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NWO Spy Devices -- is one in your home?


We have learned this shocking new secret about the shadowy cabal of globalists who secretly control all of the power and wealth in the world. While their media outlets try to distract you by having their controlled opposition point you to the World Economic Forum, their Hitler-equivalent criminals such as George Soros and Bill Gates are still conducting all of their real business at the 

annual Bilderberg meeting. But you already knew that because you are smart!








What you didn’t know will shock you … perhaps literally!

As it so happens, the relationship between “Bilderburg” and “Build-A-Bear” is NOT COINCIDENTAL.They are literally one and the same organization!

The same evil scientists who created the bioweapon called “the covid-19 vaccine” -- and, eventually, a virus that it supposedly fights – have also deployed millions of these “stuffed animals” which contain devices that track all human activity within the immediate area. When your child “kisses the heart” of the toy before inserting it into its delivery system, he or she leaves a DNA imprint which is used by the Bilderbergs to associate data collection with a specific family.

This data is merged with other tracking data collected by Facebook, Alexa, and other eavesdropping systems into a massive database maintained by the New World Order. What is most frightening, however, is that each device also contains a massive explosive charge which can be detonated remotely if specific citizens need to be silenced quickly.


This is why it is extremely important to continue wearing your tinfoil hat when you are indoors, even in your own home. As an alternative, you can wrap the bear in tinfoil, as this will also suppress The Signal.

Posted by IGnatius T Foobar on Mon Nov 07 2022 00:26:19 UTC
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More creative work stolen by Disney Corp.

The people who now operate Disney Corporation are a bunch of pedophile communists who ought to be vaporized by Zombie Walt Disney after he sees what horrible things they've done with the company that bears his name. But that's not what I'm writing about today.

Consider the following musical passage - the first three bars of "Into the Unknown" written by Kristen and Robert Lopez for "Frozen 2":

This passage is sung twice by Idina Menzel as "aah-aaaah, aah-aaaah" before her lyrical performance begins. The accompaniment is built around a C-minor chord, the key in which the piece is written.

Now consider the following musical passage, written by Jimmy Page and Robert Plant and found at approximately 6:25 into Led Zeppelin's magnum opus "Stairway to Heaven":

This passage is repeated four times, coming out of an epic guitar solo and entering into the final vocal section of the piece. "Stairway" is written in A-minor, but the transposition to C-minor and a meaningless time signature change (overall, the note values do not change, at least in this passage) does not obfuscate its obvious origin.

It is clear that Lopez and Lopez blatantly stole this passage from Page and Plant. But that is what the post-Walt version of Disney does: they appropriate the work of others and masquerade it as their own.

But I suppose turnabout is fair play, since Led Zeppelin's entire act is a ripoff of Deep Purple.

Posted by IGnatius T Foobar on Mon Oct 24 2022 22:32:19 UTC
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Phrase of the day

"This thing keeps attacking me"

In our house, this phrase means "I opened the door to the [refrigerator | cupboard | etc] and an item fell out and landed on me.  This has happened before.  I will now pick up the item and carelessly replace it in a manner that it will probably happen again."

Posted by IGnatius T Foobar on Wed Aug 24 2022 18:27:25 UTC
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"Four more sleeps until we go on vacation!"

It's something we say to children, to make it easier to grasp the span of time between now and some upcoming event.  But as an engineer I like it for adults too!  Because it's non-ambiguous.  We don't have to worry about days vs. nights, about whether you're including the first and/or last day of the count, or anything like that.  I'm writing this on a Wednesday, and after four sleeps it will be Sunday.  It only falls apart when you're talking to someone who sleeps multiple times per 24-hour period, which is a problem because I'm currently trying to explain to my daughter's cat how long it will be before she comes home from the trip she's on.

Honorable mention goes to the 1987 musical "Into The Woods" where they counted "midnights".  (And by the way -- Bernadette Peters was awesome as the Witch, and Meryl Streep completely blew the role, because she's a horrible person who sucks at everything).  One midnight gone!  Two midnights gone!  It's the laaaaaaaaaaaaaaast midnight...     So that's a nice computer-compatible way to do it -- count the number of times the date changes.   :)

Now if someone could figure out that cat problem, I'd appreciate it.

Posted by IGnatius T Foobar on Wed Jul 06 2022 16:27:07 UTC
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A word about "authority"

Most of you have heard something like this from me before, but I'll put it on record in the best words I can find.

No, I don't respect authority.

Authority by itself does not deserve respect.  Acting in a respectable way deserves respect.  Perhaps if someone is in a position of authority, they might be worth giving a bit of additional time to earn your respect.

The best authority figures I've ever observed -- both in the public and in my own circles -- earned my respect without even trying.  And here's the thing about people who are wired like me -- we'll work our asses off for and with people we respect.

Contrariwise ... when those in positions of authority abuse it by being sanctimonious, judgmental, bossy, and by treating adults like children ... not only do they deserve zero respect, but it is our obligation to destroy them.

You want my respect?  Earn it.  I can be your biggest champion or your worst nightmare.  The choice is yours.

Posted by IGnatius T Foobar on Wed Jun 22 2022 16:16:10 UTC
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