Trump has stated that he is a globalist and a nationalist. There is a term for that type of person, you combine the beginning part of globalist "globa" and then end part of nationalist "list" for the word 'globalist'.
This horrible bunch of Hitlers has passed a budget that fully funds 100% of the Hitler Democrat agenda, including "we love to kill babies" Planned Parenthood, and does not fund the wall.
Paul Ryan needs to get ass-raped with a tomahawk missile.
Not funding the wall is a good thing, the less the government spends on useless projects the better. I don't think any reasonable person thought anything else about the budget would change.
Anyone who does not support fully funding THE WALL is a 100% Hitler Equivalent (tm) who hates the United States and wants our nation to be destroyed.
How could you not agree with that? Zuckerberg has more victims than
all the others combined ... by a lot.
I don't disagree with that.
...Unless Jesus gets deported first.
So... what was the plan for when Obamascare was repealed? Something has to fill that void, 'I know they thought about this', he said with a sarcastic tone in his voice.
Thu May 04 2017 08:41:05 PM EDT from nonservator @ UncensoredDo you want more Trump? Because this is how you get more Trump.
I think that should be a new catch phrase, when somebody says something sternly say "Do you want four more years of Trump?...'cause that's how you get four more years of Trump!"
"Half mushroom half sausage pizza?"
"Do you want four more years of Trump?...'cause that's how you get four more years of Trump!"
"The Brownsville account should be given top priority..."
"Do you want four more years of Trump?...'cause that's how you get four more years of Trump!"
"So I hear upstate New York is suppose to get snow this week."
"Do you want four more years of Trump?...'cause that's how you get four more years of Trump!"
It is an awesome phrase.
Fine with me. I'd be happy to have eight or twelve more years of Trump. (Yes I know there are term limits, but there's also the rule that the president has to be a natural born citizen, and Obama wasn't one, so rules were meant to be broken.)
I think you are missing the point but I will take four more years of Trump. (Actually I will take three years and 3 months more of Trump)
"Could you please empty the dishwasher?"
"You want four more years of Trump? Because that's how you get four more years of Trump."