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[#] Wed May 05 2021 14:01:45 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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I live in Arizona... 

I'm assuming this act is Federal? 

I'd say it establishes another reason why a strong centralized Government is a bad precedent for liberty. Government is most effective and makes the most sense, in almost all cases, when it is as *immediate* and small as possible. 

We've got it backwards right now where the most remote political machines try to make decisions for people they don't know in places they don't live, who they have no personal accountability for.

It has predictable results when we do this. 


Wed May 05 2021 06:37:40 EDT from Nurb432

I prefer darkness.

But i also HATE switching around 2x year.   Its stupid. Its not 1900 its 2021. We dont need to do this.

Wed May 05 2021 12:12:52 AM EDT from ASCII Express
The Sunshine Protection Act H.R. 69 seeks to establish a permanent daylight savings time. I hope it passes. It throws a wrinkle into so many things, and I prefer the later light.
It makes the evening gray line happen an hour later, bringing it back to radio.



[#] Wed May 05 2021 16:21:15 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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The Sunshine Protection Act H.R. 69 seeks to establish a permanent
daylight savings time. I hope it passes. It throws a wrinkle into so
many things, and I prefer the later light.

Hmm. From a purely scientific point of view, it would seem to make more sense to make it permanently *not* DST.

And yes, the clock was a fun little project. I used a deep picture frame as a case, because I wanted a finished look that still showed off the circuit board. I even added a photocell (connected to an analog input with a voltage divider circuit) to make the display brightness automatically adjust to the ambient light in the room, so it wouldn't be ridiculously bright at night or washed out during the day.

The next time I build one it will probably be GPS rather than WWVB. This will require knowledge of DST rules, so I will proably use a Pi Zero instead of an Arduino ... at which point it's trivial to add ethernet and make it an NTP server.

[#] Wed May 05 2021 17:39:29 UTC from Nurb432

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So, ordered a couple of those lilygo LoRA ESP32 boards.

So i guess a new toy, that ill lose interest with in 5 minutes, is on its way

[#] Wed May 05 2021 20:19:27 UTC from Nurb432

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I agree, it should be a state choice to be stupid or not. 


Wed May 05 2021 10:01:45 AM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

I live in Arizona... 

I'm assuming this act is Federal? 

I'd say it establishes another reason why a strong centralized Government is a bad precedent for liberty. Government is most effective and makes the most sense, in almost all cases, when it is as *immediate* and small as possible. 

We've got it backwards right now where the most remote political machines try to make decisions for people they don't know in places they don't live, who they have no personal accountability for.

It has predictable results when we do this. 



[#] Thu May 06 2021 14:50:20 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Most stupid choices should be left to the States. The only thing the Federal government is consistent and efficient at is making the stupidest choice. 


Wed May 05 2021 16:19:27 EDT from Nurb432

I agree, it should be a state choice to be stupid or not. 


Wed May 05 2021 10:01:45 AM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

I live in Arizona... 

I'm assuming this act is Federal? 

I'd say it establishes another reason why a strong centralized Government is a bad precedent for liberty. Government is most effective and makes the most sense, in almost all cases, when it is as *immediate* and small as possible. 

We've got it backwards right now where the most remote political machines try to make decisions for people they don't know in places they don't live, who they have no personal accountability for.

It has predictable results when we do this. 




[#] Wed May 12 2021 04:41:17 UTC from ASCII Express

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I feel like I should say something about ham radio at this point, but can't think of what.
We had terrible solar conditions over the weekend, but the sunspot number has climbed a little since then. Come on solar cycle 25!

[#] Wed May 12 2021 17:53:49 UTC from Nurb432

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Its almost cicada time,  dont they drown out the signal? 

[#] Wed May 12 2021 20:24:26 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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I hear if you get them right as they come out of the ground, they're like land shrimp. 


Wed May 12 2021 13:53:49 EDT from Nurb432

Its almost cicada time,  dont they drown out the signal? 


[#] Wed May 12 2021 21:05:39 UTC from Nurb432

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They are great toys for the dogs too. Mine wont eat them just hold them in their mouth until they stop buzzing.


( and back On Room Topic.    im still waiting for those 2 LoraWAN esp32 boards.   may be a while.   

[#] Thu May 13 2021 14:44:49 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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My last dog and my current dog both consider them sky-popcorn, and love them. It makes the current dog, a little guy, throw up, usually - though. 

Which doesn't stop him. 


Wed May 12 2021 17:05:39 EDT from Nurb432

They are great toys for the dogs too. Mine wont eat them just hold them in their mouth until they stop buzzing.


( and back On Room Topic.    im still waiting for those 2 LoraWAN esp32 boards.   may be a while.   


[#] Sun May 16 2021 03:38:32 UTC from ASCII Express

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If you mount an antenna for the lower bands like 80 meters too close to the ground, depending on the type of antenna, the radiation will go into the ground. We call it cooking the worms.

[#] Sun May 16 2021 13:38:00 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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That is kind of scary. :D 


Sat May 15 2021 23:38:32 EDT from ASCII Express
If you mount an antenna for the lower bands like 80 meters too close to the ground, depending on the type of antenna, the radiation will go into the ground. We call it cooking the worms.


[#] Sun May 16 2021 13:45:11 UTC from Nurb432

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Or tear apart an old microwave and point the magnatron downwards.


[#] Sat May 22 2021 19:28:27 UTC from Nurb432

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No LoRA boards yet but just got a super tiny SW receiver in the mail today. RETEKESS V115  was about 15 bucks. Most SW bands, FM and AM broadcast. Records on micro-SD.  kind of neat. 

not that i needed yet another radio....


[#] Tue May 25 2021 13:27:46 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Or tear apart an old microwave and point the magnatron downwards.

Now that's starting to sound like a RODALCO2007 wasp-exterminating creation.

[#] Thu May 27 2021 14:43:30 UTC from Nurb432

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LoRA boards arrived. Just in time for a 4 day weekend. ( assuming i dont destroy the jeep Saturday morning cutting parts off and spend the rest of the weekend recovering the damage )


Displays are not soldered down. Need to find that stuff out in the garage somewhere.

[#] Sat May 29 2021 21:40:39 UTC from Nurb432

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Well no 10 mile range. Not 2 mile range. Driveway...


Have some experimentation to do i think

[#] Sun Jul 25 2021 16:07:38 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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What kind of project did you have in mind?

[#] Sun Jul 25 2021 17:54:46 UTC from Nurb432

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Couple of things:  ( ok 3. )

  • Looking into low power ( as in electrical ) communications for a robot. Plan is an ESP32 to monitor sensors, and control servos, but have the real processing power off-machine.  I want to build a smaller version of 'spot', and figured sticking a Jetson on board for all the AI stuff would raise the power needs greatly.  But after messing with it more, it does not have the bandwidth so its back to WIFI. 
  • Be part of a public LoRA mesh network ( there are a couple..  but none quite reach here, yet.
  • Just screw around with it some, since its cheap. :) 



Sun Jul 25 2021 12:07:38 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

What kind of project did you have in mind?


[#] Mon Jan 03 2022 20:15:17 UTC from Nurb432

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Cool 2 new in box, pre-ban, BF UV5R's showed this weekend.  And they came with extended batteries and 2 antennas.  

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