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[#] Thu Jan 11 2018 21:56:44 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Fine with me. You live in New England so I'm delegating the fiery purge of Fauxcahontas and Bernie to you. Let me know if I need to order you some flamethrower fuel on Amazon before we purge Bezos.

[#] Fri Jan 12 2018 19:09:52 UTC from zooer

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This belongs in the "Said by everyone" room but we need to keep politics here.  "Haiti is a shit hole"

[#] Fri Jan 12 2018 19:12:07 UTC from zooer

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 IGnatius, You love Trump, you hate Amazon, do you support Trump's plan to tax the middle class through Amazon purchases?

[#] Fri Jan 12 2018 20:38:38 UTC from Ladyhawke

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Thu Jan 11 2018 04:56:44 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored
Fine with me. You live in New England so I'm delegating the fiery purge of Fauxcahontas and Bernie to you. Let me know if I need to order you some flamethrower fuel on Amazon before we purge Bezos.

<laughs>  I can't tell you how happy I would be to have a fiery purge out here right now.....

[#] Sat Jan 13 2018 20:19:40 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Fri Jan 12 2018 02:09:52 PM EST from zooer @ Uncensored

This belongs in the "Said by everyone" room but we need to keep politics here.  "Haiti is a shit hole"

Of course, it's now becoming clear that Dick "the dick" Durbin assembled that alleged comment out of words from several different private conversations and placed them into a context that never actually occurred.

So it went from "President Trump used the word 'shithole'" to "he said Haiti is a shithole" to "he said Haiti is a shithole because black people live there" to the usual "President Trump wants to send all non-whites to extermination camps" which is where all liberal media dialogs eventually end up.

And they wonder why people are canceling cable in record numbers.

[#] Sun Jan 14 2018 15:38:22 UTC from zooer

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May I please have the source of this information?

[#] Mon Jan 15 2018 14:39:01 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Trump good, Facebook bad, Dr. King says so

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On this MLK Day, it's so wonderful to know that Dr. Alveda King, niece and successor to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, is on the side of America rather than on the side of the political left.  She took the time to point out that one of the biggest advocates for true equal rights, and true advocate for the African-American community, is one President Donald J Trump.  Then she took the time to point out that one of the worst sources of racism out there is Facebook.

[ ]

Or the short link: [ ]

Dr. King is a true American.

[#] Tue Jan 16 2018 12:27:55 UTC from zooer

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[#] Fri Jan 19 2018 18:29:11 UTC from zooer

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Democrats in 2014: Government shutdown!???!!  This is the most horrible thing to happen, it is anti-American, it is a insult to the American people, RACISM!!!  

Democrats in 2018: Government shutdown is what happens when members of congress stand up and tell the other members of congress they don't like the direction of the country. We should be proud we are able to do this.

[#] Fri Jan 19 2018 20:29:35 UTC from LoanShark <>

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In 2014, we weren't talking about just a government shutdown, we were talking about failure to extend the debt ceiling, which would have been a default on the debt. Get your facts straight.

[#] Sat Jan 20 2018 00:02:33 UTC from Ladyhawke

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Well, "right now, a number of state laws allow a baby to be born from his or her mother’s womb in the ninth month. It is wrong. It has to change”.  So there is that....

[#] Sat Jan 20 2018 10:50:31 UTC from arabella

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Whatever happened to the US of A, I used to think that despite its flaws, it was pretty close to being a good place. I no longer think that.

I have a great respect for the office of the Presidency, there have been many great men that have held that office, occasionally there have been poor presidents, but in the main they seem to have had the best interests of America at heart.

The current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is not one of them, he is instead what we British would once have called "A Buffoon."

I look forward to his leaving office.

[#] Sat Jan 20 2018 11:14:39 UTC from zooer

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Fri Jan 19 2018 03:29:35 PM EST from LoanShark @ Uncensored

In 2014, we weren't talking about just a government shutdown, we were talking about failure to extend the debt ceiling, which would have been a default on the debt. Get your facts straight.

I stand corrected, failure to extend the debt ceiling is racist.  

[#] Mon Jan 22 2018 19:33:58 UTC from LoanShark <>

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[#] Tue Jan 23 2018 19:27:06 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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We were never going to default. It's so fucking stupid that it's even a talking point.

We were going to pay our obligations. Period. We'd just have to cut spending elsewhere. The government still pulls in well over $3 trillion a year in tax revenue.

It's no different than hitting your credit card limit. It doesn't mean you declare bankruptcy.

It was nothing but a Democrat lie in order to scare people.

Slashed government services? Yep. Higher interest rates? For sure. Market panic. Probably. Sale of government assets? Maybe. Credit downgrades?
Again maybe.

Defauly? Absolutely not.

[#] Tue Jan 23 2018 19:27:14 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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[#] Tue Jan 23 2018 22:21:18 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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The current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is not one of them,
he is instead what we British would once have called "A Buffoon."

From outside the USA you might not have the full picture of what's going on over here.

We've just completed a full year of prosperity and security that has not been seen in decades. The economy is thriving, unemployment is at record lows (for everyone, particularly minorities), ISIS is almost obliterated, illegal border crossings are a fraction of what they were before, the socialist takeover of health care has been neutered, we've enjoyed a massive cut of taxes and regulations, and consumer confidence is very high.

With no meaningful criticism against our President's effectiveness possible, his opponents have resorted to character assassination. Unfortunately, his opponents also control the majority of mass media outlets.

Rest assured, the USA is in better shape than it's been in decades, and the man in the Oval Office is a far more effective and competent leader than the "orange buffoon" the media would like you to believe he is.

[#] Sat Jan 27 2018 13:29:56 UTC from arabella

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Tue Jan 23 2018 05:21:18 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored
The current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is not one of them,
he is instead what we British would once have called "A Buffoon."

From outside the USA you might not have the full picture of what's going on over here.

Rest assured, the USA is in better shape than it's been in decades, and the man in the Oval Office is a far more effective and competent leader than the "orange buffoon" the media would like you to believe he is.

I sincerely hope you are right.

[#] Wed Jan 31 2018 18:06:27 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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SOTU - Democrats showed how much they hate America.

Trump brings up infrastructure - a traditionally Democratic stance - no clapping.

Trump brings up MS-13 and illegal immigration - they boo him!

Partisan hacks.

[#] Wed Jan 31 2018 22:17:49 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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He went for unity in that speech, not really a lot of partisan stuff. Mostly pro-America points. The demoKKKrats really showed, both in their cold response to the speech in the chamber, and in their (literally) slobbering hatefest response afterwards, that they don't care about America, they only care about maintaining/increasing their own power.

Dead Kennedys: it's not just a 1980's band, it's something our government needs more of.

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