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[#] Sun Jul 11 2021 17:34:37 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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remember how that worked out...

It worked out that OES was an architecturally superior product to legacy Netware.

As a company they were pretty much already on their way out by then. Microsoft destroyed them from the outside by marketing to decision makers' bosses, and from the inside by installing their saboteurs Miguel and Nat into the company.

Moving onto a Linux base, however, was a design win, and Microsoft should do it too.

[#] Sun Jul 11 2021 20:20:38 EDT from Nurb432

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Novell's existence kept food on my table for a few years. ( had a couple of netware certs, so kept me employed )

Funny thing was that i was also considered the Windows expert at the time.   Funny how that stuff works.


[#] Mon Jul 12 2021 15:55:27 EDT from LoanShark

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2021-07-11 17:34 from IGnatius T Foobar
remember how that worked out...

It worked out that OES was an architecturally superior product to
legacy Netware.


I was thinking of the whole Novell/SCO/lawsuit debacle.

[#] Mon Jul 12 2021 17:05:36 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Oh, *that* Novell :)

I heard they brought that back again this year, but probably without Microsoft not-so-secretly bankrolling it again this time. Something about them coming up with new ways to sue IBM now that they own Red Hat.

[#] Mon Jul 12 2021 17:26:55 EDT from Nurb432

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Yes. whoever owns the stuff now was rumbling about suits again.  

[#] Wed Jul 21 2021 16:17:04 EDT from Nurb432

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Ack. no.


Are they still in the extend phase? Or has the extinguish phase begun?

[#] Fri Jul 23 2021 14:31:40 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Maybe.  Maybe not.

There is a fairly new school of thought [ ] which suggests Microsoft is aware that Windows is no longer the weapon of market dominance that it was in a previous era.  In the past, their position was "run all of your workloads on Windows."  Today, it is "run it on whatever you want, but run it on our cloud."

CBL-Mariner, many applications ported to Linux (SQL Server, Edge, Teams, etc.) and the continued development of WSL -- which is about to get GUI support with a built-in Wayland server -- could indicate that Microsoft intends on a long slow phase-out of Windows.  Today they make most of their money on cloud services, and it's an open secret that the majority of Azure workloads are already Linux.

This isn't the old Microsoft, where Gates and Ballmer (may they die horribly) insisted that non-Microsoft software was "cancer".  They're a cloud services company now, and the maintenance of a proprietary operating system is becoming more of an albatross than a competitive advantage.

They're also aware that the new unit of computing is the container, and Windows containers are such crap that they're not worth using.

[#] Fri Jul 23 2021 17:21:12 EDT from Nurb432

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I dont know, it may just be the appearance of 'good'. "look, you can trust us now, be our friends, buy in to our ecosystem". Regardless, im not going to give them the benefit of the doubt.  Never trust your enemy. 

Fri Jul 23 2021 02:31:40 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

This isn't the old Microsoft, 


[#] Fri Jul 23 2021 18:06:21 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Hey, I'm fine with that.  Why run Windows software on OS/2 when you can run it on Windows?  The modern version will be, why run Linux software on Windows when you can run it on Linux?  Given the choice I will stay pure.  But if they are finally going to phase out their botched abortion of an operating system, good.

[#] Fri Jul 23 2021 18:11:17 EDT from Nurb432

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As long as they can keep milking businesses, its not going away.

[#] Sat Jul 24 2021 11:30:09 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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You might be missing the point. As their revenue model continues to shift away from packaged software and more towards cloud services (which it is), at some point the milk is not worth the milking. We're probably still some years away from that point, but they've got to be looking at it. M$ is evil but they're not stupid.

[#] Sat Jul 24 2021 11:41:15 EDT from Nurb432

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I see them milking it as being the "provider of the cloud OS you run on your computer".  

Sure things are changing, but i dont see them just walking away from ti as long as they can still push it, or do some browser trickery and require edge ( or whatever its called by then ) to access their cloud apps. Sort of like how we were trapped into IE due to OCX. Then slowly 'oh, it wont run on other peoples OSs now.'  sort of like how Google took away the API keys from chromium and now some things just dont work..


I see this Linux thing as them hedging their bets if they do lose control. Not a plan to give it up.  But who knows what really goes on inside their little heads out there. 

[#] Sun Jul 25 2021 21:29:35 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I dunno ... I think the browser lock-in ship has sailed. There's too much mobile at this point, and Apple/Google aren't about to let M$ take over the browser again. And of course I *like* my Chromium NOT laced with Google Fentanyl.
As I might have mentioned before, I have found that it's easier to remove Microsoft from
Edge than it is to remove Google from Chrome. Two or three extensions is all it seems to take, so that's what I use on my Windows machine at work -- might as well, since it's the only browser that can't be uninstalled.

I was running Brave and/or Dissenter for a while, but IT banned it because it has a Tor client built in.

Look, I'm still no fan of Micro$oft. I still want Bill Gates to be fed feet-first into a wood chipper, even though he's no longer running the show. If I had access to a button that destroyed them, I *would* still press it. At the same time, it's important to recognize that things have changed. They still have control of the mainstream desktop, but they're no longer in a position to leverage that to control other things. Everywhere else, they've pretty much lost, or at least lost their market control position. Even their biggest money maker, their cloud, is a distant second.

Micro$oft has been following in IBM's footsteps for decades, perhaps not willingly, but quite faithfully.

[#] Fri Jul 30 2021 16:22:19 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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This week I learned that Microsoft 365 support are privacy-unfocused douchebags.

I reported a problem to our help desk, that they couldn't solve so they opened a ticket on my behalf with M$ to get the issue resolved. M$ did two things that I am NOT ok with:

1. They tried to contact me on our *private* Microsoft Teams instance

2. They extracted my personal cell phone number from the directory and called me there

Both of these contacts occurred *after* I had told them in email that the issue had been resolved.

[#] Fri Jul 30 2021 16:58:29 EDT from Nurb432

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Its our cloud, our data, and you will like it. Oh, and pay us more.

[#] Wed Aug 04 2021 06:19:32 EDT from Nurb432

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So, Microsoft has a new AI that helps you code, by looking at all the stuff on GitHub. But you have to pay for it. Really? isn't that violating the IP of open code ( in many cases, not all but many )? No wonder MS wanted to buy GitHub, in the past they would have never allowed that sort of nonsense but now they are one in the same and have no choice.

[#] Sun Sep 05 2021 18:03:30 EDT from Nurb432

Subject: hyperv

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So i cant find the article now to get all the details, but i read this last week that there is a good chance microsoft may drop hyper-v on locally installable windows server.

If you want virtual machines for a production environment, i guess you will have to use Azure soon.. ( or another solution of course )

[#] Mon Sep 06 2021 12:22:40 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: hyperv

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I find that hard to believe and I hope you're able to find the reference.

What I would believe is that they'd replace the conventional Hyper-V with Azure Stack, forcing users to deploy virtual machines in a way that they can be shifted to their cloud in an obvious migration path, similar to how an on-premise Exchange server can be joined to, and then supplanted by, the 365 service.   That would be more consistent with Micro$oft's typical behavior.

Of course, no one who is serious about virtualization is using Hyper-V anyway.

[#] Mon Sep 06 2021 13:10:12 EDT from Nurb432

Subject: Re: hyperv

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I'm still looking for the reference. I didnt have enough time to read it closely, it could have just been their interpretation of planned changes. Tho to be honest, i can see them doing that. I can see them dropping all local install support of servers at some point unless you are really special. Its the end goal...  endless revenue stream.

And i agree on that last point, we dont use it either. Anything on site is vmware.  It's Why i didnt read it really close when i had it :)  It was interesting, but wouldn't affect my life any.

Mon Sep 06 2021 12:22:40 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: hyperv

I find that hard to believe and I hope you're able to find the reference.

What I would believe is that they'd replace the conventional Hyper-V with Azure Stack, forcing users to deploy virtual machines in a way that they can be shifted to their cloud in an obvious migration path, similar to how an on-premise Exchange server can be joined to, and then supplanted by, the 365 service.   That would be more consistent with Micro$oft's typical behavior.

Of course, no one who is serious about virtualization is using Hyper-V anyway.


[#] Wed Sep 29 2021 17:12:51 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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You know what ... after settling on a permanent Version 10, Apple released Version 11 of their operating system. And then in a move that surprised no one ... Microsoft, having settled on a permanent Version 10, is moving to Version 11 of their operating system.

I have a message for Microsoft. Listen closely, Satya. Microsoft will NEVER be as good as Apple until you arrange for Microsoft's founder and original CEO to be equally as healthy and alive as Apple's founder currently is.

Do it, Satya. Do it now. Get a brick of Cobalt-40 and invite Gates to bring his pancreas over.

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