What's the "right" way to run digital video over long distances? I'm
guessing it's probably about 200 cable feet from the projector mount to
the computer in the booth. Can you run HDMI that far, or is there a
better way? (Ethernet?
Never being one for the "bargain" method... HDMI to FIBEROPTIC is readily available.
Go look here:
--Me <evil grin>
Ethernet is an option if it can be done *reliably* without any weird hacks.
Any candidate solution must be maintainable by someone who is not me. By the way, the transmitting computer is a Mac, so no Windoze-only solutions either.
I won't consider anything wireless. The performance is too non-deterministic.
There seem to be HDMI to dual-Cat5 baluns available at reasonable cost. To use that I would have to get an exact measurement of the cable run to see if it's within the distance limitations.
with mobile security you may end up somebody streaming youporn via their mobile to your beamer for everyone to enjoy ;-)
since most modern androids know how to miracast ;-)
1. get a low to mid-range laptop
2. put Windows 7 on it
3. use it for the server.
Build a desktop with 8G of RAM and a solid state drive; then use THAT for the server, You will NOT regret it and it will be faster than a raped ape.
There is no "server" to speak of. Video is being sent from a program called "ProPresenter" which runs natively on a dual-screen Mac (the second screen being the "program monitor" i.e. the projector).
2016-01-28 08:27 from IGnatius T Foobar @uncnsrd (Uncensored)
There is no "server" to speak of. Video is being sent from a program
called "ProPresenter" which runs natively on a dual-screen Mac (the
second screen being the "program monitor" i.e. the projector).
Then I still recommend building a Windows 7 box with SSD drive.
ProPresenter For Windows:
http://www.worshiphousemedia.com/software/20301/propresenter-5-for-windows?gcl id=Cj0KEQiAlae1BRCU2qaz2__t9IIBEiQAKRGDVSxqOcpkrLPEj4xbA6lTp5X6KcIcXhsKjis-EcS ax3MaAiB28P8HAQ
Sorry about that URL. If that won't work for you, just use (yuck) GOOGLE for ProPresenter. It's obvious from there.
The source will be a Mac.
Get an Apple TV 3, hook it up with hdmi to the beamer, attach LAN cable, deactivate WIFI in the apple TV and all is golden.
Apple TV does what Intel's WiDi and/or miracast do, for the apple universe of things. We have one attached to the A/V receiver in ghe living room, it is really nice.
I ended up ordering two Cat6 runs from the computer to the projector location.
It is under 150 feet (45.72 meters) so it's well within the distance for HDbaseT.
So let's try a different requirement, actually for the same site. I have a need to do closed circuit television over Ethernet. The receiver will be a screen with HDMI and I can put any receiver hardware on it that I want.
I'd prefer it to be something simple, like a Pi or maybe even one of those new Android-XBMC boxes (the Internet is currently trying very hard to get me to buy a Beelink X2). The transmitter can also be anything at all; a cheap computer with a webcam would be ideal.
What's a good way to do audio and video over a LAN with minimal expense and fuss?
For what purpose? Surveillance?
I have this in place at a clients site: http://www.abus.com/us/Security-at-Home/Video-Surveillance/Surveillance-cameras/WLAN-network-cameras/WLAN-outdoor-cameras/Wi-Fi-enabled-Outdoor-Camera-App
It uses The Cloud™, can also be attached to LAN (iirc, there is an adapter in the box and I am rather sure it was to replace WIFI. I can check if you like), and can only be viewed by android/ios app. Which enables you to access the cam from wherever you have internet. But it also takes a 32gb sdcard and records when it detects movement, it auto-deletes old footage.
ABUS also offers IP cams that show up in windows as network cams and they offer a nice software for that. Not sure if it works on OSX.
Both approaches can be upgraded to up to 8 cams. Or rather, the app and the stand alone software take 8 cams at max.
They are between 120-180€, iirc. Were you thinking something more cost effective?
Finally got those surround rears a couple weeks ago. To keep the decision simple, they exactly manage the fronts - photo attached. (You can tell that two people live here...)
It would be a little more complicated and messy to put them on either side, so up there they remain. I seem to hear them a little more strongly if I slide the chair a couple feet forward.