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[#] Wed Jul 01 2015 18:05:51 UTC from mo

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Ahh cool!  And you are post 345.


Yes the beginning seems a good place to start.Hope this is not a silly question, but:

Does it matter what language any of the things i mentioned  in jest (that's me off the hook :) ) , are written in?

[#] Tue Jul 14 2015 00:18:43 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Well, the text client is written in C, but if you or anyone else were to develop a brand new client from scratch, it could be written in any language at all.

There has been some talk about making things scriptable in some higher level language, but there are other things on our plate before that.

[#] Tue Dec 01 2015 14:25:38 UTC from John Goerzen

Subject: Calendar, Contacts?

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Hi folks,

I'm guy that was a BBS Sysop 20 years ago (not Citadel, sigh) and have been rediscovering this software for various reasons.

I'm trying out the text client, and can't seem to find a way to add Calendar or Contacts entries with it.  Any ideas?





[#] Tue Dec 01 2015 19:37:09 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Calendar, Contacts?

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The text client is intended for sites that are running Citadel as a BBS.
It doesn't support most of the PIM/Groupware functions like calendar and contacts.

[#] Wed Dec 02 2015 03:28:40 UTC from John Goerzen

Subject: Crash on entering a textfile [patch]

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Not sure if this is the place to report such things -- please let me know if not.

I have a brand new installation here, citadel-server 9.01, citadel-client 8.24, both Debian testing packages.

I have a 100% reproducible problem uploading textfiles.  Here's what it looks like:

Test] . Enter Textfile
Enter filename: test
Receiving test - press Ctrl-D to end.
*** Transfer successful.
Enter a short description of 'test':
: desc
*** Error in `/usr/bin/citadel': free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x00000000019580f0 ***

gdb was not helpful.  However, strace showed a failure right after sending UOPN (and getting 200 Ok from the server.


Looking at the source, I see this:


        aaa = (char *)malloc(strlen(save_as) + strlen(comment) + 7);
        if (!aaa) return -1;

        sprintf(aaa, "UOPN %s|%s|%s", save_as, MimeType,  comment);
        ret = CtdlIPCGenericCommand(ipc, aaa, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, cret);


That's a buffer overflow.  strace showed the write as:


write(3, "UOPN test|application/octet-stream|desc\n", 40) = 40

But the buffer really only permitted 5 characters for the MimeType.  I believe this could be corrected by simply using


        aaa = (char *)malloc(strlen(save_as) + strlen(MimeType) + strlen(comment) + 7);


Hope this helps.



[#] Wed Dec 02 2015 03:29:28 UTC from ax25

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The option exists to write your own client (might be fun).  I have tried, and sorta have one.  It does not expose anything more than the message functions that the current client does, but you could use the protocol.  It looks like the parts are there (for ical at least):

[#] Wed Dec 02 2015 03:33:17 UTC from ax25

Subject: Re: Crash on entering a textfile [patch]

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I see you are well versed :-)  Please ignore my pointing out of the API.  Going to my corner now. HI HI.

[#] Wed Dec 02 2015 17:53:30 UTC from jgoerzen

Subject: Re: Crash on entering a textfile [patch]

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Confirmed.  The attached patch fixes this.

client.diff (text/x-patch, 779 bytes) [ View | Download ]
[#] Thu Dec 03 2015 18:38:01 UTC from dothebart

Subject: Re: Crash on entering a textfile [patch]

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Thanks a lot, patch applied.

[#] Sat Dec 05 2015 18:19:24 UTC from mo

Subject: Re: Calendar, Contacts?

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Hi John,


I was just about to post about a couple of command line programs people here might be interested in:

A command-line calendar program, that can read and write events/icalendars and sync with amongst other things CALDAV servers.

I have a local copy on my machine with the exported contents of my google calendar on it, works a treat.


... and also a command-line  contact manager/addressbook, that "reads, modifies and removes carddav address book entries at your local machine". Also syncs with CALDAV/CARDAV servers like Baikal

I have a local copy on my machine with my google contacts in VCARD format (just remember that your address-book needs to seperate all the contacts into seperate VCARD files ). It works a treat from the command-line. I also setup mutt for the first time to test it with this program, and now can access my gmail (citadel next ) imap folders with mutt and query my khal address-book from mutt too.


I have not synced the khal calendar, or khard address-book but they both use vdirsyncer to sync with CALDAV/CARDAV servers.


I would love to see the planned citadel CALDAV support tested against these programs. Is it feasable to have the text client to somehow use these to access our calendar events and contact data directly?



Btw John, are you by any chance  John Goerzen the author of PyGopherd?



[#] Sat Dec 05 2015 18:24:42 UTC from mo

Subject: Re: Calendar, Contacts?

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khard, was the address-book program:


I will post about these, with more details, in the room:  "Software" in the floor: "Computer Level"

[#] Mon Dec 07 2015 14:32:27 UTC from John Goerzen

Subject: Re: Calendar, Contacts?

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I haven't had the chance to look into the calendar/contacts syncing aspects of Citadel yet.  I'm a little skeptical of the reliability of the GroupDAV protocol (vs. CardDAV/CalDAV which lets you sync one event at a time vs.sending the entire calendar each time).

Anyhow, yes I am that John Goerzen, author of PyGopherd.  What can I say, old stuff fascinates me sometimes ;-)

I built up a Citadel install over the weekend to give my 9-year-old his first real email account.  Some Exim magic in front of it, and it's nicely restricted to only family. Pretty nice.  I gave him textclient only so far, and he picked it right up.  He's excited.


[#] Mon Dec 07 2015 21:20:01 UTC from mo

Subject: Re: Calendar, Contacts?

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Thats cool!  Sounds like a great citadel advocacy story.  :) 

Well John, at least one of the guys here has pointed out the merits of using Gopher as a mobile client for citadel as opposed to a webclient. I mean Gopher looks gorgeous on android via the overbite project.

As far as i am aware,  CALDAV (CARDDAV?) support is planned for Citadel for the near future.


[#] Wed Dec 09 2015 18:14:18 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Calendar, Contacts?

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It's clear that we have to support CalDAV and CardDAV. We might even have to invent a "MailDAV" and "CitadelConfigDAV" and a few other *DAV's and write connectors for popular clients :)

[#] Wed Dec 09 2015 19:59:09 UTC from mo

Subject: Re: Calendar, Contacts?

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Wed Dec 09 2015 13:14:18 EST from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored Subject: Re: Calendar, Contacts?
It's clear that we have to support CalDAV and CardDAV. We might even have to invent a "MailDAV" and "CitadelConfigDAV" and a few other *DAV's and write connectors for popular clients :)

And so you can access your calendar/events and citadel contact on the command line with the two python programs i posted earlier, that support CALDAV and CARDDAV respectively.

Is there any plans, or do you think it a good idea, for the text client to support CALDAV/CARDDAV access, or would there be a way to call an external program or script to get this functionality?


[#] Thu Dec 10 2015 15:04:17 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Calendar, Contacts?

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I'm not thrilled about the idea of the text client requiring any connectivity to the server other than the single connection on port 504. One of the nice things about the Citadel protocol is that it does everything.

[#] Tue Jan 05 2016 04:19:10 UTC from ax25

Subject: Linode outage and success with the text client.

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Just goes to show that old tech is not the worst thing to have on hand.

During the "Merry X-mass" Ddos on Linode - vm hoster - (especially the Atlanta colo - where my Citadel instance lives), connectivity was grim.

Thanks to SMTP and the text clients ability to live on like a cockroach in a nuclear war, I was able to send and receive email during periods of 80 to 95% packet loss.  When things got to 100%, even SMTP timeouts and the text client called it a day.  But, with those options, I did ride out the outage with a small grin of satisfaction with my choice of MTA / MUA setup.  Thanks to the Citadel crew.  

[#] Wed Mar 02 2016 23:01:39 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Linode outage and success with the text client.

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That's pretty much the case for any tech, if you can build a command line program to work with it, you know you didn't overbuild complexity.

[#] Mon Mar 07 2016 08:30:26 UTC from ryan42

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Greetings from my 68030-based Macintosh IIfx. Text client forever!

[#] Thu Mar 17 2016 15:21:01 UTC from vince-q

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Personally, I rarely (like only a few times a year) use the WebCit interface.

Yes, I am one of the "original citaphreeks" (Morningstar Keep, Brian Riley, Tabernacle NJ, 1983) and then sysop of Jersey Devil Citadel for years.

So you might say I am very partial to the text-client!

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