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[#] Fri Jun 02 2017 18:25:19 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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He's not going anywhere. So far, he's been a net positive.

[#] Sun Jun 04 2017 18:38:35 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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It took a couple of reads, but I think that's what zooer is pointing out.
(And if it isn't, then he is of course hitler.)

Mr. Trump is objectively and undeniably the single best president ever.

[#] Mon Jun 05 2017 12:22:34 UTC from zooer

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That is Hitler with a capital H.

People see and believe whatever they want to see and believe.

[#] Mon Jun 05 2017 17:06:09 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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That's essentially the argument that Scott Adams has been making over and over again. Cognitive dissonance. Two different movies playing simultaneously on the same screen.

[#] Mon Jun 05 2017 20:30:45 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I love how the liberal hitlers are still trying to convince us that "islamophobia" is the cause of terrorism.

That's like telling a rape victim that she was asking to be raped because of the way she was dressed.

[#] Wed Jun 07 2017 14:21:16 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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For some really stupid and Hitler-equivalent reason, Apple decided to have Michelle Obama as a speaker at their World Wide Developers Conference this year. And of course, she didn't talk about technology, she just trashed our President.

Google and Microsoft are liberal Hitlers too, of course, but at least they don't brazenly air liberal hate speech icons at technology conferences. I will never buy an Apple product again.

[#] Wed Jun 07 2017 21:19:27 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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I think you weren't going to buy any Apple products anyway....

[#] Wed Jun 07 2017 21:54:20 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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And you are going to? Why do you hate America?

[#] Wed Jun 07 2017 22:05:18 UTC from LoanShark

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I, too, intend to pick up my toys and go home.

[#] Wed Jun 07 2017 23:14:36 UTC from wizard of aahz

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You have toys?

[#] Thu Jun 08 2017 19:20:46 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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So, what have we learned?

1. Lynch covered for Hitlery
2. Comey was the source behind the leaks
3. Trump/Russia was fake news
4. CNN is fake news

The ironic part is that if Comey had not been fired, we might not have found out that Trump was never under investigation, along with the CNN lies and Lynch/Obama obstructionism.

I propose summary execution for everyone who has ever called for President Trump's impeachment.

[#] Thu Jun 08 2017 21:02:33 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Actually we learned almost nothing. Everything was already leaked.

[#] Thu Jun 08 2017 23:50:58 UTC from zooer

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I am so excited, the company that handles my Obamacare premiums is asking for over an 11% increase in premiums for 2018!  The gift that keeps on giving!  Everything was horrible when I was paying a messily $375 a month with only a $750 deductible.... those days are long gone.  

[#] Fri Jun 09 2017 15:32:55 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Actually we learned almost nothing. Everything was already leaked.

What has changed now, though, is that the demoKKKrat/MSM narrative, which all sensible people knew was a lie to begin with, no longer holds water. And they're going to drop it like a rock now, because it's clear tha any further investigation will only expose corruption on the part of people like Hitlery Cunton and Ba'raq Saddam Hussein Osama Obama.

Look for a new unified attack on President Trump starting next week. They are certainly coordinating it now and are busy distributing the new narrative to everyone in the demoKKKrat/MSM complex.

[#] Sat Jun 10 2017 19:19:09 UTC from LoanShark

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You have toys?

Since I still can't walk, you can call me The Gimp. Yes, The Gimp has toys... :-D

[#] Sat Jun 10 2017 21:51:05 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I am so excited, the company that handles my Obamacare premiums is asking for over an 11% increase in premiums for 2018! 

How dare you criticize ObamaCare.  If you are against ObamaCare you are against Obama, and that makes you a RACIST!!!1

[#] Tue Jun 13 2017 03:07:26 UTC from wizard of aahz

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BTW - in the good old days of insurance.. an 11% hike would've been considered as a gift.. I remember getting hit with 35-40% premium hits on a yearly basis.

[#] Tue Jun 13 2017 16:28:16 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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I can't remember the last time there wasn't at least an 11% hike. The letter I got from my insurance company a couple of weeks ago is asking for a 13% hike.

I'd be less annoyed by that if it weren't for the fact that the deductibles and minimums are now sky high in order to keep the monthly fees down.

This past year we've used the insurance more than normal and all I get is confusing bills from the hospital that don't jive with one another.....

The system sucks worse than ever. By design.

[#] Tue Jun 13 2017 16:31:00 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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The system sucks worse than ever. By design.

It's designed to force you to understand that until you beg the government for single-payer, you are a racist.

Personally, I think we should get Shakespeare-in-the-Park actors to stab the real Barack Obama. Then continue stabbing Obama loyalists until there aren't any left.

[#] Wed Jun 14 2017 16:53:48 UTC from wizard of aahz

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Hospital and health insurance billing has got me so fooking confused. All these bills on my desk and no clue when I can sit ont he phone for hours to have them explained to me.

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