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[#] Wed Feb 12 2014 02:26:10 UTC from platonov

Subject: There are two major kinds of destruction: physical and mental

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Sun Feb 09 2014 13:26:16 EST from zooer
.... ->sigh<- so many new rooms to forget.

If one is not creative, he inevitably becomes destructive, asserting his revenge not even knowing against whom.

There are two major kinds of destruction: physical and mental.

Physical may hurt more, but mental is uncomparably uglier and more destructive in its nature, releasing monsters as mental constructions of thought forms.

And it is merely a byproduct of self-denial.

Karmic consequences for mental violence are much more severe.

[#] Wed Feb 12 2014 15:25:41 UTC from Shazam

Subject: Re: There are two major kinds of destruction: physical and mental

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If one is not creative, he inevitably becomes destructive, asserting his

revenge not even knowing against whom.

There is the third option of becoming lazy and doing nothing, fading out of life while still alive. Not as good as being constructive or creative, and probably better for everyone else than being destructive.

[#] Wed Feb 12 2014 21:37:12 UTC from LoanShark

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[#] Wed Feb 12 2014 22:13:30 UTC from the_mgt

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[#] Wed Feb 12 2014 22:28:04 UTC from platonov

Subject: Re: There are two major kinds of destruction: physical and mental

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Wed Feb 12 2014 10:25:41 EST from Shazam Subject: Re: There are two major kinds of destruction: physical and mental
If one is not creative, he inevitably becomes destructive, asserting his

revenge not even knowing against whom.

There is the third option of becoming lazy and doing nothing, fading out of life while still alive. Not as good as being constructive or creative, and probably better for everyone else than being destructive.

This is actually one of the KEY issues. But it is going to take quite an article to cover it.

Yes, according to various statistics of real activities, about 98-99% of people live in this mode of "I don't care" or "I could care less" or "this is not MY problem". And they do not even "care" to comprehend that this is nothing more than a result of a zombie program in their mind.

And this is why they come and say: "sigh", which translates "look at this idiot, who could not possibly comprehend the "realities'" [of the world of zombies]. "How long do I have to tolerate such an idiocy here?".

And then they ad to their "deep insight": "so many new rooms to forget" [in this gathering of the giants of thought]. But do they even realize what would appear in this room if it is properly hooked up to the RSS feed and whose articles would appear here?

And then, just "to add the insult to injury", they imply: well, this stuff only deserves to be ignored, at least compared to the crap I produce.

And this is exactly what the essence of perversion is.

More than that, instead of simply ignoring the things that make their blood boil, they simply HAVE to come and announce it to the whole world, like it was a revelation from heaven to be followed by all zombies.

So, the question arises: "what lays at the very roots of it"?

And what lays there is violence as a result of self-denial.

Simple as that.

[#] Thu Feb 13 2014 18:50:56 UTC from Shazam

Subject: Re: There are two major kinds of destruction: physical and mental

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And what lays there is violence as a result of self-denial.

Simple as that.

Issues in life aren't simple just because we say so or because we crave simple answers to complex problems.
Is it possible that there are people who don't take actions to solve the problems around them because of feelings of crushing futility, rather than because of violence and self-denial?

[#] Thu Feb 13 2014 22:08:28 UTC from platonov

Subject: Re: There are two major kinds of destruction: physical and mental

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Thu Feb 13 2014 13:50:56 EST from Shazam Subject: Re: There are two major kinds of destruction: physical and mental
And what lays there is violence as a result of self-denial.

Simple as that.

Issues in life aren't simple just because we say so or because we crave simple answers to complex problems.
Is it possible that there are people who don't take actions to solve the problems around them because of feelings of crushing futility, rather than because of violence and self-denial?

Life IS "simple". Only liars try to convince you otherwise.

Well, "crushing futility" is a sense one obtains when one attempts to see the Truth of the situation, and that is at least a step in the right direction.

And yes, that is what "powers of evil" WANT you to see everywhere in order to control you and dominate you and impose their programming of deadly materialism upon your consciousness, thus reducing you to a machine. So that you would NEVER had a chance to see who you REALLY are, which is Being of Intelligence.

Instead, with unending zombie programming, they succeed in convincing you that you are nothing and no different than a robot, a machine to perform whatever you are told is "right" for the benefit of those, who parasite on you, which they never tell you.

And, if there is ANY degree of Intelligence still functioning within you, the sense of "crushing futility" is pretty much inevitable. Because your Being can not possibly accept such a denial of itself and such a profound meaningless. Because deep inside it KNOWS it is not that. It is not a biorobot or a zombie.

So, that sense of "crushing futility" is an illusion. It is only an intermediate step. It is not the END, like they want you to believe.

You just keep going, keep inquiring, keep seeking, keep being sincere in your search.

There IS "the light at the end of the tunnel", no matter what they zombify you with, trying to reduce your dignity and self-worth.

For it was said:

"Seek, and ye shalt find,
knock and the door shalt be opened before thee".

For this is the LAW! THAT is why.

Now, for those who UTTERLY deny their own validity, Intelligence and inherent self-worth, violence is pretty much an inevitability.

Because what is the roots of violence? Well, it is the same desire to reassert oneself, and to "prove" that one is valid. It is nothing but an "revenge" to those who keep trying to convince one that he/she is nothing, which is a lie.

It is still the same basic desire to see the Truth, only on a more primitive and distorted manner.

For it is perversion.

The being that believes in the same "crushing futility" and "meaningless" of the materialistic world of futility and, seeing all the violence without and within, is still trying to reassert ones own validity, trying to "prove" to others, but deep inside to himself, that he/she IS "something".

So one becomes violent, which is simply a revenge for denial, which is nothing more than a program in one's mind.

It is an ILLUSION.

For there is no such a thing as "crushing futility", even though it does look like it is everywhere and seems very convincing. And it is precisely that which your mind is bombarded with, morning to night, everywhere you look, including this phony "positivity", which is a lie, because it is not genuine but forced upon oneself, and it is fake as it gets.

Otherwise, the Life as such would end a long, long time ago. But you still keep going. WHY?

- Well, because deep inside you KNOW it is false. Life is NOT "futile", no matter what you might see or think.

It is manifestation of Infinite Intelligence, All Permeating and Ever Unfolding. And you ARE a part of it, not matter what.

NO ONE is excluded for it is not possible in its very nature.

As far as "solving problems" it is possible ONLY if one is AWARE, or begins to SEE, to see the very nature of things and Life itself, even though seeing is dynamic in nature and no matter how much or what you see today, tomorrow you will see even deeper. For it is the very nature of Intelligence.

Blindness comes and goes.
Desire to "prove" oneself to others and ultimately to oneself, comes and goes.
Violence and denial comes and goes.
Lies and manipulations come and go.
And so are all other distortions.
The ONLY thing that remains is Truth, for there is no place for it to go. Because it is the ONLY thing that "remains at the end". Anything else comes and goes.

The ONLY thing necessary is to be sincere and not to deny oneself.
But to recognize ones own eternal validity. For this is the Law, and that is precisely why you are here.

Just keep going, no matter what anyone attempts to convince you in otherwise.
For the fruit, once mature, will certainly attain a state of sweetness. For it is the LAW, Law of Life itself.

[#] Thu Feb 13 2014 23:18:58 UTC from fleeb

Subject: Re: There are two major kinds of destruction: physical and mental

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Life IS "simple". Only liars try to convince you otherwise.

Well, in the sense that we respire, we feed, we reproduce... boil it down to the basics, and, yeah, it's simple.

Living within American Society, though, gets complex. Participating in society, doing the stupid dance we do, doesn't strike me as 'simple' at all.

Well, unless you don't have much to contribute, perhaps... maybe because you have the mental capacity of cabbage, or slightly better. But most people don't fall in those categories.

Getting a job, jumping through the stupid hoops to make that happen... complex.
Dealing with the government if you own your own job... complex. Executing the job to earn money... usually complex. Dealing with the taxes from said job... complex (even if you hire someone else to handle the details for you, do you trust the person?).

That's work-related complexity.

Finding a parter with whom to live your life... complex. Keeping that relationship from going stale... complex. Giving up on a relationship and finding someone else... complex.

Anyone attempting to tell you that life isn't simple probably hasn't actually thought it through, if by 'life' they mean 'survival as a member of society'.
Which itself is funny, that I have to qualify what you might mean by 'life'.

Oh, and I can make lots of bullshit assertions:

You're an idiot if your hair isn't on fire as you read this.

I posit that your hair probably isn't on fire, so you're an idiot. Which might explain why life seems so simple to you. (See how that works? You can build upon ridiculous assertions to draw bullshit conclusions... it's fabulous!).

What the fuck am I writing anyway? What the fuck is my point? Probably none. Because I'm round. The only point I really have involves my fingers, when I aim them in some particular direction.

I think I need some khalua.

[#] Fri Feb 14 2014 01:07:44 UTC from platonov

Subject: Re: There are two major kinds of destruction: physical and mental

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Thu Feb 13 2014 18:18:58 EST from fleeb Subject: Re: There are two major kinds of destruction: physical and mental
Life IS "simple". Only liars try to convince you otherwise.

Well, in the sense that we respire, we feed, we reproduce... boil it down to the basics, and, yeah, it's simple.

Living within American Society, though, gets complex. Participating in society, doing the stupid dance we do, doesn't strike me as 'simple' at all.

Well, unless you don't have much to contribute, perhaps... maybe because you have the mental capacity of cabbage, or slightly better. But most people don't fall in those categories.

Getting a job, jumping through the stupid hoops to make that happen... complex.
Dealing with the government if you own your own job... complex. Executing the job to earn money... usually complex. Dealing with the taxes from said job... complex (even if you hire someone else to handle the details for you, do you trust the person?).

That's work-related complexity.

Finding a parter with whom to live your life... complex. Keeping that relationship from going stale... complex. Giving up on a relationship and finding someone else... complex.

Anyone attempting to tell you that life isn't simple probably hasn't actually thought it through, if by 'life' they mean 'survival as a member of society'.
Which itself is funny, that I have to qualify what you might mean by 'life'.

Oh, and I can make lots of bullshit assertions:

You're an idiot if your hair isn't on fire as you read this.

I posit that your hair probably isn't on fire, so you're an idiot. Which might explain why life seems so simple to you. (See how that works? You can build upon ridiculous assertions to draw bullshit conclusions... it's fabulous!).

What the fuck am I writing anyway? What the fuck is my point? Probably none. Because I'm round. The only point I really have involves my fingers, when I aim them in some particular direction.

I think I need some khalua.

You brought up lots of beliefs in "complexities" that only exist if you perceive life as some sort of struggle and its entire "point" is "to survive".

In that context, everything you say could be agreed with, at least to some extent.

But have you EVER ask the question: to survive for WHAT? What do you exist for, do you know?

If your life lacks Joy, and Awe and DESIRE to be, to inquire, to investigate, to create something that stimulates you as you are, then it lacks the most basic aspects of Life as such.

Life is not "supposed" to be nothing more than unending misery. It is precisely YOU who creates that misery.

The "problem" with your post is that is it highly negatively biased, condemnatory and it could be asserted that it comes from a "blind" man, and even worse than that, MUCH worse.

So, to talk to you or try to present you with some other view other than what you have deeply ingrained in your mind would be equivalent to what is known as "throwing diamonds to the pigs" upon which they will inevitably step.

Because your inquiry lacks sincerity. You are not interested in seeing something that conflicts with your program. All you want is to reassert your old program and conditioning, justifying your own misery. Thus, you lack the BASIC qualities required to SEE. Because you simply flatly refuseq to even look at it from any other angle but the one you are programmed with, which is a pile of illusions, if not delusions.

Yes, Life will present you with plenty of "custom tailored" challenges, just for you. But they are resolved quite simply. The MAIN requirement is that you stop lying. Because you are lying not to someone else, but ultimately to yourself.

The second one: be SINCERE and not constantly obsessed with fear.

Once you stop lying and have some guts and trust unto yourself, you are no longer obliged to lick fat rears in order to "survive".

And you stop prostituting yourself out of fear of "survival".

And you stop being afraid and/or paranoid of dealing with your "boss" or even banker or anyone else for that matter.

And when you need to "get a job" you stop pretending and submitting and trying to lick their fat rears trying to look "better" or more "accommodating" to THEIR trips. You simply tell them who you REALLY are and what you can really do and/or willing/interested in doing. That is ALL you have to do instead of constantly worrying, driven by fear.

And you don't need to "jump through the stupid hoops" that are specifically set up for you to see YOUR "stupidity" and your utterly futile attempts to "survive".

You just don't do all that crap.

But if fear grips you, then you need to learn its genuine value, if any.

If you live your life out of fear, then you'll end up exactly where you are right now - the dead end street.

Just because you refuse to see the meaning of lessons Life provides you with.

You refuse to see the Grandness and Joy within you and you flately deny that giggle within you that forever craves for expression.

You just simply BE who you REALLY are, at least as YOU perceive yourself sincerely in this very moment.

Unless the seed craves to pierce the soil and to come out, NOTHING can be done.

You need to have the yearning, that utmost desire to SEE "how it REALLY is" and not how it appears as a result of your denials of your own validity and Intelligence that beats your heart and pumps your lungs.

You need to recognize that basic difference between "real" you, at least the way you feel it, and that program that drives your Life, forever keeping you in fear and denials of your basic essence.

WHAT makes you different from all other biorobots programmed to oblivion? Did you ever asked this question?

As long as you perceive life as some sort of struggle, you will be "chasing shadows in the valley of darkness" and about ALL you will see around and inside you is "complications", that are fictions in your mind.

Because what you have in your mind is a program, and you are not the one who wrote it.

What a pity...

But once you decide to stand up and say: I refuse to submit to the program because I wish to see how it REALLY is, what a joyous moment that shalt be.

And you shalt see the miracles you could never have imagined.

For that is what Life IS.

And know thee, there is no power in this world that can PREVENT you from SEEING but you yourself.

Just keep knocking.

Keep asking.

Keep investigating SINCERELY.

That is ALL that is required from your end.

[#] Fri Feb 14 2014 14:26:09 UTC from fleeb

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Heh... you're funny.

I live in the grey. That's where reality lurks, based on 40 years of observation.

You can live with your absolutes, that everything has to be this way or that.
You can live with that, and see just how far life takes you before you find yourself bending to inevitability.

And nobody wins an argument on the internet, really. People are too invested in what they believe to just twist their minds around something completely new and different just because someone else with a keyboard wrote something different they have or haven't seen before.

Words, words, words... my god, but you type a lot without saying anything.

[#] Wed Feb 19 2014 04:56:47 UTC from zooer

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Hey this room was cool but it now has some sort of infection. If you don't kill off the infection quickly it
spreads to good cells and tissue.

[#] Wed Feb 19 2014 16:50:18 UTC from LoanShark

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Actually, this room was always a CABBAGE-BRAINED Trashcan> substitute. Yow!

[#] Wed Feb 19 2014 16:56:27 UTC from LoanShark

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Briefly, there are too many people out there already who think anti-semitism is justified, because... well, it's not clear why they do. Seems to boil down to "because banking, that's why!!!1"

This is mainly idiocy.

[#] Wed Feb 19 2014 23:08:20 UTC from vince-q

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I never believed this would ever actually happen...

I want it. Now. My ****Precious****.... (ooops, wrong Ring).

[#] Mon Feb 24 2014 01:25:56 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Briefly, there are too many people out there already who think
anti-semitism is justified, because... well, it's not clear why they
do. Seems to boil down to "because banking, that's why!!!1"

More than just banking, evidently. On one of those sites I read that the

"zio-nazis" are going to kidnap my children and grind them up into hamburger meat which they will then sell back to me.

Some of this stuff would be downright comical if it wasn't part of something which certain people actually believe.

[#] Mon Feb 24 2014 01:36:23 UTC from LoanShark

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*twirls handlebar moustache*

Egad good sir, I believe you're onto something. MUST AWAKE FROM BOOK-RELATED NIGHTMARE before The Zio-Illuminati convert my children to Soylent[redacted due to trademark violation]


[#] Mon Mar 10 2014 18:01:25 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Picking on someone because of their religion is not acceptable under any circumstances.

Of course, I have a rather narrow view of what constitutes a legitimate religion.
Parody religions don't count, nor do totalitarian political regimes masquerading as religions.

[#] Mon Mar 10 2014 20:28:46 UTC from dothebart

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what about failed scifi authors trying to establish new religions?

[#] Mon Mar 10 2014 20:37:10 UTC from wizard of aahz

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While it was a ridiculously stupid move, Battlefield Earth was not a completely disastrous book.

[#] Tue Mar 11 2014 05:08:07 UTC from vince-q

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Mar 10 2014 4:28pm from dothebart
what about failed scifi authors trying to establish new religions?

Mar 10 2014 4:37pm from wizard of aahz
While it was a ridiculously stupid move, Battlefield Earth was not a completely disastrous book.

...and here I thought he meant the Book of Mormon....

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