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[#] Thu Sep 05 2024 09:29:37 EDT from Nurb432

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While true, they do still make tons of cash off desktops ( OEMs ) so they would want to do as much as they can to lock you in.

And its not all about money, its about control too. ( ok, control over you so they can get more money down the road when you cant climb out of their walled garden, but not immediate money.. )

Thu Sep 05 2024 09:17:44 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

 and they benefit from that regardless of the operating system being used.


[#] Mon Sep 09 2024 13:53:55 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Well they certainly do seem to be trying as hard as they can to alienate their users. You'd think they would have learned after trying to force-feed everyone Internet Explorer, and then Windows Phone (by putting its UI into desktop Windows), but they're still trying to force-feed Bing and MSN and CoPilot and now Recall to everyone. Linux desktop usage (and this is installable Linux, not Chromebooks and Android) is now approaching 5% of all desktops.
When it hits 10% we may expect an avalanche effect.

Although maybe that's not what we want. Look at how the mainstream people ruined the Internet.

[#] Mon Sep 09 2024 14:30:34 EDT from Nurb432

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ya all we need is to end up with a bunch of potterings making it worse :) 

[#] Fri Sep 13 2024 14:14:28 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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That event has already come and gone, it's called Miguel de Icaza.

[#] Fri Sep 13 2024 14:18:26 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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You know what really blows? Worldwide, about 170,000 people die every day, and none of them are Bill Gates.

I want Bill Gates to die. Preferably by being shredded alive in a wood chipper.
Feet first, to maximize the duration of the experience.

There is a community where I remind people of this fact every day. But here I will simply ask that you come back and read this message every day.

Because it is important.

[#] Fri Sep 13 2024 14:33:37 EDT from Nurb432

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I think he is now pushing the mosquito narrative.  I did see a blurb as i hit close on some news feed "if we don't go to war soon the thing that scares me most is another pandemic"

No, that isn't what scares him. its the serfs taking back control.

Fri Sep 13 2024 14:18:26 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

You know what really blows? Worldwide, about 170,000 people die every day, and none of them are Bill Gates.

I want Bill Gates to die. Preferably by being shredded alive in a wood chipper.
Feet first, to maximize the duration of the experience.

There is a community where I remind people of this fact every day. But here I will simply ask that you come back and read this message every day.

Because it is important.


[#] Sat Sep 14 2024 22:06:03 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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No, that isn't what scares him. its the serfs taking back

Well, we know that there are a lot of elites having *that* thought. Line 'em up for the guillotine and execute them French Revolution style, is what I say.

[#] Tue Sep 17 2024 09:01:23 EDT from Nurb432

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So like many paces we are upgrading/refreshing to windows 11 ( ick ).   My CDMB is not showing them as 11 so we cant do reports and such..  We get our data from SCCM scans.  "so, what does SCCM show, my system should be creating a new entry for a new OS level and associating"

I get a screenshot of that field from SCCM : "Microsoft Windows NT workstation v 10.0"



[#] Wed Sep 18 2024 11:44:08 EDT from Nurb432

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Welp, glad to see i was not the only one seeing bad things coming. 

[#] Wed Sep 18 2024 18:57:10 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Although I have a deep desire for all social justice warriors to die slowly and painfully, I must remind you that Roy S. has always been stuck in the late 1990's when Microsoft was an existential threat to everyone. We don't live in that world anymore. We must fight the entryists because they are nazis and fascists, not because Microsoft is involved.

I believe every project should have a CoC identical to Citadel's:

[#] Sat Sep 21 2024 15:57:13 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Microsoft is reopening Three Mile Island

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Not a joke! It sure sounds like one, though.

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What could possibly go wrong? A company called "Constellation Energy" is taking over operations and ownership of the site, and is restarting Unit 1 (it's Unit 2 that melted down) to supply energy to Microsoft data centers in an exclusive 20 year deal.

This actually doesn't bother me (aside from the fact that cloud computing is concentrated in the hands of far too few providers) because I am pro-nuclear in a big way. But it sure does sound funny.

[#] Sat Sep 21 2024 16:36:10 EDT from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Microsoft is reopening Three Mile Island

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I saw that too

Ya, more nuclear is good. Using it for Microsoft's crap, is not. 

[#] Wed Oct 02 2024 08:49:45 EDT from Nurb432

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Not exactly Microsoft's fault, but ill blame them anyway .. lol.    Was checking some reports into source control, noticed the dates "why is.. oh...." the timezone on VDI was wrong.


And more related to MS..  so as i have bitched about recently in another room, our change in MFA killed the Linux/android/web VDI clients and im forced to use windows.  So i dont have to screw with a laptop all the time, i built a 'tiny' win11 vm for my regular desktop that basically just runs the VDI client. Originally didnt even have a browser, but i needed it for authentication.. Grr    (  installed some minimal 3rd party thing, not edge or chrome )

But...  i dont have a license, and now its got the watermark..  I assume it keeps running like this forever, or will it die at some point? I have looked around online, get different stories.  I dont care if anything else works, just the VDI client and that browser for MFA. 

[#] Fri Oct 04 2024 12:39:27 EDT from Nurb432

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And im being told that the fix is to upgrade the VM to Windows 11...    really? Grasping at straws aren't we?

Not that i care about getting it upgraded, win10 dies soon anyway, but as a fix?  

Wed Oct 02 2024 08:49:45 EDT from Nurb432

Not exactly Microsoft's fault, but ill blame them anyway .. lol.    Was checking some reports into source control, noticed the dates "why is.. oh...." the timezone on VDI was wrong.




[#] Thu Oct 10 2024 11:52:51 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Win: Don't 11.

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Windows 11 is becoming intolerable -- Microsoft is now shoving more and more of "copilot" into its users using a hydraulic press and without lube. This includes the part that takes a screenshot every minute and sends it back to Microsoft. Why anyone would voluntarily continue using this operating system at this point is beyond reason.

So basically they're up to their old tricks again. Copilot, the "Windows Phone" user interface, Bing search, Internet Explorer, all part of the long list of technologies that suck but Microsoft wants to force everyone to use anyway.

It bears repeating: Windows users are quite literally staying in an abusive relationship.

[#] Thu Oct 10 2024 12:38:09 EDT from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Win: Don't 11.

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its all about the lock-in and money.


[#] Fri Oct 11 2024 17:22:08 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: All I really want for Christmas is for this to be real:

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All I really want for Christmas is for this to be real:

[#] Wed Oct 23 2024 16:17:39 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Bill Gates Must Die

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Bill Hitler Gates has been ordered to stand trial in the Netherlands next month for all of the first degree murders he committed during the planned-emic with his "vaccines".

Everyone please hit up the comments section on this article with as much hate for Gates as you can muster. Do it for me.

It is a fact, not an opinion, and all reasonable people agree, that it is a moral imperative for Bill Gates to be shredded in a wood chipper -- feet first, to maximize the duration of the experience. Gates is the single most evil person ever to walk the face of the earth, bar none. He has spent his entire life mega-lying, mega-cheating, mega-stealing, and now mega-murdering.
He must be made to suffer like no one has ever suffered before. And even that would be lenient.

Die, Gates, die.

[#] Wed Oct 23 2024 16:33:21 EDT from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Bill Gates Must Die

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We all know it wont happen, he's part of the protected class.

Wed Oct 23 2024 16:17:39 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Bill Gates Must Die

He must be made to suffer like no one has ever suffered before. And even that would be lenient.


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