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[#] Tue Mar 29 2016 10:49:51 EDT from fleeb

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Stacks of snacks!

[#] Thu Mar 31 2016 15:50:09 EDT from Animal

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I hate it when I get glitter on my balls.

[#] Sun Apr 03 2016 01:57:46 EDT from ax25

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I have a hanker for a hunk of cheese!  A 5 LB block of cheese.

[#] Tue Apr 05 2016 12:42:47 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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There is food in the refrigerator that I need to eat before the teenage vacuum cleaner gets home.

[#] Tue Apr 05 2016 13:33:41 EDT from fleeb

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Glitter on your cheese balls?

No... I know better. He means the testicles. Something about sparkling testicles kinda warms the heart.

[#] Tue Apr 05 2016 17:12:47 EDT from wizard of aahz

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Some days there is not enough coffee in the world...

[#] Tue Apr 05 2016 17:40:42 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I can build anything you want if you draw a picture of it on the back of a big enough check.

[#] Mon Apr 18 2016 12:14:50 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I don't know why people treat dandelions as weeds. Your lawn is dotted with pretty flowers for a couple of weeks ... so what?

[#] Thu May 12 2016 15:57:40 EDT from LoanShark

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When I say "Hey" thou shalt not say "Ho".
When I say "Hip" thou shalt not say "Hop".
When I say, he say, she say, we say, make some noise - kill me.

[#] Thu May 12 2016 22:42:54 EDT from zooer

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If I say "Gabba Gabba" can someone say "hey!"?

[#] Thu May 12 2016 23:46:55 EDT from LoanShark

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When thou say "Gabba Gabba" I shalt not say "hey!".

[#] Fri May 13 2016 11:32:40 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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If you say "Gabba Gabba" you lose the right to say "Hey."

[#] Fri May 13 2016 12:37:31 EDT from zooer

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Don't be a pinhead.

[#] Wed Jun 15 2016 11:59:46 EDT from Sig

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It's a bad sign when you can hear students sigh "oh God" in despair during the lecture. (Not me teaching at the time, thanksfully.)

[#] Wed Jun 29 2016 13:08:28 EDT from Sig

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I am wearing my sleeves rolled because I can.

Finally, something I learned in ROTC in 1998 is relevant again!

(We had a sudden uniform policy change.)

[#] Mon Jul 04 2016 10:11:02 EDT from triLcat

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The thing where you fold it up in half, then roll up the lower part of what's left, and then fold down the outer part of the shirt so it looks like a cuff? 
My dad taught me how to do that in like... 1987. :) 

[#] Thu Jul 07 2016 12:39:59 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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The general knowledge seems to be that if you have a paper shredder, don't leave it set to auto-start because eventually a dog will stick its tounge in it.

I don't currently have a dog but ok.

[#] Fri Jul 08 2016 19:14:22 EDT from Sig

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That's the way. And now I get to teach even mid-career NCOs how to do it because this important life skill has been lost.

That's okay; we somehow survived forgetting how to shine boots and starch uniforms, we'll get through this too.

[#] Wed Jul 13 2016 15:40:58 EDT from fleeb

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Nudity should not be against the law in any way, shape, or form if the humidity is above 80%.

Ugh. This weather sucks.

[#] Wed Jul 13 2016 20:51:00 EDT from zooer

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The people that want to get naked, are not the people you want to see naked.

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