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[#] Mon May 24 2021 13:38:26 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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Yeah... there was blood in my urine Sunday morning. Fortunately, not a lot of either, as my body was basically desiccated - and that was once I was feeling good enough to take a shot at driving home. 

Still a *little* less than 100% today - but it was nice to go to bed in a place where I knew I didn't have to arrange payment before the ambulance ride or before medical services. 

What doesn't kill you... weakens you a little more for the next time you get in over your head. ;) 


[#] Mon May 24 2021 13:41:19 EDT from Nurb432

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Considered taking some antibiotics for a couple of days? Just in case?

[#] Mon May 24 2021 14:11:53 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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I considered it, and you just run down to the pharmacy to get them in Mexico. :) 

But I'm feeling generally OK now. Good enough that I went into work - even though I'm dragging ass. I was able to eat a Cane's Chicken Finger, a half a steak sandwich, and a bowl of chicken noodle soup yesterday. Had a piece of bread from Panera for breakfast... 

I'm going to live dangerously and try some CostCo pizza for lunch. Depending on how that works, I may end up calling my GP. :) 


Mon May 24 2021 13:41:19 EDT from Nurb432

Considered taking some antibiotics for a couple of days? Just in case?


[#] Mon May 24 2021 14:37:49 EDT from Nurb432

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You can get them from your local farm store, at least in the Midwest.  Its where i get mine.  Cheaper than a doctor visit.

[#] Mon May 24 2021 16:33:43 EDT from zooer

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So, you want to spend crazy amounts of money to keep Mexicans out, but you go to Mexico for a visit?

[#] Mon May 24 2021 19:01:21 EDT from Nurb432

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I can only speak for myself, but i thought i should:

I dont want to keep Mexicans out. i simply want to keep people out that dont follow the rules.  I dont care where they come from or 'what' they are, but i do expect them to follow the rules or they are not welcome.

Mon May 24 2021 04:33:43 PM EDT from zooer

So, you want to spend crazy amounts of money to keep Mexicans out, but you go to Mexico for a visit?


[#] Mon May 24 2021 19:56:25 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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I'm a Californian who lives in Arizona. 

I've spent my *life* living side by side with Mexican Americans. Most of my best friends growing up weren't just Latino - they were *Mexican*.

And most of THEM don't like illegal aliens, and dislike dumb virtue-signaling white guys who think they speak for Latinos and get their entire image of Latino culture from CNN and MSNBC even less. 

Latinos - in particular Latino men - actually tend to be very fiscally and socially conservative. Maybe on the East Coast there are more Puerto Ricans and Cubans - and maybe they're different - although I don't think the policies of the Left are batting very high with Cuban Americans lately, either... from what I see about them on Fox News, anyhow... 


Yeah. I'm for building a wall. I'm for discouraging Sonoran Narcos from operating drug routes and human trafficking operations between the border. I'm for anything that cuts down on rape-trees in the Sonoran desert - for reducing trades that deal in human misery and suffering. Sending those who are struggling to survive and do not have the ability to immigrate legally in South and Central America to North America doesn't generally improve their actual condition. You don't hear studies about that - but LEGAL Latin American immigrants are not *wildly* successful in grabbing a piece of the American dream. The myth that they take the unskilled jobs that no one wants is just that. They take jobs that are abusive and will never get them the dream they want - and MANY actually return after realizing that they're just as victimized in their communities *here* as they are in the place they came from. There are a lot of places to stop between here and the worst oppressive human-rights violating regimes between their nations and ours - and I've got to wonder why more of them don't keep trucking it on North to the socialist, progressive Utopia of CANADA with its socialized welfare and its forward-thinking policies on immigration and race if OUR nation is so bad. 

The Left manipulates illegal aliens as a political tool - it has nothing to do with humanitarian compassion. They want to get them here, and they encourage it by offering health care programs, drivers licenses, sanctuary cities, and other literal *incentives* to immigrate *illegally* - then fight against things like voter identification - because they WANT exactly that - undocumented voters who understand that Democrats in charge mean the benefits keep coming. This is blatantly transparent to anyone with critical reasoning skills. 

What I want to do is encourage Mexico (and other South American countries) to leverage their abundant natural resources, their miles of beautiful coastlines, their relaxed laws and favorable exchange rates - to lure more and more visitors from other countries in a way that creates wealth and growth and stability in those countries - jobs and opportunities so that LESS of their citizens want to come to our country. By the end of that exchange, they may help us to FINISH building the wall. 

And part of doing that is assuming the risk of visiting the places where Mexicans are making an effort to make their country safe, inviting and desirable to visit. Rocky Point/Puerto Penasco could be a Barcelona of the Western Hemisphere. They're sitting on a gold mine of tourism - and Rocky Point is one of the LEAST attractive coastal destinations in Mexico. 

Support partnerships between the US and Mexico to make it safe for tourism. You want to give a nation a fish so it can have a meal. I'd rather help that nation learn how to fish so that it can feed itself. 


This is the problem with the rhetoric of the Leftist. It assumes that people can't help themselves. I think the Democrats have always been an inherently racist ideology. I am convinced they believe brown people can't take care of themselves without the *charity* of white people. That is what open borders are - *charity*. That is what all the programs to encourage illegal immigration are - *charity*. The charity is built on a conviction of *superiority*. That if WE don't help "these people," who will? They certainly can't help themselves. 

You asked. There is my answer. 

Mon May 24 2021 16:33:43 EDT from zooer

So, you want to spend crazy amounts of money to keep Mexicans out, but you go to Mexico for a visit?


[#] Mon May 24 2021 20:01:25 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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By the way, check out the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Look at the statistics on Amber Alerts. 

Not just here, but in the entire nation, Latina girls between the ages of about 12 and 17 are disproportionately represented in these programs. Most white people - especially white liberals - don't seem to realize that this correlates directly with human trafficking. 

Also, these girls very rarely still look like the innocent little girls on the pictures. They're first lured into the Mexican gangs, they get them strung out on drugs, and most of them run away. 

Your policies are *enabling* this. The Democrats who push these policies *know* this is what is happening. They don't care. They want the votes. 


Mon May 24 2021 19:56:25 EDT from ParanoidDelusions


You asked. There is my answer. 

Mon May 24 2021 16:33:43 EDT from zooer

So, you want to spend crazy amounts of money to keep Mexicans out, but you go to Mexico for a visit?



[#] Mon May 24 2021 20:02:44 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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So it is a little more complex than just "wanting to build a wall to keep Mexicans out but wanting to go visit Mexico." 


[#] Mon May 24 2021 20:04:32 EDT from Nurb432

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Oh, i live next door to a 'Mexican' as you put it. She moved in a few years ago. She is not good with English ( and i have forgot *all* my Spanish from middle school ) so we do have a bit of trouble communicating at times now that her daughters dont live there with her ( shes about my age ), but shes good people and glad to have her as a neighbor.

Kept an eye on her place when she went 'home' to visit relatives not too long ago.

she followed the rules.  Shes more than welcome here.


[#] Mon May 24 2021 22:11:02 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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Yo puedo ayudarte con este. Porque estoy muy raciste y lo detesto todas los Mexicanos, claro y verdad! Los gringos blanco de la iziquierda en Los Estados Unidos cuando no se viven de nadia el gente de Mexico dicen es la verdad. Ellos no son mentirosos!  

And my *accent* is so good that I fool natives into thinking I'm a native speaker and then I can't understand anything they say back to me. 

There is always Google translate too. ;) 


Mon May 24 2021 20:04:32 EDT from Nurb432

Oh, i live next door to a 'Mexican' as you put it. She moved in a few years ago. She is not good with English ( and i have forgot *all* my Spanish from middle school ) so we do have a bit of trouble communicating at times now that her daughters dont live there with her ( shes about my age ), but shes good people and glad to have her as a neighbor.

Kept an eye on her place when she went 'home' to visit relatives not too long ago.

she followed the rules.  Shes more than welcome here.



[#] Mon May 24 2021 22:12:38 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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Ah.. that cuando should have been a donde. 


[#] Tue May 25 2021 07:55:14 EDT from Nurb432

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True, but we are both old school. We do a lot of waving and 'hi' and 'peaches' ( at least once a year when our tree has them ready.. i take some to neighbors ). Knowing we would both look silly trying to have a 'real' conversation its kept simple. But we get by.

Her daughters  (guessing in their 30s ) grew up around here so they were fluent in both.  

Mon May 24 2021 10:11:02 PM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

There is always Google translate too. ;) 



[#] Tue May 25 2021 08:42:36 EDT from zooer

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Well this no longer belongs in the lobby.
Glad you are feeling better.


Perhaps we need a FLOOR called politics, and several rooms with all the different topics.


[#] Tue May 25 2021 09:16:04 EDT from Nurb432

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Everything spills over to everything else, its human nature.  Stuff starts out on topic and drifts..  No real fix for that, unless we only allow AI's to talk.



Tue May 25 2021 08:42:36 AM EDT from zooer

Perhaps we need a FLOOR called politics, and several rooms with all the different topics.



[#] Tue May 25 2021 12:53:42 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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I must not make the lobby go off topic. 
I must not make the lobby go off topic.

I must not make the lobby go o...

Image - Dolores Umbridge (Promo still from HP5 movie) 10-15-2009.jpg - Harry Potter Wiki

[#] Tue May 25 2021 13:40:55 EDT from LoanShark

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the lobby has no topic

[#] Tue May 25 2021 21:01:14 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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Tue May 25 2021 13:40:55 EDT from LoanShark

the lobby has no topic


[#] Wed May 26 2021 01:39:39 EDT from smashbot64

Subject: gringoes

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I am of Irish Canadian/Polish descent and was born in New Jersey so that makes me the official spokesperson for all white people. 

Here's what I have learnt:

A wall is a dumb idea.

I have no problem with people from Mexico or anywhere else south of California wanting to live here.

No matter how high any wall, it won't stop one drug mule or human trafficker.

Besides, I have been ripped off, stolen from, beaten and fcked over by my fellow white brethren more than all other races and colors COMBINED.

We don't need a wall. We need to fix our education system. We need to teach our kids how to make things like bridges and infrastructure, instead of hamburgers and latte. We need to stop in our race to screw this country up to the point where people won't want to pick up and move here. 


[#] Wed May 26 2021 07:12:08 EDT from Nurb432

Subject: Re: gringoes

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Wed May 26 2021 01:39:39 AM EDT from smashbot64 Subject: gringoes

I am of Irish Canadian/Polish descent and was born in New Jersey so that makes me the official spokesperson for all white people. 


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