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[#] Wed Dec 16 2020 11:19:09 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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The purpose of college football is to give the marching band a venue to play the halftime show. That is all.

[#] Wed Dec 16 2020 11:58:34 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Marching band... also a team sport. :D 


Wed Dec 16 2020 11:19:09 EST from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored
... the marching band a venue to play the halftime show. That is all.


[#] Sun Feb 07 2021 12:28:37 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Today I will be making buffalo wings to eat while watching the most important sporting event of the year: the Kitten Bowl (it's the only time the Hallmark Channel stops airing that one movie).

[#] Sun Feb 07 2021 13:18:53 EST from zooer

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Oh, is today the Super Bowl? 

That thing that is endless commercials and the only thing people talk about is the commercials.  I enjoy live sports.  I would watch sports on TV if they didn't break for commercials after every play.  In my TV days I worked on sporting events.  For that I can say the only reason why people watch sports is to drink.


Drinking and commercials, this is why I don't like watching sports.

[#] Mon Feb 08 2021 13:00:10 EST from zooer

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Hey, I read that one team beat the other team and the fans of the winning team were really excited about the event that doesn't change their lives what-so-ever.


[#] Fri Feb 12 2021 08:35:13 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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The amount of DGAF about this year's Super Bowl was unprecedented in the 40 years or so I have been aware that the Super Bowl is a thing. 

Even the news was like, "so, some kind of sports thing happened this year. There was a commercial with Bruce Springsteen in it that was pretty good." 

But... I've been saying for a while - they trick our side into doing what they want. American Football and the Superbowl is a sign of American exceptionalism that stands us apart from the rest of the global community. It is one of the things that describes the uniquely American experience. 

They want to destroy American football. They want to marginalize it - so that soccer can become the global opiate of the masses. Because Football, Baseball and Basketball are how we distinguish ourselves as a unique and individual nation. 

And if I can think it - they've already thought it. US Pro sports are a problem for globalists. 

Not to mention, their growing popularity as alternatives in other "globalist nations" is often a gateway for globalist citizens to reject the uniformity of their own cultures. That is - show me an expatriate from South Africa at a pub in England who loves American football and he'll inevitably be a Freedom and Liberty minded chap who bristles at things like European Gun control and other Nanny Government legislation. That is the kind of seed European socialists don't want to see take root. 


Mon Feb 08 2021 13:00:10 EST from zooer

Hey, I read that one team beat the other team and the fans of the winning team were really excited about the event that doesn't change their lives what-so-ever.



[#] Fri Feb 19 2021 12:21:56 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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[#] Tue Mar 30 2021 12:29:14 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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By the way, my favorite team already won the march madness tournament. This happens a lot, because my favorite college basketball team is "anyone who beats Kentucky."

[#] Sat Apr 23 2022 17:04:37 EDT from Nurb432

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I guess today was parade day for local school and their ball teams. Damned kids were tossing handfuls of candy off the trucks and things, for home owners to cleanup.   They even threw some AT me and my dog.  ****ers need to be at home, not out in public. If it wast for my dog, and the police escort i might have ran them down and shoved it down the little pricks throat.  Grrr


When i was a kid, tossing candy would be considered littering, and we would never dream of trying to hit people with it.

About got hit by 2 highschool drivers yesterday.  


Perhaps education camps once they get out of diapers until they turn 18, isn't such a bad idea after all.


[#] Sun Feb 12 2023 16:52:54 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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<< obligatory "fuck the NFL" post >>

[#] Sun Feb 12 2023 17:05:06 EST from Nurb432

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go team!

( not them, us )

Sun Feb 12 2023 04:52:54 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar

<< obligatory "fuck the NFL" post >>


[#] Sun Feb 12 2023 17:12:26 EST from darknetuser

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2023-02-12 16:52 from IGnatius T Foobar

<< obligatory "fuck the NFL" post >>

Why would that be, this time?

[#] Mon Feb 13 2023 07:27:09 EST from nonservator

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Bread and circuses and narrative and negro worship

[#] Sat Jul 27 2024 07:32:22 EDT from nonservator

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"Marathon swimming sounds interesting, only because I am imagining the losers sinking to the bottom as they run out of energy. Surfing? How in the hell are they going to manage that in Paris? How about the trampoline competition? That has to be on the list as a gag of some sort. No way that is a real Olympic sport."

[#] Sun Aug 04 2024 18:32:02 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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The surfing event is being held at a completely different site halfway around the world. I think it was Hawaii or somewhere in that area. Those folks are lucky, they don't have to deal with the nonsense happening in Paris.

Trampoline is kind of a joke, but then again, so is break dancing.

[#] Sun Aug 04 2024 18:36:36 EDT from Nurb432

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ya, they could at least do industrial dance with a bunch of goth chicks.

Sun Aug 04 2024 18:32:02 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
 so is break dancing.