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[#] Tue Nov 12 2024 15:28:03 UTC from Nurb432

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Lot of big talk going on in DC.  We will see how much of it is hot air when its time to DO something. 


"Cecilia Vega asks: “Is there a way to carry out mass deportation without separating families?”

“Of course there is. Families can be deported together,” says Tom Homan, head of ICE during Trump’s family separation policy. "

[#] Tue Nov 12 2024 21:19:56 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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"Unity" means pretending that the last 8 years didn’t happen
(and longer, for some of us). The lies, the deceit, the
cheating, the lawfare trying to disenfranchise voters, the
attempted assassinations, the blaming Whites for everything, the
tearing down of statues and monuments, renaming military bases
because some asshole died of a drug overdose while resisting

More than eight years. Closer to double that.

The blame falls squarely on Barry Osama, the professional thug. His training was in the troublemaking business, and he is the one who brought the Chicago style of thug politics to the national stage. He is the one who turned politics into a bloodsport.

During and after the Obama years (who are we kidding ... we're still in the Obama years) political "opponents" now became "enemies." I remember being told as a child that we did not use the word "enemies" in civil discourse about domestic politics, because that word referred to foreign powers that we might be at war with. And I clearly remember the word coming into use domestically during the Obama years.

The rise of Obama and the rise of identity politics have brought true Marxism to the political left. It is no longer about Keynesian economics vs. supply-side economics or real policy issues like that. Obama and his appointees have planted a true Marxist cancer into our nation, a frontal assault on the foundation of our republic. This Alinskyist cancer has infected all levels of the political swamp and it is why we who observe traditional civic values are now seen as the "enemy".

This is why all Obama appointees must be flushed out of every level of government.
They aren't just the other side, they are nothing short of a destabilizing force designed to collapse the system and replace it with something else. It's ok to have different political views. It's not ok to go to war against fellow citizens.

[#] Thu Nov 14 2024 14:48:00 UTC from Nurb432

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Rhinos are starting to corral themselves to fight trump.


Between them and 'real Democrats' it will be a lame duck presidency from day one. As expected. ( if hes allowed to serve )

[#] Fri Nov 15 2024 22:32:39 UTC from Nurb432

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Bucks County, Pa., "we are going to count illegal votes, we know it is illegal, f- the law" ( paraphrased )

what the F....


( actual quote: “I think we all know that precedent by a court doesn’t matter anymore in this country, and people violate laws anytime they want,” Marseglia said. “So for me, if I violate this law, it’s because I want a court to pay attention to it.” )

[#] Sat Nov 16 2024 17:00:08 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Speaking of the Kenyan Kommunist...

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“Obama during the Kamala Harris campaign really changed my opinion of him. I used to have a high opinion of him as an intelligent person. I thought he was just caught up in the system. Watching him straight up lie about Trump, with the ‘very fine people,’ thing, the white supremacist thing, which I think worked back in 2017 but people don’t believe it anymore, changed my opinion of him. People have grown numb to this stuff.”
-- Joe Rogan

Rogan may have captured part of the spirit of this year. To some extent, people are waking up to the communistdemocrats lies. The decline of legacy media and the rise of podcasts is helping.

[#] Sat Nov 16 2024 17:17:05 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Speaking of the Kenyan Kommunist...

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I never did. I always  knew he was yet another communist/fascist ( there is no 'pure' anything now and its a mixture ) puppet of limited mental faculties just doing as he was told.  Now, i would not say he was a total dumb-ass as as many politicians are, but nowhere near what people gave him credit for. 

Sat Nov 16 2024 17:00:08 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Speaking of the Kenyan Kommunist...

. I used to have a high opinion of him as an intelligent person.


[#] Mon Nov 18 2024 14:24:41 UTC from Nurb432

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That is too bad. Looks like William Shatner is a Harris supporter.    I thought he was smarter than that. 

[#] Mon Nov 18 2024 15:27:40 UTC from Nurb432

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Picture floating around the inter-webs .. Trump serving MCD to some of his allies on his plane..    RFK Jr looking at his burger like, ewwwwww make it go away....   lol...


Sadly, Elon is there too.. i don't trust him, at all.  He is going to F- us serfs the first chance he gets.

[#] Mon Nov 18 2024 17:53:19 UTC from Nurb432

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I have mixed feelings about this.  Yes, we need to remove these criminals. Yes, i feel military can be invoked as at its core this is a border protection/foreign invasion issue. One of the few jobs the feds actually have. But in general i am not a fan of declaring emergencies. It gives too much power to the government who will *always* abuse it.


"President-elect Donald Trump indicated Monday that his incoming administration was preparing to declare a national emergency to mobilize military assets to crack down on illegal immigration and secure the border"

[#] Tue Nov 19 2024 03:15:18 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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That is too bad. Looks like William Shatner is a Harris
supporter.    I thought he was smarter than that. 

Nope. William Shatner is nowhere near as alpha as, say, James T. Kirk.

[#] Tue Nov 19 2024 11:34:27 UTC from Nurb432

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Oh, of course not, but i did think he was smarter than being a Harris supporter...

Tue Nov 19 2024 03:15:18 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar
That is too bad. Looks like William Shatner is a Harris
supporter.    I thought he was smarter than that. 

Nope. William Shatner is nowhere near as alpha as, say, James T. Kirk.


[#] Wed Nov 20 2024 13:41:25 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: My TDS friend

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Well, politics have a weird effect in people. The disabled friend I was telling you about the other day was having a breakdown yesterday about Trump regaining the White House. A lot of "We are gonna die in a nuclear war due to Trump" stuff. It is very saddening, really.

[#] Wed Nov 20 2024 14:51:11 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: My TDS friend

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For those people, Biden could actually push the button on TV while laughing and eating ice cream, and they would still think it was Trump's fault somehow.

its amazing how effective the programming has been.

Wed Nov 20 2024 13:41:25 UTC from darknetuser Subject: My TDS friend
Well, politics have a weird effect in people. The disabled friend I was telling you about the other day was having a breakdown yesterday about Trump regaining the White House. A lot of "We are gonna die in a nuclear war due to Trump" stuff. It is very saddening, really.


[#] Wed Nov 20 2024 14:57:43 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: Re: My TDS friend

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2024-11-20 14:51 from Nurb432
Subject: Re: My TDS friend
For those people, Biden could actually push the button on TV
while laughing and eating ice cream, and they would still think
it was Trump's fault somehow.

its amazing how effective the programming has been.

Yeah, pretty much.

Thing is the argument makes itself, really. This guy was noticeably happy back in, say, 2018. Now he is a mess of a jobless guy who depends on his girlfriend for house income. When you mention Biden's administration does not survive the comparison with Trump's administration when you consider how things are and how they used to be for him, he says the first Trump era was only good because Obama paved the way.

Fun fact is he used to complain he was being forced to pay health insurance due to Obama care when he could barely afford it.

Oh, well. Nothing to fix here.

[#] Wed Nov 20 2024 15:30:52 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: My TDS friend

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If its not free, its Hitler. 

Wed Nov 20 2024 14:57:43 UTC from darknetuser Subject: Re: My TDS friend
Fun fact is he used to complain he was being forced to pay health insurance due to Obama care when he could barely afford it.


[#] Wed Nov 20 2024 18:53:37 UTC from Nurb432

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Well, not a fan of this decision either.  "Trump picks Dr. Oz to lead Medicare and Medicaid"

[#] Thu Nov 21 2024 02:51:44 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: My TDS friend

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

Well, politics have a weird effect in people. The disabled friend I was

telling you about the other day was having a breakdown yesterday about

Trump regaining the White House. A lot of "We are gonna die in a
nuclear war due to Trump" stuff. It is very saddening, really.

The problem with TDS is that it isn't fatal. I wish it was.

We've never been safer from the threat of nuclear war than we are right now.
Putin isn't dumb. He knows that the nuclear war chip has been placed on the table so that it can be removed during negotiations.

Quite frankly, I'd be happy if Kim Jong Un got a hold of lots of nukes and used them to destroy California.

[#] Thu Nov 21 2024 21:51:32 UTC from Nurb432

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"Ellen DeGeneres leaves for Europe due to Trump election"


And nothing of value was lost.

[#] Thu Nov 21 2024 21:58:33 UTC from Nurb432

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Assuming its legit, Matt Gaetz deserves a medal.  Says he is removing his name from consideration due to all the turmoil its causing and does not want to be in the way of Trump getting his act ready before inauguration. 

Not quite falling on a sword, but still a noble act ( again, if there is not some other hidden motive )

[#] Fri Nov 22 2024 00:05:30 UTC from Nurb432

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And related, i heard Bill Gates ( yes, that one ) is reaching out to Trump to try to get on his cabinet....

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