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[#] Sat Mar 18 2023 18:46:24 UTC from Nurb432

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I thought T was going to NYC for this?  i might have misunderstood. But yes, if it does go down in his state, Desantis will have lost support and ended is future career.

And while the charges should not stick, its ludicrous i wont put t past the corrupt justice system to make it happen.   But either way, I hope its the final straw, and the union dissolves in flames  ( literally ).  Not that i'm really wanting the chaos, but a forced reboot is needed, before its too late. ( if it isn't already ) 

[#] Sat Mar 18 2023 22:41:06 UTC from Nurb432

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Just a thought on the subject..  a funny one..

Lets say he gets arrested next week. Goes to jail.  Bail is denied to try to keep him out of the race. But he still does run, and wins.  Then he pardons himself from within jail.


[#] Sun Mar 19 2023 02:46:26 UTC from LadySerenaKitty

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The arrest of the Rightful Purresident would have disastrous consequences.  It's a pawsible trigger for Civil War 2.0.  In this case, it would be "Civil War 2.0: Redneck Revenge".

Yes, there is a tagline for every pawsible Civil War 2.0 trigger, and most of them are hilarious.

[#] Sun Mar 19 2023 11:30:23 UTC from Nurb432

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You left out MAGA, gotta have MAGA somewhere or its not a valid movement. ( according to the left :) )   And personally, i do think we have been inside 2.0 for a while now, just its been mostly bloodless ( but not totally ). But this may cause that to change. 

But even if things dont explode into violent chaos, it will still change the landscape in this country forever. Like so much that has happened the last few years.  If you left the earth for a vacation on mars or something, and just got back, its totally unrecognizable. 



( and dammit my L key just died.. 1/4 of what i just typed was fubar )

Sat Mar 18 2023 10:46:26 PM EDT from LadySerenaKitty

The arrest of the Rightful Purresident would have disastrous consequences.  It's a pawsible trigger for Civil War 2.0.  In this case, it would be "Civil War 2.0: Redneck Revenge".

Yes, there is a tagline for every pawsible Civil War 2.0 trigger, and most of them are hilarious.


[#] Sun Mar 19 2023 18:00:02 UTC from LadySerenaKitty

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If a full-scale bloodbath breaks out, I'm getting a pew-pew stick.  I may be a felon, but goddammit that's not gonna stop me from purrotecting myself during the bloody phase of a civil war.


Also, I think we should have death-row inmates participate in Thunderdome.  Two men enter, one man leaves.

[#] Sun Mar 19 2023 19:14:44 UTC from test2

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felon.  I didn't see that coming.

[#] Sun Mar 19 2023 19:52:57 UTC from Nurb432

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Personally i feel that is unconstitutional. 

If you have served your time, and are not considered a threat, you should be be able to own them. 

[#] Sun Mar 19 2023 21:49:14 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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At this point it should be pretty clear to everyone except the hatemongers of MSNBC that a public Trump arrest would galvanize his support and guarantee him a landslide third electoral victory and a second term.

The left and the rinos are really getting out of hand. They're desperate and they may be overplaying their hand. They really deserve to be removed from power French Revolution style. Whoever here suggested guillotines got it right.

[#] Sun Mar 19 2023 22:44:18 UTC from Nurb432

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Hypothetical here, and it wont happen, but a 'what if' that just popped into my head and im not a legal expert, i dont even play one on TV.:


Lets say Trump wins.  Many of us feel he won last time. So this would be his 3rd win, which you cant do for the big chair, only twice.   

What if DNC admits it was stolen last time, does that mean trump cant win again so the results are null and void ( and perhaps they go after him for breaking the law there too ) or does that mean he gets to serve his 2nd term as he should have, or does he only get to serve the remainder of the stolen term ( just a few weeks ), or something else?

[#] Mon Mar 20 2023 00:10:19 UTC from LadySerenaKitty

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That was me, the slightly insane kitteh.

Sun Mar 19 2023 17:49:14 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
Whoever here suggested guillotines got it right.


[#] Mon Mar 20 2023 00:12:23 UTC from LadySerenaKitty

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Here in Texas, I can legally own a pew-pew, I just can't take it anywhere.  Yes I served my time (mostly).  I was sentenced to 12 months and ended up doing 10 months 2 weeks, zero days, out early due to "good behavior".  Basically I was a good kitty in prison.

Sun Mar 19 2023 15:52:57 EDT from Nurb432

Personally i feel that is unconstitutional. 

If you have served your time, and are not considered a threat, you should be be able to own them. 


[#] Mon Mar 20 2023 11:11:01 UTC from Nurb432

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If someone is released, and not on probation they served. Don't matter if its 100% suspended or 0%.

And good for you for turning your life around, it can be hard. 

Sun Mar 19 2023 08:12:23 PM EDT from LadySerenaKitty

Here in Texas, I can legally own a pew-pew, I just can't take it anywhere.  Yes I served my time (mostly).  I was sentenced to 12 months and ended up doing 10 months 2 weeks, zero days, out early due to "good behavior".  Basically I was a good kitty in prison.

Sun Mar 19 2023 15:52:57 EDT from Nurb432

Personally i feel that is unconstitutional. 

If you have served your time, and are not considered a threat, you should be be able to own them. 



[#] Mon Mar 20 2023 13:09:34 UTC from nonservator

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"Trump should link his legal threat to the J6 prisoners and the Douglas Mackey case, showing them to be similar victims of a tyrannical regime. Instead he will probably try to sell digital trading cards with his mugshot on them."

[#] Tue Mar 21 2023 00:28:04 UTC from zelgomer

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And good for you for turning your life around, it can be hard. 

Ackshually she never said that. Maybe she just got better at not getting caught. :)

Anyway, I agree. If you can be trusted to be released, you can be trusted with a gun. If you can get one in Texas, I think you should go ahead and do it.

[#] Tue Mar 21 2023 11:56:43 UTC from Nurb432

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Well, that is sort of the same thing, in a twisted way of thinking :)

Mon Mar 20 2023 08:28:04 PM EDT from zelgomer
And good for you for turning your life around, it can be hard. 

Ackshually she never said that. Maybe she just got better at not getting caught. :)


[#] Tue Mar 21 2023 16:06:31 UTC from LadySerenaKitty

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I've been a good kitty, never arrested since, 'cuz I don't break the law.

[#] Tue Mar 21 2023 17:30:12 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Lets say Trump wins.  Many of us feel he won last time. So this
would be his 3rd win, which you cant do for the big chair, only

I was about to say the obvious, which is that he did not *serve* two terms ... then I went ahead and read the full text of 22A and it does indeed say "No person shall be *elected* to the office of the President more than twice"

So it is indeed a possibility, however remote. It would also trigger a Constitutional crisis in which we would have to question the validity of any legislation and EO's signed by the fraudulent president.

[#] Tue Mar 21 2023 17:30:59 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I've been a good kitty, never arrested since, 'cuz I don't break the

Is there a special prison for cats?

[#] Tue Mar 21 2023 18:21:39 UTC from Nurb432

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Yes. And they dont have trees there. Its mostly sitting around in carriers all the time.   No fun for the imprisoned. 

Tue Mar 21 2023 01:30:59 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
I've been a good kitty, never arrested since, 'cuz I don't break the

Is there a special prison for cats?


[#] Tue Mar 21 2023 18:23:11 UTC from Nurb432

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Yes, however the damage inflicted, its too late to erase that.

Tue Mar 21 2023 01:30:12 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
. It would also trigger a Constitutional crisis in which we would have to question the validity of any legislation and EO's signed by the fraudulent president.


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