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[#] Wed Jul 21 2021 06:21:28 UTC from test2

Subject: Re: Election Audits

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Tue Jul 20 2021 05:43:49 PM EDT from Nurb432 Subject: Election Audits

I know its YT but these numbers are just nuts.  And this is just one county!


Its an IQ test.  society is a bell curve.  the average IQ is a pretty gullible individual.  this fraud is readily apparent to most of america (over 50%). those who don't believe there was pervasive electron fraud in the swing states (and possibly many other states) fall into several categories of delusion. the most vocal category are partisans, which includes those who believe there may have been pervasive fraud but also "agree" with the outcome (a different delusion).  at any rate, unless the election is undone, and election integrity re-established. the US is done.  the demonstrated corruption and corrupt collaboration between dems and rethuglicans shows only a miracle can intervene.  the police are driving the getaway car from the scene of the crime.  barring a miracle, plan on a quick decent into violent lawlessness.  I think the "virus" is used to moderate the rate of decent into violence.

[#] Wed Jul 21 2021 10:28:05 UTC from Nurb432

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The people i dont understand are the ones who think there was no fraud. ( not that they just think ends justify means and lie to your face since you are a Trump supporter, they really dont believe it happened )

i have 2 friends that way. They really dont believe it.  Of course there was fraud, it was an election. The question is was it large enough to make a difference, not that if it existed or not. Yet they just cant comprehend cheating. "you are just a sore loser". Really? Hell id say the same thing if Trump was sitting there in the seat. Massive fraud = investigation. 

Ignore the math.

Ignore the videos.

Ignore the whistle blowers.

How? I just dont understand it.

[#] Wed Jul 21 2021 19:42:39 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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I think you've got two things going on: 

"the most vocal category are partisans, which includes those who believe there may have been pervasive fraud but also "agree" with the outcome (a different delusion).:

Is the biggest single represented group in this. They know. EVERYONE knows. The world has adopted Clinton's strategy, adopted from Gisham's "The Firm" -

"Deny, Deny Deny..." 

But there are also the people who are in hardcore denial - who resist and fight the suggestion because to confront it acknowledges a world they cannot comprehend. Literally - blue-pills. These tend to be older Americans, and often conservatives - the kind that were appalled by Trump's behavior. A lot of them don't have much time left, and they just want to be able to drink the Kool-Aid until it isn't their problem anymore. 

Wed Jul 21 2021 06:28:05 EDT from Nurb432

The people i dont understand are the ones who think there was no fraud. ( not that they just think ends justify means and lie to your face since you are a Trump supporter, they really dont believe it happened )

i have 2 friends that way. They really dont believe it.  Of course there was fraud, it was an election. The question is was it large enough to make a difference, not that if it existed or not. Yet they just cant comprehend cheating. "you are just a sore loser". Really? Hell id say the same thing if Trump was sitting there in the seat. Massive fraud = investigation. 

Ignore the math.

Ignore the videos.

Ignore the whistle blowers.

How? I just dont understand it.


[#] Sat Jul 24 2021 15:14:57 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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i have 2 friends that way. They really dont believe it.  Of course there was fraud, it was an election. The question is was it large enough to make a difference, not that if it existed or not. Yet they just cant comprehend cheating. "you are just a sore loser". Really? 

And yet, these are the same people who insisted that President Trump won the 2016 election because TEH RUSSIANS!!!1 helped him steal it ... without a shred of evidence ever being presented, even after tens of billions were spent on a sham witch hunt.

[#] Sat Jul 24 2021 18:43:19 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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I just saw an article still insisting that there were prostitutes pissing on a bed and that Putin has dirt on Trump and that is why he wanted Trump in office. 

No real evidence. Same old claims that no proof was ever offered for. 

Sat Jul 24 2021 11:14:57 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

i have 2 friends that way. They really dont believe it.  Of course there was fraud, it was an election. The question is was it large enough to make a difference, not that if it existed or not. Yet they just cant comprehend cheating. "you are just a sore loser". Really? 

And yet, these are the same people who insisted that President Trump won the 2016 election because TEH RUSSIANS!!!1 helped him steal it ... without a shred of evidence ever being presented, even after tens of billions were spent on a sham witch hunt.


[#] Sat Jul 24 2021 19:47:26 UTC from Nurb432

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Personally id not care if he actually did that.  Consenting adults, none of my business.  All i care about in a politician is policy and effectiveness, not what they do on their own time.   ( and to show its not one sided, even Monica-gate.. who the hell cares.. they were adults. That is between them and that, um, "woman" he married. 

I might be in a minority. 

Sat Jul 24 2021 02:43:19 PM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

I just saw an article still insisting that there were prostitutes pissing on a bed and that Putin has dirt on Trump and that is why he wanted Trump in office. 


[#] Mon Jul 26 2021 15:35:40 UTC from Nurb432

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Am i the only person that has to turn a video off if they show a clip AOC, even if its to show how stupid she is? i cant not stand that bitch, either visually or audio. ( a word i rarely use, but shes earned it )

[#] Tue Jul 27 2021 02:19:07 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Agreed, with both of these posts. Nothing else to add. 

But... yeah... most of the world gets REAL offended if the OTHER side does something deviant or perverse - but tends to exonerate their own side for the same and worse as "just human." 

Go figure. 


[#] Tue Jul 27 2021 12:35:01 UTC from nonservator

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It's no longer sufficient if nobody's telling me to wear a mask. If I see someone else wearing a mask, I feel physically ill, and if it's a young child my vision turns red with rage. I will probably never again set foot in a commercial building.

[#] Tue Jul 27 2021 19:30:31 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Am i the only person that has to turn a video off if they show a clip
AOC, even if its to show how stupid she is? i cant not stand that

It's not just you. Whenever I see a photo of AOC I am overwhelmed with the desire to repair her buck teeth with a Louisville Slugger.

The only difference between AOC and a braying donkey is that the donkey *knows* it's an ass.

The bin in my workshop that contains hammers is labeled "AOC", as a nod to the phrase "dumb as a box of hammers."

[#] Tue Jul 27 2021 21:00:15 UTC from Nurb432

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 I just want to make sheep sounds.  Its sad to see it.


Sure there is a small % that are ill and care about others, and a few high-riskers that honestly believe it will help as its better than nothing.  but the rest are just stupid sheep.

Tue Jul 27 2021 08:35:01 AM EDT from nonservator

It's no longer sufficient if nobody's telling me to wear a mask. If I see someone else wearing a mask, I feel physically ill, and if it's a young child my vision turns red with rage. I will probably never again set foot in a commercial building.


[#] Thu Jul 29 2021 22:43:18 UTC from Nurb432

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Wonder how many friends i lost on this one. Rare for me. went on a rant on FB.  Or if i get put in jail.


Short version:






This farce of an ‘investigation’. This is a political hit, a dishonest setup to come out with only one narrative, nothing more nothing less to parade around with in the media.  Its disgusting and a farce. I only hope that the blatant nonsense going on shows even more Americans how much of a fraud the Democrat leadership is in this country has become, and how low they will stoop for their agenda to destroy this country and turn us in to another Cuba..  Just so they can have total power over us, and what little is left. Of course what they don’t realize is they will be next. Idiots.


Am I saying Republicans are perfect, no of course not. They do enough of their own ‘wrong thing’ and need to be reigned in too, but they are not the ones stooping to this level, sucking the gutter and then tossing it to their followers, like the Democrat leadership is doing. They don’t support riots, they don’t fund and encourage them. Don’t believe me? There are plenty of examples in the news where Democrat leadership supported the violence, both verbally and financially, like bailing people out of jail to go back and burn more cities. Its not like its hidden, they fully admit it and are proud of it. 


I watched the speech on the 6th. There was zero call for violence by Trump. Fine, don’t like the man, its your prerogative to be wrong and believe what you are fed, but if you honestly think that “peaceful protest” is some sort of double super secret code word, you are an idiot. I’m sorry, but I cant put it nicer.


I watched the videos. Did some people get out of hand? Yes. They did.  Many did not, many were actually let in by capitol police. 


The ones that were let in ( yes there is video of this too.. ) and walked around a  *public* building did almost nothing wrong. Perhaps technically they trespassed since it was not officially open at the time. But that is it.  Most of them stayed on the carpet, took pictures and a few waved their signs. 


Yes, a few did tear down a fence. A few more got into fights.  They did wrong, and should be charged with disorderly conduct, assault, etc. But not run down by the illegal administration, calling them domestic terrorists and extremists. No that is ludicrous, and agenda driven. 


Whom ever shot that poor UNARMED citizen needs to be found and charged with murder. 


But those crimes are the exceptions of what took place, not the rule.  Don t let the few blind you to the reality of of the many, just because it fits what you want to believe.


No one was trying to take over the government. No one burnt the building. Tore up artifacts. None of them. Even if they were trying to overthrow the government, taking possession of a mostly empty building is not how you do that.  Everyone with some common sense knows this.  Get over it and stop letting them distract from what they don’t want you to hear, the audits. ( and to demonize more people, divide us more. Give them more excuses to take more power from us. )


[#] Fri Jul 30 2021 11:29:52 UTC from darknetuser

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Subnect: There goes Afghanistan.

So the biggest bullies in the world are having friendly conversations with

the biggest terrorists in the world. This bodes very well. Not.

Anthony Blinken thinks it is great that the Chinesse are dealing with a terrorist group that works against an US backed administration:

[#] Fri Jul 30 2021 11:53:05 UTC from Nurb432

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The world is f-ed.  I dont see us digging out of this hole, that was dug in mind boggling speed. 

[#] Fri Jul 30 2021 18:19:41 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Declines are generally very gradual over a long time, until you get to the drop off, and then it is sudden and severe. 

Rome wasn't built in a day, but it probably collapsed irreparably in a matter of months. 


Fri Jul 30 2021 07:53:05 EDT from Nurb432

The world is f-ed.  I dont see us digging out of this hole, that was dug in mind boggling speed. 


[#] Fri Jul 30 2021 20:57:32 UTC from Nurb432

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I agree, but i have a bad feeling we just passed that point.

i hope im wrong. I have been before. 

[#] Sun Aug 01 2021 03:38:37 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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It is certainly near the edge of the shelf, judging by how quickly it is getting deep. 


Fri Jul 30 2021 16:57:32 EDT from Nurb432

I agree, but i have a bad feeling we just passed that point.

i hope im wrong. I have been before. 


[#] Mon Aug 02 2021 18:13:14 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Let the record show that no one accelerated the decline more than Facebook.  Mark Zuckerberg is worse than Hitler.

[#] Mon Aug 02 2021 18:39:24 UTC from Nurb432

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Just dont forget his "partner", in effect:  Dorsey.

Mon Aug 02 2021 02:13:14 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Let the record show that no one accelerated the decline more than Facebook.  Mark Zuckerberg is worse than Hitler.


[#] Tue Aug 03 2021 23:03:32 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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So apparently FOUR capitol police have now committed Arkancide in the wake of the January 6 probes.

This proves, without a doubt, that the events of January 6 were a false flag operation.

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