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[#] Mon Mar 06 2017 14:19:29 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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A crucifix (as opposed to a plain cross) is a symbol of Roman Catholicism, and as we know, "Pope" Francis is as much of a freedom-hating, Jesus-hating, America-hating communist as OsamaObama is.  So I don't think it would bother him.

[#] Mon Mar 06 2017 14:51:06 EST from zooer

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Per your request I have marked your words, however it will not become obvious to everyone how deeply and personally responsible Obama is for crimes against humanity.

[#] Tue Mar 07 2017 10:02:10 EST from zooer

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Another huge Wikileaks dump.... a republican is president so will the democrats like wikileaks again and the republicans will return to hating it?

[#] Tue Mar 07 2017 11:53:50 EST from LoanShark

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Will the Republicans care about truth, legality or ethics again?

[#] Tue Mar 07 2017 13:24:09 EST from Ragnar Danneskjold

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The Republicans are already ensuring a Democratic win in 2018 in Congress.

Obamacare Light is a joke. No tort reform. No sales of insurance across State lines.

What the hell is wrong with these people?

[#] Tue Mar 07 2017 13:36:55 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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RyanCare is almost indistinguishable from ObamaCare. And these are the same people who gleefully passed full repeals just to grandstand when they know 0bama would veto them. They need to just pull those bills back out and pass them again.

RyanCare will be as much of a failure as 0bamaCare, except this time the demoKKKrat media will admit it, because the republiKKKans will own it.

[#] Tue Mar 07 2017 14:08:19 EST from zooer

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Tue Mar 07 2017 11:53:50 AM EST from LoanShark @ Uncensored

Will the Republicans care about truth, legality or ethics again?

Have the democrats ever cared about truth, legality or ethics?  

[#] Tue Mar 07 2017 14:29:35 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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That may be the first time that zooer has ever mentioned republicans and democrats as if they were different.

[#] Tue Mar 07 2017 14:39:22 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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RyanCare is so amazingly bad that Twitter is NOT censoring the #TrumpCare tag.

Everyone hates this bill. DemoKKKrats and their Hitler-equivalent constituents are, predictably, reacting as if Trump has proposed stabbing grandma immediately.
True conservatives hate it because it's really just 0bamacare lite.

I hate it because it doesn't include mandatory euthanasia for Mark Zuckerberg.

[#] Tue Mar 07 2017 16:49:08 EST from zooer

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No, both wings of the party are horrible.  It is just silly for Loadshark to think there is anything moral or ethical about a democrat.  They had Hillary and Sanders as their top candidates.  

If you remember Loanshark thinks that my monthly premiums going up $250 a month and my deductible going up $2000 a year is nothing more than a "hic-up" 

[#] Tue Mar 07 2017 16:52:02 EST from LoanShark

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2017-03-07 14:29 from IGnatius T Foobar @uncnsrd

That may be the first time that zooer has ever mentioned republicans

and democrats as if they were different.

Don't confuse focus with exclusion.

[#] Tue Mar 07 2017 16:53:22 EST from LoanShark

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Have the democrats ever cared about truth, legality or ethics?  

zooer once again ventures into false-equivalency land.

He is in a barren wasteland filled with flashing, neon equals signs, all alike.

One of them blows up in a pyrotechnic display of sparks.

[#] Tue Mar 07 2017 17:31:44 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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I think we can all agree that Nancy Pelosi, Paul Ryan, and Adolf Hitler are, at this point, absolutely indistinguishable from each other.

[#] Tue Mar 07 2017 18:37:44 EST from LoanShark

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And IG is in a maze of twisty passages, all alike.

A Groo jumps out of nowhere...

[#] Tue Mar 07 2017 22:34:29 EST from wizard of aahz

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We've been down the Groo road before.

Reid and Obama are gone. Pelosi needs to follow. Most of the rest of the Congressional leadership should be pushed wiht them.

[#] Wed Mar 08 2017 10:23:27 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Haven't heard from Groo in a while, but from what we know about the way he thinks politically, it's probably safe to assume he'd be a Bernie Bro.

Yes, Pelosi needs to go, but so do Ryan and McConnell. All of the old cronies need to be given the boot. This new "It's just like ObamaCare but it's from the Republicans" bill proves that.

Repeal Obamacare and stop. It's that simple.

[#] Wed Mar 08 2017 16:11:01 EST from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Drain the fucking swamp.

[#] Wed Mar 08 2017 22:37:53 EST from wizard of aahz

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I can certainly agree with the need to drain. Doesn't matter what your political leanings are.. The mess that's been in power for far too long is a total disaster.

[#] Fri Mar 10 2017 09:28:45 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Of course it's true. Everyone knows it's true. The entire left marched in lockstep to get away with the scam.

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