Anyone who is not Hitler will agree that what happened in Syria was a false
flag planted by Jared Kushner and John McCain.
I'm enjoying watching leftists going crazy over retaliting against a
country that gassed kids.
According to MSNBC, this whole thing is Putin and Trump manufacturing a conflict so it doesn't look like they're in cahoots.
I shit you not. The 100HE(tm) media is *that* unhinged.
Yeah, I've seen the whole "Putin is helping is buddy out" rant.
The media proves itself the enemy more with every passing day.
The media proves itself the enemy more with every passing day.
John Nolte wrote an excellent piece, published on the Daily Wire [
] in which he suggests that President Trump's decisive and immediate action
against the muslim scum in Syria demonstrates that he is following Ronald
Proto-Trump Reagan's "peace through strength" strategy, as opposed to the
guaranteed fucked-up results of the Obama and Bush strategies.
I agree, but I think we should also bomb McCain.
I agree, but I think we should also bomb McCain.
2017-04-05 18:39 from IGnatius T Foobar @uncnsrd
President Trump (the single greatest president ever) seems to have a
habit of shuffling people around. I'm going to assume he knows what
he's doing.
Why make that assumption, he shuffles objects around on the table every time he sits down at a conference, and he doesn't know what he's doing then.
Barack Obama was born in Kenya. Always remember this. Anyone who disagrees
is Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin, and Zuckerberg all rolled into one.
How could you not agree with that? Zuckerberg has more victims than all the
others combined ... by a lot.
Calling someone you disagree with Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, or Stalin is understandable. Calling someone Zuckerberg is wrong, it is cruel and although I am against hate crime laws, calling someone Zuckerberg should be considered a hate crime. There is no need for that kind of insult in society.
Ok, when I'm wrong I'm wrong. Comparing someone to Zuckerberg, the single
most evil mega-villain the universe has ever produced, was over the line.
Also, it seems that George Hitler Wanker "Undo Morning In America" Bush, the
granddaddy of all RINOs, is back in the hospital again. He really ought to
take a cue from Nancy Pelosi and start eating live babies (obtained from Planned
Parenthood) to sustain his life force.
Thought for the day:
The people who said that Hillary Clinton was 100% absolutely going to win the 2016 election, are the same people who said that Barack Hitler Obama was born in Hawaii.
The people who said that Hillary Clinton was 100% absolutely going to win the 2016 election, are the same people who said that Barack Hitler Obama was born in Hawaii.