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[#] Thu Feb 18 2021 01:16:19 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Agreed. And, I get it that they have every right to be this angry. 

But at some point... it just starts to look petty and vindictive - and honestly, risks creating exactly the kind of conditions that caused the problem in the first place. 

I was beating my dog for being bad, once. He was an Akita. He was huge, you had to REALLY lay into him for him to not think you were playing... 

I was "beating" him with a slipper on the ass. But it was pretty vigorous. Anyhow, at some point, he looked up at me, and gave me a little lip curling snarl. He had never done this before. I didn't think he had this in him.  

"I get the point, I won't do it again, I got the point about 5 whacks ago, if there is a 6th whack, you're going to have to continue the beating with your LEFT hand." 

Seriously. That was what he communicated. The lesson ended immediately. "Well, I'm glad we've come to an agreement, bad dog." 



Sat Feb 13 2021 05:46:23 EST from darknetuser
They have been going at it for decades.

This is nto about justice, and this is not about rehabilitatiing some criminal so he can fit in society (you know, the sort of thing lefties are always talking about)

This is about sticking their flag and calling it a vitcory every time they can.


[#] Thu Feb 18 2021 15:08:07 UTC from darknetuser

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You should not overdo phisical punishments with pets.

I mean, if your horse is being unruly I don't think tapping her nose is uncalled for, but you do it once. They are clever and know what you mean. They are also clever enough to know they can turn you into a stain on the floor. And most important, it is not necessary.

Back to the topic, last time the left overdid woke politics they got Trump. I can't wait to see what are they getting next time.

[#] Thu Feb 18 2021 15:45:48 UTC from LoanShark

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2021-02-18 10:08 from darknetuser
You should not overdo phisical punishments with pets.

Cat will punish YOU (in Soviet Russia)

[#] Thu Feb 18 2021 18:05:08 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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You did not know Jack. 

Jack was a 120 pound Akita, and did not know it. 

Once, we were walking in a bike path, and he lunged out at a car, almost pulling me out into traffic with him. So I beat him. 

The car that caused the problem pulled to the side, and the outraged, indignant driver came storming back to me, lecturing me about how "you do not hit a dog, EVER. You'll make him HANDSHY..." 

She reached out her hand toward him to illustrate, thinking he would cower. 

And he jumped up on her and gave her a big dose of Jack love. She was about 5'2" and she almost ended up on her ass. 

And I laughed at her and said, "Uh huh. Tell me more about this..."

My wife laughed at her, too. 

Discipline is different with different animals. Jack thought a beating was a game, generally speaking. He was an absolute DGAF dog. 

He also used to walk up to people at parties, wagging his tail, looking all happy and loving, to get them to bend over to pet him, then he would jump up and headbutt their drink, making them spill it. Then he would ignore them and drink the spilled drink. 

Because Jack was also an asshole and a drunk. 

Best dog ever. 

But I had to beat him sometimes. But only by his ground rules. Because he had made it clear, he could kill me if he wanted to. 

But, I appreciate your input. ;) 




Thu Feb 18 2021 10:08:07 EST from darknetuser
You should not overdo phisical punishments with pets.

I mean, if your horse is being unruly I don't think tapping her nose is uncalled for, but you do it once. They are clever and know what you mean. They are also clever enough to know they can turn you into a stain on the floor. And most important, it is not necessary.

Back to the topic, last time the left overdid woke politics they got Trump. I can't wait to see what are they getting next time.


[#] Thu Feb 18 2021 23:45:38 UTC from LoanShark

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He also used to walk up to people at parties, wagging his tail,
looking all happy and loving, to get them to bend over to pet him,
then he would jump up and headbutt their drink, making them spill it.
Then he would ignore them and drink the spilled drink. 

This explains a lot, mein dogfuhrer.

[#] Sun Feb 21 2021 02:43:00 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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After she is punished I am sure she will not file paperwork in a
death camp ever again.

I often wonder why western culture is so obsessed with Hitler and the Nazis, when history offers a selection of badguys on a much larger scale. What about Mao, for example? He makes Hitler look like a girl scout by comparison.

I'm not going to accept the obvious anti-semitic snark about the Jews doing that deliberately because they secretly control everything. I mention it only to dismiss it before some yutzo tries to bring it up.

Is it because we have grandparents who actually fought Hitler in the war?
What's the situation like outside of the United States?

Things that make you go hmm.

[#] Sun Feb 21 2021 11:01:32 UTC from zooer

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Sat Feb 20 2021 09:43:00 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar
After she is punished I am sure she will not file paperwork in a
death camp ever again.

I often wonder why western culture is so obsessed with Hitler and the Nazis, when history offers a selection of badguys on a much larger scale. What about Mao, for example? He makes Hitler look like a girl scout by comparison.

I'm not going to accept the obvious anti-semitic snark about the Jews doing that deliberately because they secretly control everything. I mention it only to dismiss it before some yutzo tries to bring it up.

Is it because we have grandparents who actually fought Hitler in the war?
What's the situation like outside of the United States?

Things that make you go hmm.

In this video it said that Japanese schoolgirls use the phrase "Manji Manji", the symbol they used to write it is the swastika. The Japanese for the most part had no idea it was something bad.  This could be because the swastika turned the other way, and rotated it becomes an Asian religious symbol.

It has to be how society interprets an item. If you were to wear a Che shirt in Little Havana in Miami you will most likely get your ass beat. The confederate flag is now considered WORSE THAN HITLER.

Society puts values on words and symbols. 


[#] Sun Feb 21 2021 15:36:48 UTC from darknetuser

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2021-02-20 21:43 from IGnatius T Foobar
After she is punished I am sure she will not file paperwork in a

death camp ever again.

I often wonder why western culture is so obsessed with Hitler and the

Nazis, when history offers a selection of badguys on a much larger
scale. What about Mao, for example? He makes Hitler look like a girl

scout by comparison.

I'm not going to accept the obvious anti-semitic snark about the Jews

doing that deliberately because they secretly control everything. I

mention it only to dismiss it before some yutzo tries to bring it up.

Is it because we have grandparents who actually fought Hitler in the

What's the situation like outside of the United States?

Things that make you go hmm.

Other regions have their own booggie men.

You go to some countries where the WWII didn't hit hard (if at all) and they pour their hate on other politicians deceased 60 years ago.

[#] Sun Feb 21 2021 17:49:52 UTC from nonservator

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Because even though commies killed far more people than Nazis, every major Western media organization and talking head carries water for the commies, either implicitly or explicitly.

[#] Sun Feb 21 2021 21:05:53 UTC from Nurb432

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And many eastern media ..

Sun Feb 21 2021 12:49:52 EST from nonservator

Because even though commies killed far more people than Nazis, every major Western media organization and talking head carries water for the commies, either implicitly or explicitly.


[#] Mon Feb 22 2021 19:11:35 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Jack taught me a lot about training and disciplining dogs. What worked well for him absolutely fails with a typical, mere mortal dog. He was probably Thor, in dog form. 



Thu Feb 18 2021 18:45:38 EST from LoanShark
He also used to walk up to people at parties, wagging his tail,
looking all happy and loving, to get them to bend over to pet him,
then he would jump up and headbutt their drink, making them spill it.
Then he would ignore them and drink the spilled drink. 

This explains a lot, mein dogfuhrer.


[#] Mon Feb 22 2021 19:23:38 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Bill Burr has a bit exactly about this. 

I think a couple of things... 

The Nazis were the only ones audacious to actually bring a war to England, to the Coast of the US. It looked like they might pull it off. No one else has gotten as near. 

In doing that they disturbed a narrative that we've reached a modern plateau in humanity and society that is LARGELY static and unchanging. There has been an extended peace in Western European society for 400 or 500 years. 

WWII was really WW 1.5, too, honestly. 

And there is this myth that we only care about genocide and travesty and human rights when it is WHITE people who are affected. 

But really, we only care when it Western Europeans who are affected. Once you get to Slavs or Bosnians or Serbians or Ukranians - we could give a shit. It just so happens that the nations we care about, the people and cultures we care about, are dominated by white people. Being a WHITE nation doesn't mean you instantly get into the club of Our Concern. You've got to be the RIGHT KIND of white. 

We may look at Cambodia, or Haiti, or South America or Africa or Asia and go, "ooooh, that is DISTURBING! We don't like that!" 

But what we mean is, "Keep that shit in your own country and don't bring it to our nations and threaten our illusion of the permanence of the safe, civil society that we have crafted." 

The Germans have threatened to upset that, TWICE, like no other people - but... we broadly accept that the Germans are "one of us". 

So, we have to isolate it to a particular GROUP in Germany. Germans aren't the problem... 

But those fucking NAZIS! They're the WORST thing ever! 

Sat Feb 20 2021 21:43:00 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
After she is punished I am sure she will not file paperwork in a
death camp ever again.

I often wonder why western culture is so obsessed with Hitler and the Nazis, when history offers a selection of badguys on a much larger scale. What about Mao, for example? He makes Hitler look like a girl scout by comparison.

[#] Tue Mar 02 2021 21:54:42 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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could be because the swastika turned the other way, and rotated it
becomes an Asian religious symbol.

The lobby of the auditorium of my alma mater is decorated with floor tiles that have a lot of different ancient symbols on them. That Asian religious symbol was one of them. Every fall, some idiot would write to the school paper complaining about the "swastikas" on the floor. Eventually the school caved into pressure and removed them. And that was decades ago.

Very few people understand that when you ban something you give it MORE power.
A symbol, a flag, a word, doesn't matter what it is -- you're giving it the power to hurt people, to divide them. A few *very* enlightened people (like me) understand this and speak out against it. Most of the rest of the people who understand it are from the class of elite demagogues who profit from making everyone else hate each other.

That's why I love to over-abuse Godwin's Law. Compare everything to Hitler so often that it becomes not only meaningless, but obviously ridiculous.

[#] Wed Mar 03 2021 01:15:17 UTC from zooer

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Tue Mar 02 2021 04:54:42 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Very few people understand that when you ban something you give it MORE power.
A symbol, a flag, a word, doesn't matter what it is -- you're giving it the power to hurt people, to divide them. 


Richard Pryor tried to normalize the "N" word, make it more mainstream and as natural as "African-American".  That failed.

Scott Thompson, Kids In The Hall fame tried to make the "F" word more mainstream, so it wasn't harmful or hurtful.


They both understand that making a word offensive gives the word more power to hurt.

[#] Fri Mar 05 2021 22:30:39 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Look at how the gay population removed the stigma from the word "queer" and now they wear it with pride and it is no longer offensive. The black population should do the same with "nigger". Take the power away from the word any you take away the power of other people to use it to hurt others.

[#] Sat Mar 06 2021 12:52:04 UTC from Nurb432

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Never happen.

There is too much profit to be made off race division. ( both power and actual money )

Gay people, was never enough volume to manipulate them. Tho as of late, the LGBTQRVSZBOP manipulators are doing it with them too.  I say manipulators, as i have many gay friends ( of ) and they are not happy with being used like this. They just want to be left alone to live their lives, not be a 'thing'. 

Fri Mar 05 2021 17:30:39 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Look at how the gay population removed the stigma from the word "queer" and now they wear it with pride and it is no longer offensive. The black population should do the same with "nigger". Take the power away from the word any you take away the power of other people to use it to hurt others.


[#] Wed Mar 10 2021 08:01:04 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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'Redskins' Shirt Swapped for 'Caucasians'—and White People Are Mad

Here is the thing - part of it is the false narrative. When this guy wore this shirt to try and offend white people, I think almost all of us, universally, went, "where can I get myself one of those?" 

I said, "any team that renames themselves and adopts that mascot, has a #1 fan in me immediately, and I hate pro sports." 

This guy is worth millions, he gets preferential treatment anywhere I might encounter him. In 1st class, at an exclusive restaurant in San Diego or LA or New York, pulled over by the police in Compton off Crenshaw for speeding on the 101 - it doesn't matter. He is going to get treated better than I. 

But he is so powerless to a word, that I could probably incite him to violence - where he could call me, my wife and my daughter the worst things all day long and I'd dismiss him. 

That *is* privilege - but it exists in your mind - by being free of letting what other people say or think have the power to invoke a physical response over you. This guy has *arrived* by every measure of success in our society - but his mind still won't let him "off the plantation". He can *never* be good enough for *himself*. 

He thinks the problem is me and the way I think - my racism. The problem is himself and the way he thinks - *his* racism. 

It is sad, because there is little hope of ever reaching people like that with this message. 


[#] Wed Mar 10 2021 08:03:55 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Literally, the market is FLOODED with knockoffs of this shirt now. Because white people LOVE this shirt.