Oct 3 2014 1:26pm from IGnatius T Foobar @uncnsrd (Uncensored)
I use VirtualBox and a copy of 'doze 7. When I absolutely have to.
And here I thought you were using VirtualBox with Windows 3.1
for it other than using it to fire up Netscape and looking at a few websites at the time.
Oh... and Chip's Challenge.
And here I thought you were using VirtualBox with Windows 3.1
If you mean Windows NT 3.1 ... that's the closest Microsoft ever came to delivering a usable version of Windows. Dave Cutler's microkernel, plus elements of IBM's OS/2 Presentation Manager ... unfortunately, one version later they screwed it all up again; instead of building around the NT microkernel, they continued to top-load everything into Win32 just like they top-loaded everything into Win16 while it still ran on top of DOS.
I've ranted about this before, so my previous screed is included herein by reference. [ http://uncensored.citadel.org/readfwd?go=Skeptic%20Tank?p=882354635 ]
I've ranted about this before, so my previous screed is included
herein by reference. [
http://uncensored.citadel.org/readfwd?go=Skeptic%20Tank?p=882354635 ]
It is ruled that the above cited from your original submission is stricken.
It is noted for the record that such citations and references are to be included, directly and/or by reference, in your Points and Authorities submission(s) and not in your initial Argument.
--The Judge
They will catch up to the level of configurability of AT&T Unix circa early 80's at some point. Glad to see someone is an "early adopter" of the pain of MS learning the UNIX philosophy. I am waiting for Ansible to have solid windows support (and scripting in Pywin32 on the side to cover my ass when I need to get things done before that happens).
I like letting others do the work :-) If I can keep from learning any more of the Java like language (Powershell), I think I might keep my sanity and live another day.
Tue Sep 30 2014 02:49:24 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored
Yowza! The "Sconfig" utility *almost* makes Windows Phone Server 2012 configurable without wanting to kill myself.
The WineHQ has 2007 Visio at gold rating. Have not tried it since 2003? version, but it worked well back then.
It is noted for the record that such citations and references are to
be included, directly and/or by reference, in your Points and
Authorities submission(s) and not in your initial Argument.
My Points and Authorities Submission includes my initial Argument herein by reference, which includes my blog herein by reference. Rulings to the contrary must be applied for in triplicate.
Today, I fixed two "broken profiles", where windows for some reason decides that this profile is no longer good enough and creates a temp profile for the username. Normally, people are then able to login to some temporary account. Which causes even more confusion. Today, on the Vista machine, login didn't work, just saying the password was invalid. The Win7 said "User Profile Service not running" and login was impossible. Renamed the registry values for both profiles and they worked flawless again. I do this once a month on at least one computer, never understood why it happens, never cared to investigate.
Spent the rest of the day trying to fix AutoCAD and Allplan, which stopped working after win8.0->win8.1 update. AutoCAD works now, Allplan doesn't, in both cases the SoftLock stuff fecks up with the update. Remember people, for your reliable business software, only use original microsoft products! Or else your TCO gets too expensive!!!!
My Points and Authorities Submission includes my initial Argument
herein by reference, which includes my blog herein by reference.
Rulings to the contrary must be applied for in triplicate.
Is 'contrariwise' indicative of wisdom through opposition?
Yeah, it's being foisted on me. Honestly, these guys seem to embrace a whole lot of stupid technologies that could be significantly simplified with older stuff that works more reliably. But, "Progress" I suppose.
We had our wiki replaced by sharepoint. Now we have the same functionality as before, except full text search doesn't work, and you need to open Microsoft Office to read anything in it.
This is "progress."
Another form of Progress: In Windows8, a shutdown is not a shutdown, but it sends the computer to hibernation.
So the age old cure "have you tried to shut the computer down and restart it?" does no longer work to solve problems. A problem like "explorer.exe" insta-crashing after starting any explorer window... Which renders a computer quite unusable.