If the disks are readable, I can convert the message base to the modern Citadel
format and you can put it online at osuny.com
That would *really* piss off the "Fake OSUNY" people :)
That would *really* piss off the "Fake OSUNY" people :)
You know ... those disks ought to be copied to modern media if they're still readable. I'll bet they'd be useful to the Archive project.
Not to sound insensitive, but, are you suggesting you need to dig up the decaying bodies of your parents?
I think I'm not quite tracking this conversation properly.
If you had a shared object/dynamically linked library that exposed only C functions... simple functions that returned void*, and took const char* and unsigned integers as arguments... and you wanted these functions to be made available in Java through the JNI layer, how long do you expect it would take for you to accomplish such a task?
No more than 10 functions exposed this way, and no structures passing between the component boundary beyond a void* (used as a handle in other functions).
pretty much. the viral nature of "const" creates a huge mess. Java got it right with the more limited, "final"
Do I take a nibble on the bait you've laid before me, or shake my finger and say, "Nice try..."?
Hmmm... decisions, decisions...