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[#] Tue Nov 14 2023 14:24:48 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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And that's really the bottom line: 3D is a novelty, and it seems to have a natural tendency to remain a novelty. It doesn't appear to have enough appeal to be a fundamental advance in motion picture presentation, like sound and color both were.

[#] Tue Nov 14 2023 15:23:35 UTC from Nurb432

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I know it cant be done with current tech, but it would be cool if you could be immersive in the film. and move around the scenes. 

I guess when movies are 100% AI and not just green screen-CGI, it might be doable. 

Tue Nov 14 2023 09:24:48 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
And that's really the bottom line: 3D is a novelty, and it seems to have a natural tendency to remain a novelty. It doesn't appear to have enough appeal to be a fundamental advance in motion picture presentation, like sound and color both were.


[#] Sun Nov 19 2023 15:30:39 UTC from zelgomer

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2023-11-14 15:23 from Nurb432 <>
I know it cant be done with current tech, but it would be cool if you
could be immersive in the film. and move around the scenes. 

That's called a video game.

[#] Sun Nov 19 2023 15:48:14 UTC from Nurb432

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i think of games as more user-interactive than a 'movie'. 

But yes, some game aspects would be play ( no pun.. hell, sure, a pun )

[#] Thu Nov 23 2023 23:29:26 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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That's called a video game.

(+5; Insightful)

[#] Tue Jan 02 2024 16:04:30 UTC from LoanShark

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2023-11-14 09:24 from IGnatius T Foobar
And that's really the bottom line: 3D is a novelty, and it seems to
have a natural tendency to remain a novelty. It doesn't appear to have

enough appeal to be a fundamental advance in motion picture
presentation, like sound and color both were.

Exactly. It's not like it's new technology; it's been a solved problem for decades. It's just that nobody cares enough to pay for it, or even actively dislikes the effect. I saw a movie in 3D IMAX just once or twice, and I couldn't even tell you which films.

[#] Thu Sep 19 2024 21:28:57 UTC from Nurb432

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Anyone want to buy a pager? i have a few in a box, no batteries. Cheap, free shipping.



[#] Sun Jan 19 2025 20:44:10 UTC from SamuraiCrow

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Wed Sep 04 2019 04:48:08 UTC from ParanoidDelusions
If you want to relive your old classic retro machines - I can't recommend MiST, MiSTer and other FPGA platforms enough as the saner alternative to trying to keep 34+ year old machines alive and running.

Sorry for the post necro but the MISTer Pi looks like an affordable alternative to the DE10 Nano based MISTer. It lists for about $180 USD complete and for the MiniMig core, not all circuit boards are needed. If I weren't trying to conserve funds, I'd preorder for the next available batch. I've still got a stock A1200 and an A500 that I never use due to FS-UAE on my Linux box replacing them.


Also, my G4 Mac Mini running registered MorphOS costed about the same as the MISTer Pi and I program it about as much as the other Amiga-likes. After seeing how powerful the Flutter framework is I'm tempted to make a spinoff for AmigaE but that's for another discussion.

[#] Sun Jan 19 2025 21:20:33 UTC from Nurb432

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Most retro fans i know have moved on from FPGA to just regular emulation.  While technically FPGA is more 'accurate' since its basically hardware ( i know, its a bit fuzzy ), but emulation software is close enough for most people.

The real hardcore, do neither and find the real thing and bring it back to life.


[#] Mon Jan 20 2025 21:15:05 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Sorry for the post necro but the MISTer Pi looks like an affordable
alternative to the DE10 Nano based MISTer. It lists for about $180 USD

No need to apologize, every new member of our community adds something valuable.

Is the MISTer Pi an FPGA based solution like its predecessor, or does it really emulate all those gates in software?

[#] Mon Jan 20 2025 21:35:48 UTC from Nurb432

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I didnt real real close, but my guess it would be a FPGA hat, but of lesser power then the Mister, so i suspect its a bit of both now.

Mon Jan 20 2025 21:15:05 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar
Sorry for the post necro but the MISTer Pi looks like an affordable
alternative to the DE10 Nano based MISTer. It lists for about $180 USD

No need to apologize, every new member of our community adds something valuable.

Is the MISTer Pi an FPGA based solution like its predecessor, or does it really emulate all those gates in software?


[#] Wed Jan 22 2025 06:46:38 UTC from SamuraiCrow

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Mon Jan 20 2025 21:15:05 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar
Is the MISTer Pi an FPGA based solution like its predecessor, or does it really emulate all those gates in software?

It uses the same FPGA as the DE10 Nano. It uses fewer layers of circuit boards though. It works with the same cores as the original MISTer.

[#] Mon Feb 03 2025 11:51:22 UTC from myte

Subject: Pi

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Pi CM5 All the way !

[#] Mon Feb 03 2025 12:11:49 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Pi

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Ewww.  So many better options out there than RPI products. 

Mon Feb 03 2025 11:51:22 UTC from myte Subject: Pi
Pi CM5 All the way !


[#] Wed Feb 05 2025 14:16:22 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Pi

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Pi CM5 All the way !

What's your experience with the Pi 5 so far, myte?  Does their new I/O chip bring the Pi up to comparable speed with other ARM boards on the market?

[#] Wed Feb 05 2025 17:43:26 UTC from Nurb432

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*insert image of RPI on fire in a dumpster here*     



[#] Wed Feb 05 2025 21:44:10 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Yes, we get it, you don't like the Pi. Let someone else have a word please.