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[#] Wed Jan 02 2019 10:19:47 EST from wizard of aahz

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As opposed to a metric shit ton?

[#] Wed Jan 02 2019 10:20:58 EST from fleeb

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I've always wondered how that compares to the Imperial shit ton.

[#] Wed Jan 02 2019 15:11:51 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Double it and add 30.

[#] Wed Jan 02 2019 18:05:46 EST from zooer

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Tue Jan 01 2019 05:17:46 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Not really. A metric year is an even 400 days long.

Wouldn't it make more sense if the year started on a solstice?  

[#] Sat Jan 05 2019 08:44:48 EST from arabella

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Wed Jan 02 2019 06:05:46 PM EST from zooer


Tue Jan 01 2019 05:17:46 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Not really. A metric year is an even 400 days long.

Wouldn't it make more sense if the year started on a solstice?  


[#] Sat Jan 05 2019 08:46:40 EST from arabella

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Wed Jan 02 2019 03:11:51 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Double it and add 30.

Not so,

A Ton is a Ton,


A Tonne is a Tonne.


[#] Sat Jan 05 2019 09:08:39 EST from arabella

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I want to slim down my cloud storage, I have several cloud stores, and want to merge them. I'm not looking for a recommendation for storage, I am looking for a way to merge them locally, whilst removing duplicate documents, folders etc. I know I could do this manually, but that could take weeks. Ideally it'll be freeware.


[#] Sat Jan 05 2019 09:55:23 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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bella! Nice to see you. It's been quiet here for a couple of weeks and we need all of our friends making some noise.

[#] Sat Jan 05 2019 10:20:51 EST from arabella

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Hello It.

Happy new new orbit

[#] Sat Jan 05 2019 10:22:30 EST from arabella

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Sat Jan 05 2019 10:20:51 AM EST from arabella

Hello It.

Happy new new orbit

Ig (obvs)

[#] Sun Jan 06 2019 06:05:14 EST from fleeb

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Do the duplicate files have the same name?
Are you able to copy the files from cloud to local?
Is there a specific arrangement you have in mind for everything (that is, arrangement of folders and files within these folders)?

I'm just trying to think if there's a way to build a script or something to help.

[#] Sun Jan 06 2019 06:31:00 EST from arabella

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Do the duplicate files have the same name?  some do, some don't
Are you able to copy the files from cloud to local? yes
Is there a specific arrangement you have in mind for everything (that is, arrangement of folders and files within these folders)? No, I simply want to bring them all to a single place (local drive) then I can index them all, remove duplicates that didn't get caught automatically, and then drop 'em onto a flash drive (or similar)

Sounds like I could easily to do manually, which I could, but it would consume many hours, hours I just don't have.

Any help automating the process would be well received.

[#] Sun Jan 06 2019 06:48:14 EST from fleeb

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Oh, lastly... should I assume this is a Windows operating system?

[#] Sun Jan 06 2019 06:57:02 EST from fleeb

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If it's Windows, see if you can put all of the folders holding the remote files into one folder. Then, using Windows Explorer (tap Win-E to pull it up), browse to the one folder holding all the other folders, and in the upper-right you should see an edit box with 'Search Qu...' or the like in it. Click on that, and type in a glob describing the files you want to copy (or just '*' if you want everything). ThThis should search through all subfolders for your files.. if it doesn't, look for the 'Search' tab at the top of Explorer and select 'All subfolders'. Click on any one file you want to copy, then tap 'Ctrl-A' to select all of the files. Tap 'Win-E' to bring up another Explorer window, and browse to where you want these to go, and drag-n-drop them into the folder.

[#] Sun Jan 06 2019 16:26:33 EST from arabella

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Sun Jan 06 2019 06:57:02 AM EST from fleeb

If it's Windows, see if you can put all of the folders holding the remote files into one folder. Then, using Windows Explorer (tap Win-E to pull it up), browse to the one folder holding all the other folders, and in the upper-right you should see an edit box with 'Search Qu...' or the like in it. Click on that, and type in a glob describing the files you want to copy (or just '*' if you want everything). ThThis should search through all subfolders for your files.. if it doesn't, look for the 'Search' tab at the top of Explorer and select 'All subfolders'. Click on any one file you want to copy, then tap 'Ctrl-A' to select all of the files. Tap 'Win-E' to bring up another Explorer window, and browse to where you want these to go, and drag-n-drop them into the folder.

It is Windows, I will follow your instructions.

Thanks Fleeb

[#] Thu Jan 10 2019 12:45:58 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Lots of people logged in today but we seem to be in a rut. Everyone go post something new.

[#] Thu Jan 10 2019 13:52:07 EST from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Something new.

[#] Thu Jan 10 2019 15:10:07 EST from wizard of aahz

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[#] Thu Jan 10 2019 15:27:56 EST from Ragnar Danneskjold

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[#] Thu Jan 10 2019 15:51:43 EST from wizard of aahz

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