monday a bill that would ban single-use carryout plastic bags statewide.  According to the governor's office, the bill would "ban the provision of single-use, plastic carryout bags at any point of sale."

Mayor Bill de Blasio had recently called for a statewide ban on plastic bags.

[#] Mon Apr 23 2018 21:14:43 UTC from zooer

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In the 80s/90 environmentalists insisted we use Plastic bags to save the trees.

[#] Tue Apr 24 2018 14:15:08 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I do agree that we should reduce solid waste. Filling the planet up with nonreusable solid waste is a real, observable, solvable problem -- unlike AGW, which is a complete hoax.

It could be argued, however, that a statewide government ban on plastic bags at POS is a bit heavy handed. (Speaking of POS ... Andrew Cuomo is one.)

[#] Mon May 21 2018 16:42:39 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Check this out. I finally found something about which I agree with the notorious ultra-mega-super-Hitler known as Ba'raq Saddam Hussein Osama Hitler Hitler Hitler Obama (a thousand curses be unto his shithead name).

In 2012, Obama (spit) suggested that schools remove _Catcher in the Rye_ from their curriculum and replace it with a book about window insulation.

As a long-time and ultra-harsh critic of J. D. Salinger's infamous instrument of student torture, I can totally get behind that. That's a book which only a sadistic high school English teacher could love.

[#] Tue May 22 2018 20:58:42 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Remember that John Lennon's killer was obsessed with Catcher?

[#] Wed May 23 2018 16:29:09 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Are you suggesting that J. D. Salinger worked for the CIA after his writing career ended, and he is the one who operated Mark Chapman by remote control?

[#] Thu May 24 2018 14:30:38 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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This is Politics and Propoganda, not Politics and Paranoia.

[#] Thu May 24 2018 14:38:32 UTC from wizard of aahz

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although perhaps an appropriate rename.. Or.. Politics, Propaganda and Paranoia

[#] Thu May 24 2018 18:31:27 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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My theory is the objective truth until disproven. Also the real Ragnar would have spelled "propaganda" correctly, so we have more reason to be suspect.

[#] Thu May 24 2018 19:02:47 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Yeah.... Well, we all have our off days.

[#] Thu May 24 2018 19:03:07 UTC from wizard of aahz

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I'm concerned that this room has three subjects, all separated by commas with no and before the last item. As a result, I wonder if there is a hidden 4th category. Or am I just paranoid?

[#] Thu May 24 2018 19:18:33 UTC from LoanShark <>

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Pretty sure that's grammar OCD, not paranoia, pointyhair.

[#] Thu May 24 2018 19:19:17 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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2018-05-24 15:03 from wizard of aahz
I'm concerned that this room has three subjects, all separated by
commas with no and before the last item. As a result, I wonder if there

is a hidden 4th category. Or am I just paranoid?

And should it use an Oxford comma or not?

[#] Thu May 24 2018 21:02:37 UTC from wizard of aahz

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I prefer the Cambridge comma..

And yes, I know what the Oxford comma is. I'm just being my normal difficult self.

[#] Fri May 25 2018 14:27:38 UTC from LoanShark <>

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And yes, I know what the Oxford comma is. I'm just being my normal,

difficult self.

Fixed it for ya.

[#] Fri May 25 2018 14:30:17 UTC from wizard of aahz

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Could be.

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