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[#] Tue May 11 2021 10:45:54 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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The best way to fight the Political Left is not by convincing OUR base to provide financial support for our cause. 

It is by convincing THEIR base to provide financial support for our cause, while they *believe* they are providing financial support for *their* cause. 

And that is what the Left has been doing to us, for decades. 


[#] Tue May 11 2021 20:08:36 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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The only way to win against an enemy like this is to use the same
tactics against them that they use against us. I'm not saying that

"Use your enemy's virtue as a weapon against him" is textbook Alinsky.

That's why when the right finally produced someone who was willing to fight instead of just falling over dead when attacked -- namely, President Donald J. Trump (peace be upon him) -- the left knew right away that they had to program everyone on their side to go absolutely apeshit in their hatred for him.

The left has to use propaganda and subterfuge, plus healthy doses of outright lying cheating and stealing, to win. They know that if people made informed choices based on actual *policy* the left would lose every time.

And this is why it isn't enough to simply offer policy positions that actually make sense. The political left are pure evil and must be DESTROYED.
Not just beaten, but utterly wiped out of existence like the America-hating, God-hating, freedom-hating scum they are.

[#] Tue May 11 2021 20:18:16 EDT from Nurb432

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I agree, but when they control the system. I dont see how.

Tue May 11 2021 08:08:36 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
And this is why it isn't enough to simply offer policy positions that actually make sense. The political left are pure evil and must be DESTROYED.
Not just beaten, but utterly wiped out of existence like the America-hating, God-hating, freedom-hating scum they are.


[#] Wed May 12 2021 00:27:59 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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The same way the left did it to the right, which did, at one time, "control the system." 

Infiltrate through deception. Pretend to be allies, while executing long term plans to subvert the status quo. Get the Left supporting causes that they think support them, but that actually support the Right, both in agenda and economically. 

Use their own momentum against them. The more entrenched one side or the other becomes, the more vulnerable to this vector of attack they become. 

A great example was the British loss of the colonies. They were restricted by treaties in how they engaged with American colonial insurgent armies. Because American colonists were not an official national ARMY - they had no such restrictions. France and Spain and other European nations would have protested, maybe got directly involved, if the English started flagrantly breaking rules of engagement with Colonial forces - but the Colonials could get away with all kinds of shifty shit and the French would go, "Mon dieu! What can we do? They are not a real country!" 

This allowed them to use tactics that the British could NOT respond to effectively. 

Because they were the incumbent. The Western nations kind of face the same challenge today with Islamic extremism and Jihadism. 

Who knows - maybe some of what we're seeing right now with Rinos like Romney and the McCains is this very plan being executed. That is how you have to do it. You have to be a Judas to your own party and ideologies - and earn the total and authentic contempt of the people you are actually working for - to convince the other side that you're genuine - and even then - the Democrats are far more likely to be skeptical than the Right was. But unless the party as a unified, monolithic front completely rejects someone as a turncoat - they'll *never* be accepted by the other side. 

It isn't something that happens overnight - it takes decades of the quietest conspiracy and the greatest dedication to your cause - and often, you'll go down as a traitor - it will never be revealed what you did for your cause. 

Hell, Game of Thrones lays out the basic premise for this when Jon Snow is commanded to infiltrate and win the trust of the Wildlings. 

My wife watched a show about chess master tournaments when Russia was considered unbeatable - and we hired some guy who we KNEW was unbeatable - and he basically figured out that they were playing each GAME of chess as a piece in a larger game of chess - where giving up strategic games ensured that they would win overall. This is just a variation of that. Poker is another game where you'll throw away great hands, to make your opponent complacent (and there is usually only one other person at a table that is your opponent. Everyone else is just contributing to the pool until it comes down to those last two players). This is part of why I'm not sure Trump has folded yet. He may have just given up what looked like a winning hand in order to set himself up to win the whole pot a few hands down the way. 

You don't see how because you mostly assume the BEST of your fellow humans (I see this frequently in the basic optimism of your posts) and you see the best in your fellow humans because you're basically a good person who doesn't see or approach the world this way. I *think*. You can't see how it could be done because you would never think to do it that way. This is the basic liability of the morality of the Right. *Most* people on the Right are like you in this regard, and most people on the Left are like I am. They see EXACTLY how it would work, because it is damn-well what they would do if they were in that position. They see it as the only way likely TO work. 

Tue May 11 2021 20:18:16 EDT from Nurb432

I agree, but when they control the system. I dont see how.

Tue May 11 2021 08:08:36 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
And this is why it isn't enough to simply offer policy positions that actually make sense. The political left are pure evil and must be DESTROYED.
Not just beaten, but utterly wiped out of existence like the America-hating, God-hating, freedom-hating scum they are.



[#] Wed May 12 2021 01:21:43 EDT from ASCII Express

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I asked a (non militant) vegetarian if he had tried Impossible Burger.

He said that if he wanted something that tasted like meat he would just

eat meat.

Yup I feel exactly the same way. I gave up eating meat because I don't like how it tastes, so why would I want an imitation of that?

[#] Wed May 12 2021 01:26:09 EDT from ASCII Express

Subject: Re: Trump-Social

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Well. That was anti-climactic.  I really hope this is just a start,
as if not, its pretty lame. "yet another blog".

I saw an article which lampooned the site. It pointed out how much less traffic it gets than Trump's Twitter account... and conveniently forgot to include the link! 890

[#] Wed May 12 2021 19:45:11 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Liz Hitler Cheney is ousted from her leadership position.

Joe Hitler Biden was forced to resume construction on The Wall.

Thank you, President Trump, for continuing to be awesome even now!

[#] Wed May 12 2021 20:00:56 EDT from Nurb432

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And you know that *** will take credit for the wall. 


[#] Wed May 12 2021 22:01:30 EDT from zooer

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Wed May 12 2021 08:00:56 PM EDT from Nurb432

And you know that *** will take credit for the wall. 


No one should take credit for that colossal waste of money.

[#] Thu May 13 2021 10:51:55 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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Yeah, unfortunately, the Democrats won't agree to make immigrants go through legal processes and to bring value to our nation with their arrival - because the undesirable ones are more likely to vote for them, even with citizenship... 

So the wall is the next best choice to reduce that flood to something more manageable for the security of our nation. 


Wed May 12 2021 22:01:30 EDT from zooer


Wed May 12 2021 08:00:56 PM EDT from Nurb432

And you know that *** will take credit for the wall. 


No one should take credit for that colossal waste of money.


[#] Thu May 13 2021 21:34:24 EDT from zooer

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Thu May 13 2021 10:51:55 AM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

So the wall is the next best choice to reduce that flood to something more manageable for the security of our nation. 



1) Waste huge amounts of money on a government project that will not accomplish the design goal, only because no one can think of what else to do.   This always works out.
2) Blame the other party.  This goes without saying. 

[#] Thu May 13 2021 22:10:53 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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It was tangibly making a difference. It may not have ended the problem - but it was making it far more difficult. There are measurable metrics that showed this. Of course, the Left claimed these were falsified and their base accept whatever they say as gospel. The people camped out on the other side of the wall were one result. 

Where do you live? I live in Arizona, about an hour and a half from the border. The influx of illegals slowed to a trickle, and the illegals that were here were far less bold about it. 

The Democrats plan is "just accept it." 

I'll take Trump's bad plan over the Left's "don't do anything..." 

Any day. Thanks. 

Part of the problem is a lot of people thousands of miles from the borders think that they've got the best idea for how the border states should handle it (which is typical Democrat thinking). What those people should do is stick to their OWN problems and let the border states handle theirs. 

Thu May 13 2021 21:34:24 EDT from zooer


Thu May 13 2021 10:51:55 AM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

So the wall is the next best choice to reduce that flood to something more manageable for the security of our nation. 



1) Waste huge amounts of money on a government project that will not accomplish the design goal, only because no one can think of what else to do.   This always works out.
2) Blame the other party.  This goes without saying. 


[#] Fri May 14 2021 08:18:44 EDT from Nurb432

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Its not 'the solution' Its only one part of a complex solution.   Without it, the problem is worse.  it also stands as a statement "you are not welcome", which is important to do too.  

Thu May 13 2021 09:34:24 PM EDT from zooer


Thu May 13 2021 10:51:55 AM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

So the wall is the next best choice to reduce that flood to something more manageable for the security of our nation. 



1) Waste huge amounts of money on a government project that will not accomplish the design goal, only because no one can think of what else to do.   This always works out.
2) Blame the other party.  This goes without saying. 


[#] Fri May 14 2021 09:47:22 EDT from Nurb432

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Oh, and many do know what to do.  Trump was at least trying, stopping catch-release, enforcing laws, supporting border patrol, putting up more wall, etc. So its not that the knowledge isn't there, its that the party in power does not want to do it. ( and several previous admins on both sides of the isle too, just to be fair )

Sure, you cant stop it 100% and people will always find a way, but you throw up your hands and do nothing when you are bleeding out. You still do what you can to stop it, which includes locking the damned door. If we did *everything* possible and we only cut it down by 80%, its still a success. 

[#] Fri May 14 2021 13:05:59 EDT from Nurb432

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There goes any content that is not state sponsored in the UK. "toxic information".

[#] Sat May 15 2021 00:53:07 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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What if I told you that I could show you a video and by the end of it, you would think that Russell Brand might be the loudest and most on-target voice of resistance to the tyranny of the powerful?


[#] Sat May 15 2021 08:13:18 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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I hope some of you clicked on this before it was too late. 

Because it was basically a video with Russell Brand having remote interviews with Edward Snowden and saying some very smart and important things about how The Davos Great Reset is a conspiracy of the wealthy and powerful to extend their power and turn everyone else into serfs. 

Like, the interview is getting coverage on INFOWARS. 

There is an excerpt of it still up, here:


Sat May 15 2021 00:53:07 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

What if I told you that I could show you a video and by the end of it, you would think that Russell Brand might be the loudest and most on-target voice of resistance to the tyranny of the powerful?



[#] Sat May 15 2021 08:14:28 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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I'm serious - some of the global elite and powerful are going to need to be dragged from their Mansions and subject to some French Revolution style justice before this is done to remind them what happens when they get too embolden with their abuses of the common classes. 


Sat May 15 2021 08:13:18 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

I hope some of you clicked on this before it was too late. 

Because it was basically a video with Russell Brand having remote interviews with Edward Snowden and saying some very smart and important things about how The Davos Great Reset is a conspiracy of the wealthy and powerful to extend their power and turn everyone else into serfs. 

Like, the interview is getting coverage on INFOWARS. 

There is an excerpt of it still up, here:


Sat May 15 2021 00:53:07 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

What if I told you that I could show you a video and by the end of it, you would think that Russell Brand might be the loudest and most on-target voice of resistance to the tyranny of the powerful?




[#] Sat May 15 2021 08:24:46 EDT from Nurb432

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Unless insiders let us in, i dont see it happening.

This isn't the same sort of world as ti was back then, they are protected. 

Sat May 15 2021 08:14:28 AM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

I'm serious - some of the global elite and powerful are going to need to be dragged from their Mansions and subject to some French Revolution style justice before this is done to remind them what happens when they get too embolden with their abuses of the common classes. 


[#] Sat May 15 2021 10:21:38 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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You don't think the French aristocrats were protected by the armies and Government of France? You think a bunch of colonists had a chance against the might of the British Empire? You think the Tsar thought he would face justice meted out by his subjects? 

I think this kind of behavior leads to such an excess of atrocity, so quickly, that the people revolt. It *will* be a Great Reset. 

But it is one that will see the blinking eyes and silently screaming mouths of elites looking back on their headless bodies sooner than later. Davos will see the streets of the civilized world run with rivers of blood, and eventually, it will be their own. 

Sat May 15 2021 08:24:46 EDT from Nurb432

Unless insiders let us in, i dont see it happening.

This isn't the same sort of world as ti was back then, they are protected. 

Sat May 15 2021 08:14:28 AM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

I'm serious - some of the global elite and powerful are going to need to be dragged from their Mansions and subject to some French Revolution style justice before this is done to remind them what happens when they get too embolden with their abuses of the common classes. 



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