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[#] Wed Apr 08 2015 23:20:44 EDT from ax25

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Shredded swine flesh.. and fried chicken embryos!

[#] Sat Apr 11 2015 13:41:24 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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How did you know what I had for breakfast this morning?

It gets better though. I made HASH from leftover Easter ham (or "cham" if you're one of those Kosher Easter people). Shredded potatoes/onions/ham all lovingly browned in teh cast iron skillet, with a bit of shredded cheese and an egg thrown in at the last few moments. Yum yum yum.

Then when I served it, my kitchen table became a HASH TABLE ! <rimshot>

[#] Sun Apr 12 2015 07:18:48 EDT from fleeb

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Must have made finding the food significantly faster.

[#] Mon Apr 13 2015 09:51:37 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Absolutely. And it was far more secure. I know no one is going to learn what's inside my potatoes because they are hashed and salted.

[#] Mon Apr 13 2015 14:28:37 EDT from fleeb

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How well did you salt it? Did you use sea-salt, or himalayan salt? Or did you settle for the usual iodized, in which case it's all scrambled and you data is probably corrupted?

[#] Mon Apr 13 2015 15:38:46 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Actually the standard in my kitchen is Kosher salt. Go figure. :)

[#] Mon Apr 13 2015 19:12:31 EDT from zooer

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What happens if you use Kosher Salt on pork?

[#] Mon Apr 13 2015 13:36:34 EDT from DemonStalker <>

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2015-04-08 17:31 from wizard of aahz @uncnsrd (Uncensored)
It gets worse with Jewish doctors. Put 5 of them in the room and you
get 25 opinions.

....and 48 different invoices....

[#] Tue Apr 14 2015 10:53:18 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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What happens if you use Kosher Salt on pork?

It gets one step closer to becoming bacon! (And I guess the salt becomes Treif, but ... BACON!!!)

[#] Tue Apr 21 2015 16:19:51 EDT from wizard of aahz

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mmMMmm Bacon

[#] Wed Apr 22 2015 00:22:19 EDT from vince-q

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Will somebody throw him a Beggin' Strip?!

[#] Wed Apr 22 2015 12:05:12 EDT from wizard of aahz

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What's in the bag?? what's in the bag??? I CAN'T READ!!

[#] Tue Jun 02 2015 11:55:59 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I just got one of these:

[ ]

So now I have the ability to run my outdoor grill as a flat top.

I have started learning how to cook Teppanyaki style food. There will be quite a lot of banging cutlery around and shouting in mock Japanese.

[#] Wed Jun 03 2015 12:54:07 EDT from vince-q

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I have started learning how to cook Teppanyaki style food. There will

be quite a lot of banging cutlery around and shouting in mock Japanese.

Awwwww... I am very disappointed.
Why not just *learn* "sushi bar Japanese."
While that is not exactly what you will be doing, the effect will work!

[#] Thu Jun 04 2015 08:44:46 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Easy answer to that:

I don't like sushi.

Unless there is some other type of food that is cooked "sushi bar style" ?

[#] Fri Jun 05 2015 09:38:35 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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What better way to season a new flat top than to cook bacon on it!

(Yes I know, two slices is not nearly enough, but it was 8:00 in the morning and I just wanted to get the first season on before I started work today, and as a bonus I got a breakfast sandwich out of it.)

[ Photo at in case you're on the text client]

[#] Fri Jun 05 2015 20:03:46 EDT from zooer

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[ Photo at in case you're on the text client]

There should be no other way to visit a citadel but the text client.

[#] Mon Jun 08 2015 08:58:27 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Citadel would be dead and gone by now if that were the case.

[#] Mon Jun 08 2015 12:35:38 EDT from wizard of aahz

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Or it would be used by 10 of us.

[#] Mon Jun 08 2015 14:36:25 EDT from zooer

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Ye of little faith.

But on the other hand it would be the best damn ten people around. And hell, ten people usually made up the
core BBS users back in the day.

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