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[#] Fri Dec 02 2016 07:28:13 EST from fleeb

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I prefer that place a little bit farther from the lookout, about where the rocks are. Although I acknowledge the sleep is maybe a bit longer than I prefer.

[#] Wed Dec 07 2016 09:12:11 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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So you're the guy who answers the suicide hotline, right? "Thinking of jumping?
Pick up this phone for help!" And you answer the phone saying, "You really want to wait until low tide, so you'll hit the jagged rocks."

[#] Thu Dec 08 2016 09:16:28 EST from fleeb

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That's me! How'd you know?

[#] Thu Dec 08 2016 16:03:16 EST from Shazam

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Oh no, you two shouldn't be allowed to encourage each other. 


Remind me if I ever get suicidal to call someone else. 

[#] Fri Dec 09 2016 07:20:48 EST from fleeb

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We'll play suicide hotline roulette.

We'll give you a list of 6 numbers. One of them is ours. The others are legitimate hotlines.

[#] Fri Dec 09 2016 10:37:23 EST from Shazam

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Today I learned not to count on my "friends" at Uncensored to take my mental health crisises seriously. 

[#] Fri Dec 09 2016 11:41:32 EST from wizard of aahz

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We don't take our own mental health crisises seriously.

[#] Fri Dec 09 2016 12:26:55 EST from LoanShark

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So you're the guy who answers the suicide hotline, right? "Thinking of

This has been tried before, with a pretty high level of serious-unseriousness:

[#] Fri Dec 09 2016 15:03:12 EST from zooer

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Me, Myself and I argued about whether we should take you seriously or not, after the morning meds the other two have stopped responding.

[#] Fri Dec 09 2016 15:46:23 EST from LoanShark

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As well they should. Boring conversation anyway...

[#] Sun Dec 11 2016 09:05:10 EST from triLcat

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That I miss Shazam!


[#] Thu Dec 22 2016 11:32:32 EST from zooer

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I saw a sign outside a store.

I went into the store and spoke with the woman behind the counter.


Apparently it is not what I thought it would be.

[#] Tue Jan 03 2017 12:39:22 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Oh no, you two shouldn't be allowed to encourage each other. 

The more we do, the more interesting things get.

CoE looks more like an ongoing piece of performance art than a serious/unserious effort. The latter would probably be a better description of the spaghetti monster people.

[#] Tue Jan 03 2017 17:42:16 EST from LoanShark

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[#] Fri Jan 06 2017 00:04:32 EST from Shazam

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Today I didn't learn anything yet. BecUse the day just started and I haven't done any learning, I've just been sitting here half falling asleep jumping rooms on Uncensored. 


Actualky i I should be ashamaed of myself. There's so much to learn for you all here on Uncensored. Notnhelpful things, generally. But... things...

[#] Fri Jan 06 2017 06:10:31 EST from zooer

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 learn.gif new-r.gif sign.h46.jpg  ??

[#] Fri Jan 06 2017 08:00:10 EST from fleeb

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How to tie your shoes using dynamite?

[#] Mon Jan 09 2017 08:41:11 EST from LoanShark

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A nice way to threaten somebody is to call them on the phone and light a stick of dynamite. Hold the fuse up to the receiver and say, "you hear that? That's dynamite, baby."

[#] Mon Jan 09 2017 09:16:02 EST from zooer

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[#] Mon Jan 09 2017 21:38:46 EST from LoanShark

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Somebody didn't eat his soup!

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