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[#] Sat Feb 10 2024 12:11:32 EST from Nurb432

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I saw that too, but via a tech news letter i get.

Supposed to be new and improved. But ya, ill stick with my local models, even if its slower..

Sat Feb 10 2024 11:56:18 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

Got an email from Goolag proudly announcing that "Bard" (their AI thing) is now called "Gemini"

Sorry Goog, but it's still opinionated and censored, I'll go somewhere else.


[#] Sat Feb 10 2024 18:43:44 EST from Nurb432

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So read a bit more, i guess the one advantage (?) is its tied into your google account. So it can ( if you let it.. its not required ) read all your email, chats, browser history, bla bla  so its 'tailored' to you. But ya, still cant be trusted. Between censorship/fact manipulation, and they also have to push their ad revenue.

And its replacing the 'hey google' voice assistant ( whatever that was called.. )

Sat Feb 10 2024 11:56:18 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

Got an email from Goolag proudly announcing that "Bard" (their AI thing) is now called "Gemini"

Sorry Goog, but it's still opinionated and censored, I'll go somewhere else.


[#] Sat Feb 10 2024 18:55:57 EST from nonservator

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I would love it if they made it mandatory by law to have a Google account, just so I could tell them to fuck themselves up their retarded assholes.

[#] Mon Feb 12 2024 10:19:10 EST from fandarel

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I made a monumental mistake about 2 years ago. I was having many problems with MIA emails to/from a colleague at a certain professional org, due to intense brain damage at his mailhost (probably an overzealous spam filter regime). Rather than just open a protonmail or something to talk to him, I went full-bore on geeeee-mail and moved my primary domain's MX over there.

I am now in the process of de-GOOGing. Email is easy, just move the MX to somewhere sane. Any recommendations there? (I'm looking at fastmail, tuta).
I couldn't be bothered to run my own mail server these days.

The bigger problem is a 2FA authenticator that is not GOOG Authenticator.
Other choices I've found are MS Authenticator (ugh), Authy (which I liked, but is now owned by Twilio?!). Anything better?

[#] Mon Feb 12 2024 10:27:14 EST from nonservator

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Fastmail have been around for years, are affordable and reliable, and support U2F hardware keys. Only downside is they're in Australia, but nobody's perfect.

[#] Mon Feb 12 2024 14:59:48 EST from darknetuser

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I am now in the process of de-GOOGing. Email is easy, just move the

MX to somewhere sane. Any recommendations there? (I'm looking at
fastmail, tuta).
I couldn't be bothered to run my own mail server these days.

My experience with hosted email is sub-par.

For a low volume server there is not much excuse for not renting a cheap VPS and installing an appliance such as mailcow or iRedMail on it.

[#] Mon Feb 12 2024 18:15:38 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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For a low volume server there is not much excuse for not renting a
cheap VPS and installing an appliance such as mailcow or iRedMail on


I'm rather fond of Citadel, myself. :)

To be honest however, 90% of the work of running a mail server isn't the software itself. That's easy nowadays. Newbies tend to have more trouble understanding not only MX records, but also things like SPF and DMARC which you kind of need now because Google will use any excuse they can to throw your mail into the spam bucket.

I've been giving some consideration to writing a HOWTO document and maybe even a walk through video.

And yes, there are actually still some people who think running your own mail server is some sort of pirate activity.

[#] Mon Feb 12 2024 18:37:00 EST from darknetuser

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I'm rather fond of Citadel, myself. :)

To be honest however, 90% of the work of running a mail server isn't

the software itself. That's easy nowadays. Newbies tend to have more

trouble understanding not only MX records, but also things like SPF and

DMARC which you kind of need now because Google will use any excuse

they can to throw your mail into the spam bucket.

Lol, but Citadel is not an email appliance. It is an awe appliance. It is not exactly the same.

I think software email appliances nowadays have DMARC et al featured prominently in their docs.

y the way, part of the problem I have hard with hosted mail is that they used to be very bad at maintaining their DNS records so we got lots of DMARC failures.

[#] Mon Feb 12 2024 19:30:11 EST from Nurb432

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That would be a good thing.

Mon Feb 12 2024 18:15:38 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
I've been giving some consideration to writing a HOWTO document and maybe even a walk through video.


[#] Mon Feb 12 2024 20:13:16 EST from nonservator

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Just a reminder:

"Hey, I get it. Surely my little conspiracy theory is exaggerated. Some guy on Hacker News will tell me that they work as a SRE on Gmail and that I'm super wrong and that there are 100% legit reasons as to why things are this way. Okay. Do something for me, will you? Please unread this last section, I retract it. I just needed to get it out of my system. Thanks for indulging me. Done? Good. Everything else above is a fact. Email in 2022 is anti-competitive. The Gmail guy can go explain himself to the US Senate or the European Commission."

[#] Tue Feb 13 2024 07:54:02 EST from Nurb432

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I expect it to get worse. 

Walled garden mail systems will become the norm. " for your safety " of course. ( and to make it easier to monitor )

Mon Feb 12 2024 20:13:16 EST from nonservator

Email in 2022 is anti-competitive. 


[#] Tue Feb 13 2024 09:22:44 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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I didn't have a problem until a few lowlifes started sending spam to my mailing lists, which unfortunately got sent back out to Yahoo and Google. It took a while to get out of that hell. After implementing DMARC, applying for blacklist removal, and configuring the mailing lists to only accept inbound email from subscribers, the problem was resolved.

I'd agree that it is difficult to run a mail server on a residential address, because those tend to be blacklisted. And because a lot of residential users use botnet-enrolled Windows machines as their daily drivers, most residential ISPs have blocked port 25 in both directions anyway. I remain *very* enamored with my Static IP VPN service. Absolutely the best $15/month I've spent.
And I will of course continue using it when I relocate the server this summer.

Of course the walled garden systems would prefer if no one self-hosted.
They all shut down federated XMPP and they'd shut down federated SMTP if they could get away with it. Telling someone to contact you on Facebook Messenger or on Instagram or on Signal or Telegram is like the bad old days of dialup where you had to reach your buddies on Compuserve or AOL or a local BBS where you both had accounts. These services have short memories and don't realize that if you make yourself a large enough obstacle, people *will* work around you.

cfenollosa gave up because it was more work than he was willing to put in, not because it is impossible.

[#] Tue Feb 13 2024 12:07:33 EST from Nurb432

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Ya, they all have their walled chat. Sucks too.  Be nice if everyone could just play nice together. Im sure email being 'open' is a thorn in their side, grinding away at the likes of Google and Apple. And why i was figuring at some point, they will wall off email, somehow. At the least have some sort of hybrid where all the cool features are internal.  if they dont make it ot the point of "if you want to send mail, you have to have an account here"

But with the popularity of gardens like FB and X.. people may just accept it, this time...


( and is it just me is loading time really poor today around here? )

Tue Feb 13 2024 09:22:44 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

Of course the walled garden systems would prefer if no one self-hosted.
They all shut down federated XMPP 


[#] Tue Mar 05 2024 13:48:56 EST from Nurb432

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Some engineer during a meeting stands up and starts yelling and waving his finger ' i wont be a part of feeding bla bla genocide caused by Israel' 

Time to be firing someone. For a variety of reasons. 

[#] Wed Mar 06 2024 04:19:22 EST from darknetuser

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2024-03-05 13:48 from Nurb432
Some engineer during a meeting stands up and starts yelling and
waving his finger ' i wont be a part of feeding bla bla genocide
caused by Israel' 

Time to be firing someone. For a variety of reasons. 

Please, tell me the meeting was at least tangentially related to the subject.

[#] Wed Mar 06 2024 07:21:52 EST from Nurb432

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No idea, only saw a small snippet.. where the idiot gets up and starts yelling.

Wed Mar 06 2024 04:19:22 EST from darknetuser
2024-03-05 13:48 from Nurb432
Some engineer during a meeting stands up and starts yelling and
waving his finger ' i wont be a part of feeding bla bla genocide
caused by Israel' 

Time to be firing someone. For a variety of reasons. 

Please, tell me the meeting was at least tangentially related to the subject.


[#] Wed Mar 06 2024 07:39:52 EST from LoanShark

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Please, tell me the meeting was at least tangentially related to the


It never is...

[#] Mon Mar 11 2024 22:14:26 EDT from msgrhys

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chromeisevil.gif (image/gif, 12111 bytes) [ View | Download ]
[#] Thu Mar 21 2024 11:22:13 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Some engineer during a meeting stands up and starts yelling and
waving his finger ' i wont be a part of feeding bla bla genocide
caused by Israel' 

Most of the people making that noise are either generic anti-semites who now have a rally going, or people who don't understand the situation and consider all victim groups to be fungible. They're making college campuses intolerable, so I have to assume they're making Silicon Valley intolerable as well.

Honestly I have to question how Google is going to make it through the next couple of years when their "social consciousness" is a hundred times higher priority than their products and services. The disaster with their "AI" release isn't a one-off goof; it's clear evidence of a cancer that has metastasized throughout the company.

[#] Fri Apr 12 2024 20:26:10 EDT from msgrhys

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I was trying to download a file from Google Drive with Pale Moon and a new tab opened up but wouldn't load. I tried Firefox, no dice. I tried Safari, nada. I tried Chrome and it magically worked. GRRRRRRRRRRR! Screw you Google, screw you!



PS: Please share your files with something other than Google Drive.

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