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[#] Mon Feb 28 2022 09:22:03 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Watch this guy:

He may be a crackpot... a Scottish Alex Jones. 

On the other hand, maybe the Alex Jonses are the ones telling the truth. 


[#] Mon Feb 28 2022 09:30:27 EST from zelgomer

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This may be true. The fiction is that this is any different in the
US. I guarantee you, all of these Russian bitcoin mining, McAfee
associated, pump and dump scam cartels are not only global - but at
the highest levels very powerful members of the US political,
corporate, military and military-industry complex are deeply involved

in their operations. It isn't Putin running a global organized
criminal organization making Russian billionaires. That is just one
link in a global web of elite criminal activity that includes every
nation on Earth. 

So: here is my problem when the discussion goes in this direction. I don't doubt for a moment that the powerful and elite in the world are all interconnected and criminals. The problem is that all I ever see are vague accusations or circumstancial evidence. Has anyone ever taken the time to sort all of this mess out and present it in a fashion that can be consumed by an average day dope like me? As long as it just looks like a word salad of conspiracy theory buzzwords, I have to discount it and form opinions on the narratives that I'm sure must be spun or embellished or possibly even straight up false, but at least I can understand them.

[#] Mon Feb 28 2022 10:05:56 EST from darknetuser

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So: here is my problem when the discussion goes in this direction. I

don't doubt for a moment that the powerful and elite in the world are

all interconnected and criminals. The problem is that all I ever see

are vague accusations or circumstancial evidence. Has anyone ever taken

the time to sort all of this mess out and present it in a fashion that

can be consumed by an average day dope like me? As long as it just

looks like a word salad of conspiracy theory buzzwords, I have to

discount it and form opinions on the narratives that I'm sure must be

spun or embellished or possibly even straight up false, but at least I

can understand them.

I can think of some local periodist here who is bent in uncovering this kind of shit. He gets a lot of stuff published, and has gotten a lot of people to court (and in a notorious case, lead a politician to divorce when some dirty secrets were uncovered) but in the end of the day nothing of this ever hit mainstream news.

Politicians are the ones granting press passes, radio licenses and so on. If you are not on board with their plan they just refuse to let you do journalism legally. I can think of a bunch of radio stations and newspapers who are getting double crossed because of not following the party line.

If you want to portray somebody as a conspiracy theorist, the only thing you have to do is to bribe the media into broadcasting your official version so loud than anybody saying anything else will stand out as the weird one in the crowd. It doesn't help that those who don't follow the official narratives are by their very nature outstanding people who are easily indentifiable as "different".

[#] Mon Feb 28 2022 10:21:32 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Here is Russell Brand agreeing with me on the basic principle of what I'm claiming about the invasion of the Ukraine. 

But maybe Russell Brand agreeing with me will help convince people:


As for the rest - It is one of those convenient things...  like being a member of Fight Club. If I *know* these things, like - what I said a few months ago about how the revelation of McAfee hiding at a Barcelona Ghost Hotel used for bit-mining and other e-fraud by Russian organized crime revealed to me the TRUTH of the things that McAfee was claiming... 

Then I probably can't just discuss openly on a public internet forum *why* that makes me certain.  

So discount me if that is all that is left to you, because I can't really offer you more.  It *does* sound like a word salad of conspiracy theory buzzwords... especially when you're forming your opinions based on the narratives that are spun, embellished and often straight up lies that you can at least understand. 

Mon Feb 28 2022 09:30:27 EST from zelgomer
This may be true. The fiction is that this is any different in the
US. I guarantee you, all of these Russian bitcoin mining, McAfee
associated, pump and dump scam cartels are not only global - but at
the highest levels very powerful members of the US political,
corporate, military and military-industry complex are deeply involved

in their operations. It isn't Putin running a global organized
criminal organization making Russian billionaires. That is just one
link in a global web of elite criminal activity that includes every
nation on Earth. 

So: here is my problem when the discussion goes in this direction. I don't doubt for a moment that the powerful and elite in the world are all interconnected and criminals. The problem is that all I ever see are vague accusations or circumstancial evidence. Has anyone ever taken the time to sort all of this mess out and present it in a fashion that can be consumed by an average day dope like me? As long as it just looks like a word salad of conspiracy theory buzzwords, I have to discount it and form opinions on the narratives that I'm sure must be spun or embellished or possibly even straight up false, but at least I can understand them.


[#] Mon Feb 28 2022 10:27:45 EST from Nurb432

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Cant comment on Brand's message, but not fond of his presentation ( the sarcasm, and visual antics with waving his arms around ). I'm more dry when i want 'information'.  


unneeded sarcasm and theatrics is what puts me off on Glenn Beck a lot of the time too.   

[#] Mon Feb 28 2022 11:14:16 EST from Nurb432

Subject: "Peoples" convoy

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Don't get me wrong, i support them, their rights and their message, but not looking forward to this as my office is downtown.  Its going to be a major cluster-f due to all the construction here, detours, and just general over overcrowding due to us being the major traffic hub in the Midwest..  They arrive tomorow afternoon..  stay all day Wednesday and head out Thursday morning to Ohio.

I'm trying to get the boss to just tell us to stay home this week... 



[#] Mon Feb 28 2022 12:01:11 EST from Nurb432

Subject: Re: "Peoples" convoy

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LoL showed that image to some friends of mine. ( one all the way back to high school, one of the few people that i kept in touch with, and considered a friend )  and got 4 responses right away...  


"this is what is coming here tomorow"


1 - So they are going to spread the virus across the country, mess up the food supply chain more, bla bla

2 - Great, good for them, freedom!

3 - those are mountains, that isn't Indiana.

4 - They are supposed to be out near me at 3pm on Thursday, i think ill take the back roads when i go to town.



its no wonder we dont get along in this country. 

[#] Mon Feb 28 2022 17:08:38 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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So... Reddit (and I assume Twitter) and all of my news feeds are *ablaze* with clearly biased pro Ukrainian posts, articles, memes, artwork... like... there are posts showing up in FPGA and BMW subreds... and... they're... Posting your blue and yellow BMW M cars next to one another as a show of solidarity for the Ukraine seems like a sort of bullshit token effort to me, yeah? Sell them both and send the money to the Ukraine, if it means that much to you. 

But - anyhow... it got me thinking... what the support is REALLY about, especially in the West - is more "Anti-Trump/Anti-Right" virtue signaling. 99% of the people taking a side know SHIT about the conflict and they're just by default on Team Ukraine because they see Putin as Team Trump and so... whoever Putin doesn't like, they want to win - regardless. 

This is what the resistance and negativity to the truckers is about too. Without Trump - they haven't had any clear and distinct, "this is the enemy we are in mortal combat with to ensure our ideals win and not theirs," target... 

But things like this give them a *reason* for being upset. The hypocrisy of people's partisan political positions displayed in a situation like this is gigantic - and while it affects both sides... I suspect the people on the Left who are opposed to this invasion are *most* likely to claim that they have followed the Ukrainian/Russian conflict since way before it entered the news cycle - and I believe in MOST cases - this is a lie - and they still have no idea really WHY it is going on. They just know that Putin is a bad man who Trump liked - and so... now PUTIN is the next Hitler. 

I've literally already seen news stories suggesting this. "Whoops, turns out it wasn't Trump. It was PUTIN that is going to be the next Hitler..." 

If he is... it is going to be a very short conflict. The Left keeps wishing for super villains - when they get one, if it is someone like Putin - partisan politics may be the furthest thing from their minds when the dust settles... but who are we kidding, the dust won't settle. At least we won't have to listen to them bitch about global warming and human over population in the nuclear winter - and a lot of them are grain-fed - so they're probably pretty tasty. 



[#] Mon Feb 28 2022 17:11:29 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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I think on the Right, mostly what you're going to hear is, "I don't know what the fuck it is about... It is Russia and Ukraine. I don't think it is our business and we probably shouldn't be getting involved being that putting Putin in a corner seems like a dangerous diplomatic move." 

Ever since WW2, we've been so paranoid about getting involved too LATE that it seems like we often jump the gun. 

[#] Mon Feb 28 2022 17:32:19 EST from zelgomer

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2022-02-28 22:11 from ParanoidDelusions <>

I think on the Right, mostly what you're going to hear is, "I don't
know what the fuck it is about... It is Russia and Ukraine. I don't
think it is our business and we probably shouldn't be getting
involved being that putting Putin in a corner seems like a dangerous
diplomatic move." 

Ever since WW2, we've been so paranoid about getting involved too
LATE that it seems like we often jump the gun. 

Just because the Left supports Ukraine doesn't mean the Right has to support Putin. He's killing people defending their own homes. You can say we don't know what it's all about, but I can't imagine any explanation that would make it justifiable for me.

[#] Mon Feb 28 2022 22:16:22 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Imagine that we were in a situation where we had a former State of the United States, on a strategic border with one of our two biggest military and economic enemies - and suddenly ONE of those enemies tried to bring that former US State into their sphere of influence. Also, during that time of transition - the members of that former State that were still ethnically American were marginalized into separatist groups then bombed constantly by the puppet Government of that newly separated Nation State. 

So... Let's call it Texas - Texas secedes - a new puppet Government is put in by Russia, it is a pro Cuban government, and Texans who still have some identity as US Citizens are marginalized and systematically destroyed. 

THAT is basically the alternative narrative I've heard about what is going on in the Ukraine. 

If it seemed like ignoring Texas would eventually present a threat to the rest of the remaining United States - I think in that situation MOST of us would say it was justifiable to kill TEXANS "defending their own homes". 

I mean... Putin seems very "all-in" and non-negotiable on this, and the West seems in a big hurry to recognize the Ukraine in as a member of NATO, without either side evidently willing to entertain any diplomacy. Disputes in former Soviet Bloc nations are not generally where military strategists have traditionally predicted global hot-spots with the potential for global nuclear war to suddenly break out - least of all Siberia, the Ukraine... those FAR Eastern former Soviet territories that we've traditionally seen as a welcome frigid, desolate buffer between the East and the West. The West also seems very all-in. Why do we suddenly care about a mostly frozen, barren wasteland that is most notable for being home to the worst nuclear disaster in history? 

Why is this suddenly worth having a nuclear staring match between the West and Russia? 

Mon Feb 28 2022 17:32:19 EST from zelgomer
2022-02-28 22:11 from ParanoidDelusions <>

I think on the Right, mostly what you're going to hear is, "I don't
know what the fuck it is about... It is Russia and Ukraine. I don't
think it is our business and we probably shouldn't be getting
involved being that putting Putin in a corner seems like a dangerous
diplomatic move." 

Ever since WW2, we've been so paranoid about getting involved too
LATE that it seems like we often jump the gun. 

Just because the Left supports Ukraine doesn't mean the Right has to support Putin. He's killing people defending their own homes. You can say we don't know what it's all about, but I can't imagine any explanation that would make it justifiable for me.


[#] Tue Mar 01 2022 05:20:52 EST from darknetuser

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2022-02-28 17:32 from zelgomer
2022-02-28 22:11 from ParanoidDelusions

I think on the Right, mostly what you're going to hear is, "I don't

know what the fuck it is about... It is Russia and Ukraine. I don't

think it is our business and we probably shouldn't be getting

involved being that putting Putin in a corner seems like a dangerous

diplomatic move."

Ever since WW2, we've been so paranoid about getting involved too

LATE that it seems like we often jump the gun.

Just because the Left supports Ukraine doesn't mean the Right has to

support Putin. He's killing people defending their own homes. You can

say we don't know what it's all about, but I can't imagine any

explanation that would make it justifiable for me.

I agree there is a lot of virtue signaling. Have a look at this because I think it reflects reality:

While Russia is havinits day, NATO is releasing promotional diversity propaganda. Seriously, some of the promotional videos are cringeworthy.

It is natural for Western media and platforms to take a pro Ukraine stance. Russia is the enemy, after all. The issue I have is that Western propaganda is so obvious that it casts doubts about the nobility of the cause :)

As I have said earlier, I think Putin's hand was forced. Except Russians don't strike with hashtags and Reddit posts.

[#] Tue Mar 01 2022 06:17:33 EST from Nurb432

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Its not, but its great material to create Oceania out of...

Mon Feb 28 2022 10:16:22 PM EST from ParanoidDelusions

Why is this suddenly worth having a nuclear staring match between the West and Russia? 

[#] Tue Mar 01 2022 09:42:22 EST from zelgomer

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2022-03-01 03:16 from ParanoidDelusions <>

Imagine that we were in a situation where we had a former State of

the United States, on a strategic border with one of our two biggest

military and economic enemies - and suddenly ONE of those enemies

tried to bring that former US State into their sphere of influence.

Also, during that time of transition - the members of that former

State that were still ethnically American were marginalized into

separatist groups then bombed constantly by the puppet Government of

that newly separated Nation State. 

So... Let's call it Texas - Texas secedes - a new puppet Government

is put in by Russia, it is a pro Cuban government, and Texans who

still have some identity as
US Citizens are marginalized and
systematically destroyed. 

THAT is basically the alternative narrative I've heard about what is

going on in the Ukraine. 

If it seemed like ignoring Texas would eventually present a threat to

the rest of the remaining United States - I think in that situation

MOST of us would say it was justifiable to kill TEXANS "defending

their own homes". 

I mean... Putin seems very "all-in" and non-negotiable on this, and

the West seems in a big hurry to recognize the Ukraine in as a member

of NATO, without either side evidently willing to entertain any

diplomacy. Disputes in former Soviet Bloc nations are not generally

where military strategists have traditionally predicted global

hot-spots with the potential for global nuclear war to suddenly break

out - least of all Siberia, the Ukraine... those FAR Eastern former

Soviet territories that we've traditionally seen as a welcome frigid,

desolate buffer between the East and the West. The West also seems

very all-in. Why do we suddenly care about a mostly frozen, barren

wasteland that is most notable for being home to the worst nuclear

disaster in history? 

Why is this suddenly worth having a nuclear staring match between the

West and Russia? 

Yes, I understand the Russian narrative. But even if you accept that at face value, Russia is still the aggressor.

If the US fell apart and several states were now independent, and Texas engaged in talks to join an alliance with China, I'd be displeased with that. I like to think I would also disapprove of the remaining US preemptively invading and murdering them over it.

Is Zelensky a Western puppet? Maybe. I don't really know. But there is no doubt in my mind that Yanukovych was a Russian puppet. You may argue that the West has their spies and agent provacateurs stirring up anti-Russian sentiment, or influencing elections, or engaging in shady business practices. Fine. But now Russia is openly killing people and destroying their homes. These things are not comparable.

Russia's beeline for Kiev really caught me off guard. Because of the fighting in the eastern regions I really thought he would just go into those regions "as a peacekeeper," as he has said in the past, and annex them "to stop the fighting." This would have been justifiable on the world stage. To try to take the entire country, on the other hand, is indefensible. I think that the fact that he has chosen that option reveals how weak he thinks the West's response will be, which is not a good sign for us.

And lastly, I may dislike our leaders and I may have a lot of distrust and disapproval of them, but at the end of the day I am a Westerner and I stand with my team. It's one thing to be objective and recognize when Putin makes a good move, catching the West with its pants down, but it's another thing to condone his bullying. In the US, the Left wants to paint the Right as "siding with Putin," and this presents a wonderful opportunity for them. Don't give them that ammo.

[#] Tue Mar 01 2022 15:52:24 EST from darknetuser

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

Yes, I understand the Russian narrative. But even if you accept that

at face value, Russia is still the aggressor.

If the US fell apart and several states were now independent, and

Texas engaged in talks to join an alliance with China, I'd be

displeased with that. I like to think I would also disapprove of the

remaining US preemptively invading and murdering them over it.

Is Zelensky a Western puppet? Maybe. I don't really know. But there is

no doubt in my mind that Yanukovych was a Russian puppet. You may argue

that the West has their spies and agent provacateurs stirring up

anti-Russian sentiment, or influencing elections, or engaging in shady

business practices. Fine. But now Russia is openly
killing people and
destroying their homes. These things are not comparable.

Russia's beeline for Kiev really caught me off guard. Because of the

fighting in the eastern regions I really thought he would just go into

those regions "as a peacekeeper," as he has said in the past, and annex

them "to stop the fighting." This would have been justifiable on the

world stage. To try to take the entire country, on the other hand, is

indefensible. I think that the fact that he has chosen that option

reveals how weak he thinks the West's response will be, which is not a

good sign for us.

And lastly, I may dislike our leaders and I may have a lot of distrust

and disapproval of them, but at the end of the day I am a Westerner
I stand with my team. It's one thing to be objective and recognize when

Putin makes a good move, catching the West with its pants down, but

it's another thing to condone his bullying. In the US, the Left wants

to paint the Right as "siding with Putin," and this presents a

wonderful opportunity for them. Don't give them that ammo.

When you are a superpower you cannot stand idle watching how the rest of the world makes moves to swallow you whole. They will swallow you whole if you do nothing.

It is not as if the attack came as a surprise really. Putin had already declared what he wanted and what was needed to prevent war.

Of couse, whether the narrative holds by itself or is a cheap excuse is open to debate.

Certainly, seeing the reactions of the Western world, if I considered myself a Westerner I would be deeply ashamed and most likely disavow my "team". Most of my "team" would be virtual signaling and attacking with hashtags and sending disposable equipment (such as belts and holsters) instead of actually backing up their supposed allies. That is not a team. That is a bunch of fools posing as politicians trying to make pretend.

Also, if they try to make it look like right wingers support Putin, then ask them how it feels to be opposing a left-wing communist government :)

[#] Tue Mar 01 2022 17:17:45 EST from Nurb432

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New Theory..

He only wants part of Ukraine, so he threatens it all, "ok, ill stop killing you if you just give me 1/2 "

[#] Tue Mar 01 2022 19:06:21 EST from darknetuser

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2022-03-01 17:17 from Nurb432
New Theory..

He only wants part of Ukraine, so he threatens it all, "ok, ill stop

killing you if you just give me 1/2 "

That is not a theory. He has declared he wants Crimea among other conditions.

The other conditions are the demilitaryzation of Ukraine and the removal of Ukranian "Nazies" from government. ANd I think they alwo want a public declaration that Ukraine is not going to threaten or be used to threaten Russian integrity.

[#] Wed Mar 02 2022 01:43:34 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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I was thinking about Orwell's 3 nation powers early... and saw that stupid Tolkien meme on Reddit earlier today, and did cringe. 

It is absolutely meant to appeal to AD&D 5th Edition mentalities/demographics - they think this is just another "just cause" thing... like being a LGBT+, PoC ally SJW. 

I think a lot of younger people really believe that Social Protest can "cancel" Russia in the same way that you can economically ruin a sexist or a racist... that if the world just boycotts Russia as if it were Joe Rogan... that'll solve the problem. 

Joe Rogan backed into the corner can't unleash nuclear warfare on the entire globe. They don't understand what backing Russia into a corner means. 

That frightens me. 

I got into an argument today with someone over... so... Chris Hemsworth is going to be in the new Furiosa movie as a villain. Someone observed, "Mad Max villains are always disgusting. Chris Hemsworth seems miscast..." 

And I pointed out, rightly, "This is not a Mad Max movie - it is a Mad Maxine movie. The new franchise reboot has an ideological agenda that is front and center... it isn't a reboot - it is a spin-off... and they want to bring in a diverse audience... and... part of the agenda subverting the idea of Norse Ideals of Western Masculinity - so casting the guy who played the Blonde Haired God of Norse Thunder as a post apocalyptic villain makes *absolute* sense. It is just an expansion of the themes in Fury Road about Western Male entitlement, privilege and their oppression of anyone NOT them..." 

Which of course, got me called a "sexist". These are the same people/demographic so loudly proclaiming their Pro Ukrainian alignment. 

But them ruining franchises like Star Wars, Marvel Comics, and Tolkien with their social justice is one thing - not the end of the world.... Them trying to bring that to bear on Russia though... could very well be. 



[#] Wed Mar 02 2022 09:31:03 EST from zelgomer

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Joe Rogan backed into the corner can't unleash nuclear warfare on the

entire globe. They don't understand what backing Russia into a corner


We can't cower in fear every time Putin uses the big-N word. Russia isn't "backed into a corner" any more than the rest of the planet is.

Do you consider Ukraine a sovereign state or not? If you do, then Russia doesn't get to dictate what sort of alliances it enters into. This is like the behavior of an abusive husband after he gambled away the family house and his wife has left him, and now he keeps showing up brandishing his guns every time his ex goes on a date with another dude.

[#] Wed Mar 02 2022 10:41:20 EST from nonservator

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Fuck the Ukraine. It's the shithole of Europe, a cash cow for the Clintons, and provides little to nothing of value to Western civilization and humanity as a whole. Taiwan being taken over by China was be a far greater shame and loss even without the fact that they're the biggest global producer of microchips.

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