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[#] Sat Jul 03 2021 11:14:00 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: So, Trump 2024.

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Perhaps no more in-person appearances. Deepfakes from that point on?




[#] Sat Jul 03 2021 11:32:28 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Grrrr more PC/Accommodation nonsense

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So MasterCard fell into the PC hole too.  "the true name card"   WTF?  ( )

If you want to be called by another name for whatever reason, great, you go to the court house, drop the fee and poof, you have a different name. People do it every freaking day.

I know if you came to me wanting to buy something, i asked for ID and it didnt match, you would not get to buy the product, and i may actually call the police. Not because of what you are, but because that is normally a sign of fraud. Even just the wrong last name ( for a married couple ) would be a hard stop.  

If this country ever recovers from this sickness ( world? as its spreading like a disease ) there is going to be such a backlash that it wont be funny.  They are setting themselves up for persecution, and worse. ( and not just LGBT, but race hustlers too ).  I really feel bad for my non straight, and non white friends.  Their lives are going to be destroyed by these lunatics. We have made so much progress over the last few decades on all this, just to have it destroyed in a blink of an eye.


( ok, sort of both a rant and politics..  )



Speaking of married couples, when do we legalize polygamy again? Not being about to legally have a harem, or a 'blended family' is discriminatory.   Where is my flag to wave? 

[#] Sun Jul 04 2021 09:51:33 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: Re: Grrrr more PC/Accommodation nonsense

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Speaking of married couples, when do we legalize polygamy again? Not
being about to legally have a harem, or a 'blended family' is
discriminatory.   Where is my flag to wave? 

Fun fact is I don't really oppose polygamy. Having a wife is bad enough. If you get more than one you deserve the Hell you put yourself into.

[#] Sun Jul 04 2021 14:19:48 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Grrrr more PC/Accommodation nonsense

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it works both ways remember, a wife could have more than one husband.. 

And in a 'blend' everyone is married to everyone else.. 

Sun Jul 04 2021 05:51:33 AM EDT from darknetuser Subject: Re: Grrrr more PC/Accommodation nonsense
Speaking of married couples, when do we legalize polygamy again? Not
being about to legally have a harem, or a 'blended family' is
discriminatory.   Where is my flag to wave? 

Fun fact is I don't really oppose polygamy. Having a wife is bad enough. If you get more than one you deserve the Hell you put yourself into.


[#] Sun Jul 04 2021 22:16:50 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Grrrr more PC/Accommodation nonsense

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If this country ever recovers from this sickness ( world? as its
spreading like a disease ) there is going to be such a backlash that
it wont be funny.  They are setting themselves up for persecution,

I hope so. The millions of people who have kind, loving hearts, but are constantly being scapegoated for "HATE" because we don't cave in to pressure from the 0.01% who control the narrative ... WE are being persecuted, and eventually we will break.

And when that happens, the blood of the 0.01% must flow like a river, from the streets through the crust of the earth and all the way to the hottest sphere of hell.

[#] Sun Jul 04 2021 22:24:07 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: So, Trump 2024.

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i guess Trump pretty much said hes running in 2024, without actually
saying it.   ( on Hannity )  Not sure why he is waiting. I suppose

President Trump (peace be upon him) isn't as stupid as the left claims he is. He won't run unless he believes he has a path to victory. Unless legitimate electoral politics are restored, he will not willingly let the movement allow the demo-KKK-rats to steal another election from him.

FACT: demo-KKK-rat cheating generated or changed more than 20 million votes.

He won't allow it to happen again, not directly to him at least. That's why he's out campaigning for good solid MAGA candidates for the midterms.
The rallies just started, and the crowds demonstrate that America is still out there.

If we can get TRUE election reform (in other words, the exact opposite of HR-1) ... as President Trump talked about at a recent rally ... signature verification, criminalization of ballot harvesting, narrowing the scope of absentee voting, voting ID and citizenship verification ... THEN he will run in 2024.

As things currently stand, electoral politics is dead, but its corpse will continue to be paraded around for a while, just like it was when the Roman Empire began its collapse. [ ]

[#] Mon Jul 05 2021 01:25:26 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: So, Trump 2024.

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I sort of wish he would come back, and split the country down the middle, we are over due for a 2nd revolution.   Not that i *want* one and all that it would entail, but its about the only way out of this mess.

[#] Mon Jul 05 2021 16:41:13 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: So, Trump 2024.

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I live in the People's Communist Socialist Republic of New York. I would have to move to America if there were a revolution.

[#] Mon Jul 05 2021 16:48:09 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: So, Trump 2024.

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Living in the Midwest, i think i'm safe from having to move after the war.  You would be welcome here with us 'hicks'. ( as we are viewed by the left anyway )

[#] Mon Jul 05 2021 19:23:12 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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So ... I just learned that Donald Rumsfeld just joined one of his partners, Osama bin Laden, in Hell this week. Looking forward to Bush and Cheney joining them.

[#] Wed Jul 07 2021 17:57:04 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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And now Nancunt Pelosi is opening Schutzstaffel branches nationwide. This proves that January 6 was a Reichstag Fire event.

[#] Wed Jul 07 2021 21:32:31 UTC from Nurb432

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I know this could fall under health, but this is politically driven.  


So i take it they have a list? Which isn't legal.  And going to peoples houses to force them, is not going to go well.

[#] Thu Jul 08 2021 00:27:37 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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There is a meme going around with two door to door evangelists ala the Mormons asking if you have a minute to hear about the Covid-19 vaccine. 


Wed Jul 07 2021 17:32:31 EDT from Nurb432



So i take it they have a list? Which isn't legal.  And going to peoples houses to force them, is not going to go well. 


[#] Sat Jul 17 2021 19:36:14 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Meanwhile, in Arizona...

* 3,981 voted despite being registered after the October 15 deadline.

* 11,326 voted who were NOT on the rolls on November 7 but WERE on December 4

* 18,000 voted and then were REMOVED from rolls AFTER the election.

* 74,243 mail-in ballots were found with NO EVIDENCE of ever being sent.

This is a state in which the race was decided by 10,457 votes. There's no way to spin this. Arizona was stolen, no doubt about it. And since the other swing states all followed the same pattern (massive Trump lead until a mystery ballot dump in the middle of the night) it follows that they were all stolen as well.

President Trump won this election in a landslide.

[#] Sat Jul 17 2021 20:05:00 UTC from Nurb432

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I of course agree.  But i dont see anything changing at this point. 

Even if it was impossible to deny, and the unthinkable happened and it was admitted, they would not let him take his place. 

Sat Jul 17 2021 03:36:14 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

President Trump won this election in a landslide.


[#] Sat Jul 17 2021 21:23:47 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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There is no chance of President Xi's senile puppet being removed from office and replaced with the rightful winner of the election. That would require a constitutional convention.

The outcome we are looking for is to prove to Joe Facebook that the election really was stolen so that we can move forward with election reform laws to "de-fortify" the stolen states before 2022 or 2024.

[#] Sat Jul 17 2021 22:09:48 UTC from Nurb432

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I dont see more laws being the solution. They broke them last time, they will break them next time. 

[#] Sun Jul 18 2021 22:46:04 UTC from Nurb432

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I didnt read the story as it would just piss me off, but CNN is already attacking the numbers as 'baseless'. 


[#] Tue Jul 20 2021 21:43:49 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Election Audits

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I know its YT but these numbers are just nuts.  And this is just one county!

[#] Tue Jul 20 2021 23:06:26 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

Subject: Re: Election Audits

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Also "baseless" and "fake news". 

And if we can't get people like Loanshark to reject those claims and acknowledge that it was highly suspicious and there is merit to the findings - what good does it do? 

I'm not picking on you, Loanshark - but I assume you side with the view that the actual fraud is in the findings of the recounts and investigations, not in the initial vote and results? Correct me if I'm wrong. 


Tue Jul 20 2021 17:43:49 EDT from Nurb432 Subject: Election Audits

I know its YT but these numbers are just nuts.  And this is just one county!


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