North America:
So, enjoy y your commie OS, because clearly it's the American hating countries that use it.
say otherwise..
Are you certain about those statistics?
Thu Jul 12 2018 11:20:13 EDT from wizard of aahz @ UncensoredRagnar - I'm wondering about those statistics.. It lists Samsung as under 1% while other articles..
say otherwise..
Are you certain about those statistics?
Keeping in mind that those graphs are OS marketshare. If Samsung has its own OS on some devices, rather than Android, then yes, it's most likely less than one percent.
Apologies if this is old news for folks:
So, enjo y y your commie OS, because clearly it's the American
hating countries that use it.
The number of iPhones found in a Starbucks proves that iOS users are ultra-communists who hate America.
But that's not the central point of the discussion. The point is that iMessage has an annoying button that wastes the time, bandwidth, and attention of non-iMessage users. It is a perfect example of the arrogance of people who design (and use) this feature. Not everyone in a conversation is sitting in a Starbucks sipping a soy latte and pushing the "like" button on their iASS device.
2018-07-12 16:43 from wizard of aahz
I don't drink soy lattes... Americanos for the win.
My drink as well!
<S>kip this room, <A>bandon this room, <Z>ap this room,
<U>ngoto (move back)
Message cmds: <N>ew msgs, <F>orward read, <R>everse read, <O>ld msgs,
<< queries DuckDuckGo ... leads to >>
Yup, they are ... and at only three times the cost of an equivalent PC. Nice!
But you can buy an off-brand equivalent for slightly less. Check it out:
[ ]
It was a triumph of engineering that no one needed or asked for.
This is where we needed an asshole like Jobs to say - Are you fucking stupid?
Pro users want expandability.
Thunderbolt connected devices are nice, but not what we need.
But apparently anyone who wants a high end Mac is buying one anyway, so where's the downside for Apple.
Perhaps they should introduce a "peripheral expansion box" like the one available for the TI-99/4A.
That really was an attractive design. I'd like to have one for my laptop.
Although recently I've seen eGPU's being used with laptops..... So weird.
Kanye West has proposed replacing Air Force One with an "iPlane" based on Shabtai Hirshberg's design:
This of course leads to the obvious question: what would an Apple-designed airplane look like? The one in the photo above looks like a gumdrop iMac, so it's probably kind of dated.
A modern iPlane would probably have end-to-end glass with no visible seems between the window and the fuselage. It would also have no way to fuel it, because Apple removed the filler pipe. They expect you to fuel the plane using a very expensive and proprietary fuel truck that teleports the fuel into the tanks.
And of course, there is a bank of sensors in the cockpit that can be used to recognize other objects in the sky ... unfortunately, the pilots can no longer see out the front of the cockpit because the sensor bank created a big opaque notch in the window.
Well, certainly old-Apple would have those design concerns. Not as sure about new-Apple, in this post-Jobs world.
Well, certainly old-Apple would have those design concerns. Not as
sure about new-Apple, in this post-Jobs world.
That's kind of the point. Jobs made radical changes for a reason, and the kind of people who bought Apple products loved them. Post-Jobs-Apple makes incremental Jobs-style radical changes but without corresponding increase in functionality. Sometimes there's actually a *decrease* in functionality (like the notch) or it ends up being a gimmick that no one finds useful (like the touchbar on their new laptops).
We need to dig up the corpses of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, lock them in a room, and tell them to START OVER.
Rumors are now circulating that Apple is getting ready for its third CPU change on the Macintosh platform, this time to ARM. This has been expected for some time now, but insiders are now speculating that the change may be announced as early as next year.
There is also some speculation that Apple is going to try what Microsoft failed at, which is to offer developers the ability to build applications that run on both tablets and desktop computers. Microsoft failed at this because no one wanted their phones. Apple already has second place in both markets, so they've got the opportunity to penetrate both markets. But I can't help but think the result will still be "write once, and it sucks everywhere".
They managed the last two CPU transitions without collapsing their software ecosystem. Some of that was due to a reasonable strategy but some of it was also due to their infamous customer loyalty. The funny thing is that they've always done it without intermediate p-code, like Microsoft and Google did. Pretty impressive, actually. I wonder if they can make it work one more time.