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[#] Tue Jul 25 2017 18:52:03 UTC from Ladyhawke

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Mon Jul 24 2017 11:57:28 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Actually he's at Sprint.  And no one trusts him because he's proven he'll shill for anyone for the right amount of money :)

Oops, Sprint.  Guess that's a measure of his effectiveness.....At least you remembered who he worked for at Verizon.  Now all I remember is that he's the ex Verizon guy who now shills for someone other than Verizon.  lol

[#] Wed Jul 26 2017 00:59:47 UTC from zooer

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I saw an electric powered school bus, it was being delivered on the back of a diesel powdered flatbed.  

bus.jpg (Not a picture of the bus I saw)

[#] Fri Jul 28 2017 14:31:48 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I had to scroll way back to remember what we were originally talking about.  We're looking for a tree to fall on him, right?  Or was it a cell tower, to increase the irony level?

"Can you hear me now?"

** THUD **


[#] Fri Jul 28 2017 18:30:27 UTC from fleeb

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That's it!

He should be a spokesperson for cell phone services in Peru.

[#] Tue Aug 08 2017 01:51:38 UTC from zooer

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It is time to re-brand the crisis!  

First it was "global warming"....
Then it was "climate change"....
Now it is "weather extremes"

They lost control of the message, they made it silly and now they think if they keep renaming it people will believe them.  

(Algore was the worst thing that happened to the information)

[#] Mon Aug 21 2017 15:10:57 UTC from zooer

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OMG! Teh sun disappeared!  

[#] Mon Aug 21 2017 16:30:50 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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You have reason to be concerned about the eclipse. It's OBVIOUSLY there to distract us from the fact that the planet Nibiru is going to collide with Earth at the same time as the eclipse.

[#] Mon Aug 21 2017 19:30:41 UTC from wizard of aahz

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Everyone still have their retinas?

[#] Mon Aug 21 2017 20:44:40 UTC from zooer

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....well, the world did not end.... damn it.

[#] Mon Aug 21 2017 20:54:18 UTC from wizard of aahz

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Yeah. I was telling a bunch of kids that the moon is blocking the sun. We're all gonna freeze to death and the earth will explode.. They didn't buy it.

[#] Tue Aug 22 2017 18:16:50 UTC from LoanShark

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Apparently "appeasing the sun gods" is not a valid excuse, legally, for ritual sacrifice. See you all when I get out of prison.

[#] Tue Aug 22 2017 18:24:35 UTC from wizard of aahz

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Though depending.. there could be grounds for justifiable homicide.

[#] Fri Aug 25 2017 17:19:01 UTC from Ladyhawke

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Tue Aug 22 2017 02:16:50 PM EDT from LoanShark

Apparently "appeasing the sun gods" is not a valid excuse, legally, for ritual sacrifice. See you all when I get out of prison.

Freedom of (from!) religion!!!

<waits for IGgy explosion>

[#] Fri Aug 25 2017 19:01:11 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Hail to the sun god! He sure is a fun god! Ra! Ra! Ra!

[#] Fri Sep 22 2017 14:00:57 UTC from zooer

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Hey, good luck to everyone tomorrow!  

[#] Sun Sep 24 2017 10:25:54 UTC from zooer

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The religious fanatics lied to us again.

[#] Sun Sep 24 2017 18:43:37 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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What, was there another "we've correctly calculated the end of the world and this time we're really sure" event again?

[#] Sun Sep 24 2017 23:59:08 UTC from zooer

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yeah, they were wrong again.  I wish they would get it correct one of these times.... just once.

[#] Mon Sep 25 2017 13:46:33 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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What part of "you know not the day nor the hour" [Matthew 25:13] do they not understand?

Don't get me wrong; I'd love to get the hell off this rock, but anyone who claims they know when it's going to happen is completely safe to ignore.

[#] Wed Sep 27 2017 20:42:52 UTC from fleeb

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It'll happen.

But you'll see it coming. Slowly. Oh, so slowly... the end will come inexorably.

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