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[#] Sat Feb 18 2017 21:19:27 UTC from the_mgt

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Your president is at war against his citizens? I mean he is a Tsar, sleeping with a russian, breeding commie babies and doing telephone sex with commie spies, so there might be something to it. McCarthy would have gone medieval on the guy.

[#] Mon Feb 20 2017 22:09:23 UTC from LoanShark

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Says the guy who voted for Trump.

[#] Mon Feb 20 2017 22:31:40 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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The man you are describing is a caricature of our President that was manufactured by the globalist left and the liberal media. We wouldn't have voted for him either.

[#] Mon Feb 20 2017 23:23:28 UTC from LoanShark

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Economically (oops, wrong room again), there's nothing wrong with globalism if the only alternative is thumb-fingered protectionism.

But seriously, if Rump doesn't set people against each other, I don't know who does.

[#] Tue Feb 21 2017 02:16:59 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Trump is the most unifying president we've had in decades. It's not his fault that the sore losers are having mega-tantrums and working to actively sabotage his administration. Educate yourself and check your privilege. Trump is for *all* Americans regardless of demographics. Other countries (and their "refugees") can go take care of themselves.

[#] Tue Feb 21 2017 03:04:07 UTC from zooer

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Mon Feb 20 2017 06:23:28 PM EST from LoanShark @ Uncensored

Economically (oops, wrong room again), there's nothing wrong with globalism if the only alternative is thumb-fingered protectionism.

But seriously, if Rump doesn't set people against each other, I don't know who does.

The last eight years of Obama?  Perhaps you missed those.  Obama was the most divisive president in my life. 

[#] Wed Feb 22 2017 21:37:17 UTC from LoanShark

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You only say that because you're recycling talking points provided by Fox News.

[#] Thu Feb 23 2017 00:48:52 UTC from zooer

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If I only watched TV that might make sense.  You say that because you're recycling talking points provided by the liberal book of standard phrases.

[#] Thu Feb 23 2017 15:36:15 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Now zooer, you're getting the standard taunts wrong.

When someone issues the standard liberal taunt "you're recycling talking points provided by Fox News" you're supposed to reply with the standard conservative taunt "How much did George Soros pay you to post that?"

Fox isn't reliable anyway. They still have Karl Rove and his BushHitler BloodForOil WhiteBoard on all the time. But at least they got rid of Bloody Megyn.

[#] Thu Feb 23 2017 16:39:09 UTC from zooer

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There is the other problem, I don't know standard conservative replies. I hate conservatives.  I loath liberals but I hate conservatives. 

[#] Thu Feb 23 2017 22:05:14 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I hate "principled conservatives" -- who aren't actually conservatives at all, but actually liberal democrat hitlers like Jonah Goldberg, David French, Erick Erick Erickson, and Evan McMuffin.  They hate America and need death therapy.

[#] Thu Feb 23 2017 22:53:53 UTC from LoanShark

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2017-02-23 11:39 from zooer @uncnsrd
There is the other problem, I don't know standard conservative
replies. I hate conservatives.  I loath liberals but I hate

Wait, which is worse? Anyway, I'm not buying it. I'm not sure you have the courage of your convictions. You love to trash liberals ("maybe they'll be antiwar again") but it's just as fair to say now that Republicans are back in power, maybe they'll be pro-deficit-spending again. Especially if it's on the military. That's what Trump wants...

You've been pretty soft on Trump, for a guy who "hates conservatives."

[#] Fri Feb 24 2017 00:01:30 UTC from zooer

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1) You don't see me shudder when I say or type Trump's name.  I have made posts against him.  You have chosen to ignore that.

2) Trump is NOT a conservative by any means.

 I spent the last eight years, sighing and correcting people when they blamed Obama for things he did not do.  I am the one saying the AHA will not be repealed.  I am the one saying that the wall will not be built.  That is truly a waste of tax payer money.

I have said that Reagan, the saint of republicans was a big government, big spending poor president.

I would like to see the United States pull its military from every other country.  As I recall Obama said he was going to end the war in Afganistan.  That has not happened. I don't see the anti-war protests, those stopped after Obama was elected along with the nightly body count of military members killed.  Liberals were not upset at all about the wars or the overthrowing of governments during the Obama years.  It was cheered on.

You ignored when I have said bad things about republicans.  In case you have forgotten I have said there is no difference between the two parties.  They are the wings of the same bird of prey.  What do you want me to complain about Trump so far?  That he said "Pussy"?  The travel ban and immigration stoppage worked itself out. 



[#] Fri Feb 24 2017 21:27:20 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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The wall will happen. If nothing else happens in the Trump presidency, it will be that.

Trump knows how to build stuff, and he likes his name attached to it. It will be Trump's wall.

[#] Fri Feb 24 2017 21:42:51 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I sincerely hope that McCain and Graham "accidentally" fall into the pour.

[#] Fri Feb 24 2017 23:15:40 UTC from zooer

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ATTENTION LOANSHARK:   I am being critical of Trump, the wall is a stupid fucking idea and a big waste of money.

[#] Sat Feb 25 2017 19:26:28 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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So ... as the Hitler Media has completely failed to report ... according to the US Treasury's daily history of national debt ... during President Donald Lincoln Reagan America Awesome Trump's first month in office, the national debt is already $12 billion lower than it was when he took office ... whereas one month after Ba'raq Saddam Hussein Osama Hitler Obama made his illegitimate ascension to office, the national debt was already $200 billion higher than when he started.

To summarize:

* One month of Trump ---> $12 billion less debt
* One month of Osama ---> $200 billion more debt

It doesn't get any clearer than that. And yes, it really is that simple.

[#] Sat Feb 25 2017 23:48:59 UTC from zooer

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It could be clearer if you listed a source.

[#] Sun Feb 26 2017 17:36:36 UTC from LoanShark

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2017-02-24 16:27 from Ragnar Danneskjold @uncnsrd
The wall will happen. If nothing else happens in the Trump presidency,

it will be that.

I dunno. The border fence, wall, whatever you want to call it. Back when it was just a fence, it was controversial from day one. CBP is authorized to build it, but they've never been funded to build *all* of it. That's been the situation since the 90s.

Trump doesn't control the purse strings; he can build it faster but may not be able to build all of it. Unless you think he can send Mexico an invoice, LOL. Remains to be seen what this GOP congress will actually do.

[#] Sun Feb 26 2017 19:11:02 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Maybe if Chelsea Cunton says "we are better than this" a few more times, the problems will all go away.

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