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[#] Thu Aug 25 2016 11:42:21 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Thu Aug 25 2016 11:03:21 AM EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold @ Uncensored
I just came to the conclusion that Trump is the Jesse Ventura of national politics.

Jesse Ventura is a million percent more qualified than Ted Bush Cruz.  He says what's on his mind and isn't controlled by Goldman/Bush/Soros/Sachs like Ted Cruz is.  That's why people like him.  It's also one of the reasons why people (other than America-hating liberals and butthurt Cruzbots) like Donald Trump.

Trump is the only reasonable presidential candidate who has been on a major party ticket in the 21st century.  Only a Hitler equivalent could disagree.  And if he isn't able to overcome the rigged system and win the 2016 election, it isn't going to matter in 2020.  A naive observation would be that Cruz is sabotaging his own ability to have a fair shot at the 2020 or 2024 election, because even a few years of Hitlery will complete the transformation of one party pretending to be two into one party and some meaningless small opposition.  No reasonable Republican will ever vote for Cruz now that he's outed himself as the ideological equivalent of Clinton, but after a few years of Clinton it won't matter anyway.

Ted Bush Cruz is an enemy of conservatism.  He has done more to damage the brand than anyone else during this election cycle.

In any case, it doesn't matter, because as I previously pointed out, conservatism is dead.  It was killed by decades of Bush/Cruz types campaigning as conservatives and then governing as liberals.  The only thing that can save America now is nationalism.  We have one chance left.  Like it or not, that final chance to save America is Donald J Trump.  Anything short of full, personal, enthusiastic, fanboy-level support of Donald Trump is equivalent to a death wish for the country and the Constitution.

Fuck Cruz.  He's an asshole and everyone knows it.


[#] Thu Aug 25 2016 11:46:07 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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I'll take a real conservative over a fake nationalist any day of the week.

Trump has duped so many into beliving his shtick, it's incredible.

I'm all for America first. I'm for border walls. I'm for trade battles.
I'm for keeping out immigrants from problem countries.

Trump isn't. He's just saying what he thinks will get him elected.

[#] Thu Aug 25 2016 12:22:28 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Trump isn't. He's just saying what he thinks will get him elected.

That sounds like Cruz, who pretended to be a Tea Party patriot long enough to get into office, then revealed himself as the Bush/Clinton acolyte that he truly is.  Thankfully he blew his cover before he could win the nomination.

I have no doubt that Trump will be awesome.  Maybe he's not perfect but he's got a big brain, a big mouth, and a big heart.  I like that.  He's certainly several orders of magnitude better than the Clinton/Cruz globalists who are committed to selling what's left of America out to special interests.

Cruz seriously needs to be given an atomic wedgie, every hour, 24/7, until he gets his America-hating ass out of politics.  He should go work for Facebook where his bottom-feeding douchebaggery would be welcome.

[#] Thu Aug 25 2016 12:34:33 EDT from LoanShark

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Trump is the only reasonable presidential .... [snipped]

So you're saying he's coming in like El Nino?

[#] Thu Aug 25 2016 12:46:52 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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So you're saying he's coming in like El Nino?

Yes!  He needs to kill people (ISIS) and knock down trees (Clinton/Cruz) !

Some people are nazis and do not support Trump.  AT THEIR OWN PERIL!

(I'm Jeremy Lavine and I support this message.) 

[#] Thu Aug 25 2016 14:34:10 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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I still don't understand your beef with Cruz, other than his supporters didn't fall in line for Trump.

[#] Thu Aug 25 2016 16:15:15 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I used to be a fan, back when we thought his Tea Party constitutionalist act was authentic.  I don't see how anyone can still approve of him now that he's clearly demonstrated that he is a Trump-hating, and therefore America-hating, establishment globalist.

RINOs like Cruz, Romney, Bush, and Glenn Beck are the reason conservatism is dead.

I wonder if Soros was planning to pay him as much as he paid Romney to throw the election.

[#] Fri Aug 26 2016 14:03:43 EDT from LoanShark

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So why not? Cruz is Cuban. Economically speaking, he's seen what happens when a country turns inward. He might be right and you might be wrong. And at least he has principles (not ones that I agree with...)

[#] Fri Aug 26 2016 15:03:24 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Fri Aug 26 2016 02:03:43 PM EDT from LoanShark @ Uncensored

So why not? Cruz is Cuban. Economically speaking, he's seen what happens when a country turns inward. He might be right and you might be wrong. And at least he has principles (not ones that I agree with...)

Cruz is of Cuban descent, but his citizenship is Canadian.  His non-eligibility for office is just one of many things he has in common with Obama.

[#] Fri Aug 26 2016 15:43:28 EDT from zooer

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....that and voting machines in democrat districts.

[#] Fri Aug 26 2016 15:55:04 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Bzzzt.... He's been an American citizen since birth. If you want to argue about the how the term "natural born citizen" is applied via the law, fine.
But make no mistake, he's an American citizen.

[#] Fri Aug 26 2016 17:16:53 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Cruz/Obama are both foreigners.  Both are communists who hate America and Trump.  Both are slaves to the establishment.  Both are Hitler.  All of this is objective and undeniable fact.  It takes a very warped distortion of reality to argue otherwise.

[#] Sun Aug 28 2016 22:02:08 EDT from zooer

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208°-212° ?  What is it?  I think the longer soaking probably takes care of that.  Try it both ways and see what tastes better to you.  


Your one of Donald Trump's pets.  That is why I call you a trumpet.

[#] Mon Aug 29 2016 11:19:26 EDT from LoanShark

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Psst. You're. ;-P

[#] Mon Aug 29 2016 11:26:51 EDT from fleeb

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I zForgot the Politics room because, in this particular election cycle, I'm pretty tired of *all* of it. I want out.

If you're gonna drag it to every other fucking room, then I'm out of Uncensored, too.

[#] Mon Aug 29 2016 11:38:29 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Trump is all over the place....

[#] Mon Aug 29 2016 17:40:37 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Trump is all over the place....

Yes, we know, you Cruz/Clinton fans will say anything to trash our American nominee.

[#] Mon Aug 29 2016 21:52:12 EDT from LoanShark

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[#] Wed Aug 31 2016 08:57:57 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Wow. Even the Hitler-owned "Washington Post" is now reporting that "A record number of Americans now dislike Hillary Clinton"

[ ]

It is surprising that Jeff Bezos, a fully made member of the Cruz/Clinton campaign to destroy America, would allow this to be printed.

[#] Wed Aug 31 2016 14:52:36 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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I don't know why you insist on linking Cruz and Clinton, when Trump's ideas are more ideologically in line with Clinton.

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